View Full Version : PHOTOS of Felicity's 1st car ride

04-03-2003, 01:02 AM
After much deliberation.. I finally decided to take Felicity on a car ride with me. I hate going on errands alone, and Ive always thought it would be fun to take her. (I know Felix could never handle that much stress..) But Ive always hesitated because I kept imaging her getting out when I opened the door or something. So.. I bought her a harness and leash today. :D I just buckled the loopy part of the leash into the passenger side seatbelt. She was really scared and shakey when we first got in the car, but I hugged and comforted her for a while and she calmed down. She sat in my lap most of the time, but popped up to look out the window a few times. I would like to make car outtings a regular thing with her. So hopefully she will get used to it pretty quickly.. Do any of you take your cats on car rides?? Here are some photos!:





04-03-2003, 02:19 AM
Veegan, your Felicity is such a sweety!!! I also visited your web-site : it is spectacular!!!! But I didn't find a guestbook?

I have ONE request for you: please, do not use the smallest size for your letters; I cannot read those with my normal glasses(and I NEVER remember where I put my reading glasses:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )

have a peek at my web-site too, hehe

04-03-2003, 02:32 AM
Next time Felicity will drive:D
She looks so self-confident and at home I cannot believe there will me many problems ;-))

04-03-2003, 02:52 AM
She's beautiful!!:)

04-03-2003, 05:07 AM
Tama doesn't mind going on car rides. He just sits in my lap. (makes vet trips really easy!) His previous owner used to take him on car rides as a little kitten so that's how he got used to it. I like taking him to the bank with me. But we don't go on too many car rides cause I have cloth seats and the fur sticks to it.

04-03-2003, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by lut
I have ONE request for you: please, do not use the smallest size for your letters; I cannot read those with my normal glasses(and I NEVER remember where I put my reading glasses:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )

I love your pictures - they are REALLY nice!!!

But I agree with Lut, I have a 19in. monitor and I find it hard to read such tiny type as well - I imagine it would be even more difficult with smaller monitors. Would you mind using the default size font? Thanks very much.

Again, I love your pictures - we all love to see lots of pictures here! :)

04-03-2003, 05:49 AM
Felicity is very beautiful!! And it looks like she got relaxed rather quickly.
My cats stay at home all the time. To the vet once a year (hopefully no more) and for a bath twice a year, but always inside a carrier.
Now you must be fair to Felix and post pictures of him as well.:D

04-03-2003, 07:34 AM
She's a doll! =D

Oh, About the font size, I don't know if some of you know about this, but if you want to increase the size of the text, in your web browser go to View>Text Size> And change it to large or whatever you want :)

04-03-2003, 07:58 AM
She's beautiful! Seems like she's enjoying the ride! My cats have never been to car rides with me, but I want to bring them one day. They've only been to the vet.

04-03-2003, 07:59 AM
She's beautiful. I love her whiskers.

04-03-2003, 07:59 AM
I need to get a car first! :rolleyes: Toby went for a four hour drive to go home for a weekend! 4 hours home and 4 hours back and he was great the whole time, slept the whole way =D

04-03-2003, 08:00 AM
Felicity looks so comfortable in the car. I wish my two were like that.

K & L
04-03-2003, 08:04 AM
What a beauty! Looks like she rather enjoyed the ride!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2003, 10:47 AM
She's beautiful! And it looks like she really enjoyed it. :)

Tubby doesn't mind going for rides either. He normally sits in my lap while the car is moving, but likes to jump up and get a peak out the window when we slow down or come to a stop. He used to be up and about the whole time, but I think he's got a touch of arthritis now and the movement of the car might be harder on his legs now. I used to live 1/2 hour away from my parents and I visited at least once a month and I would take Tubby with me, so that's how he got used to it.

I think Felicity will do just find as an errand companian. The more you take her the more she'll get used to it. Thanks for the great pics, she's really a very pretty cat. And I agree with the others that now it would only be fair to post pics of your other kitties. ;) :D

Here's Tubby on his way to the vet a few months ago.

Russian Blue
04-03-2003, 11:03 AM
What great pictures. She's beautiful!

When we originally picked Nakita up, we had to drive 4 hours and she was fine in the car. When we go to the cottage this summer I'll be taking Nakita in the car, and that's another reason I wanted to leash train her.


04-03-2003, 11:39 AM
What a great idea!! I'm sure Felicity will just love going on car rides after she gets used to it:) She looks like a really sweetheart! Your pics are fabulous, keep em coming! ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-03-2003, 11:50 AM
Wow, Felicity is gorgeous.

Ally rode in the car a few times as a kitten, but she got so hyper I was worried she would cause an accident! So now she travels in her carrier - and provides a SIREN to accompany the drive - she is VERY vocal ! Last time I took her the the vet, we got caught in a demonstration on the way home - what should have been a 20 minute drive took 90 minutes, as the roads were closed! Luckily I had her harness on (to make her earier to handle at the vet), so I could take her out whilst the traffic was at a standstill and let her move around a bit! But it was very traumatic for both of us! We were SO glad to get home!

04-03-2003, 12:43 PM
oh yeah its no problem to use bigger font! Im just used to small fonts thats all. :D

Thanks for all the compliments! Felicity is flattered. :cool: ;)
Ill update in a few weeks with her progress. :) hehe

"Ally rode in the car a few times as a kitten, but she got so hyper I was worried she would cause an accident! So now she travels in her carrier - and provides a SIREN to accompany the drive - she is VERY vocal !"

LOL! That is what Felix would do, howl and cry the whole way! Except it would be out of fear not kitten hyperness. :(


Tubby is so cute!! :D

"Next time Felicity will drive
She looks so self-confident and at home I cannot believe there will me many problems ;-))"

hahahaha yeah she is really laid back, so Im hoping she'll get used to it as routine fairly quickly.

And as youve requested, here is a photo of felix :) in his new favourite spot:

on top of my tv!

04-04-2003, 01:35 AM
Felix is so handsome.
Juni also like to sit on the top of tv or the monitor.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-04-2003, 01:45 AM
Felix and Felicity are soooo CUTE!!!!!

What great pictures!!! Tinky and Jupiter HATE riding in the car!!! They think they are going to the vet.....

and I LOVE your avatar!!!!

:D :D


04-04-2003, 08:30 AM
Hi Veegan and WELCOME to Pet Talk.

Your Felicity is beautiful - and to sit so quietly in a car - I'm amazed. Maybe the next trick would be - take her out of the car and she could shop with you!!?
Looking forward to more pictures.


04-04-2003, 11:25 PM
"Maybe the next trick would be - take her out of the car and she could shop with you!!?"

cuuute! I could carry her in my purse hehe like some people do with their dogs lol She actually is still quite unsure about the car. Shes shakey for a few mins at first, then calms down, but shes still not thrilled. Ive only taken her on 2 rides so far though, so hopefully she'll grow to enjoy it.

04-04-2003, 11:35 PM
Felicity is gorgeous .... such an adorable riding companion too! Just remember not to take her on really hot days .... but I'm sure you know that! ;)

04-05-2003, 12:18 PM
Ooohhh Margaret your kitties are so sweet! :D If you and Felicity are ever in the Everett area feel free to drop by and visit! She is such a pretty girl!! :D I hope she starts to get more used to the rides! What a nice companion you have :)