View Full Version : My LEAST favorite comment

04-02-2003, 07:29 PM
There has been a lot of people mentioning what they DON'T like to hear from their less than caring friends, relatives and aquaintances when it comes to their cats.
my personal least favorite is:
"THAT'S what happens when you have TOO many!"
(they seem to say this no matter what I say about the kitties)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-02-2003, 07:31 PM
I hate it when people refuse to understand that having many pets is good... (not for all people) but for me... and they should be accepting....

My family however is o.k.... with my only two...;) :p

04-02-2003, 07:46 PM
Oh, Jen ... I hear you loud and clear!!!! People are always just too happy to share their "genuine concern and insight" on your life!!! One of the many reasons why I prefer the company of my cats over the company of alot of people I've met! ;)

04-02-2003, 07:47 PM
Jen, I get it all the time too over my menagerie, especially from my own mother!! Where does she think I got my love for animals??? Her, of course!!! :)

04-02-2003, 09:24 PM
I personally LOVE the look I get when I say how many we have. ;)

I'm sorry Jen! You are a wonderful meowmee to your sweeties....just ignore their ignorance.

04-03-2003, 02:50 AM
It definitely depends on how much you care about them. The lady from whom I got Filou -she is an animal photographer and breeds only a little had at that time 5 cats (most of them neutered) and ca. 6 bunnies (and she was writing a book about them). Her house was purrfect for the animals and very tidy and clean. For me this would have been too much work.
Here at PT there are some wonderful pet mommies like you Jen and I think everybody who saw your pictures and even more people who know you personally must see how well you take care.
And under these circumstances -if you have enough room, food, time, emotional energy -12 or even 13 will have a very good life.

04-03-2003, 03:12 AM
I know exactly what you mean !!
I hated and still hate this comment. I got it several times after Sydnye's death:
"oh, it's only a cat!!":mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

This is still getting me sooooo mad!!!

04-03-2003, 05:48 AM
I got a lot of comments about Bassett when she was sick. Mostly people said things like, "with those kinds of costs, I would have put her down"

A couple other people said I was selfish because I was doing it for me rather than her :mad: :(

But to them I say, LOOK AT HER NOW!!! :) It was all worth it, and I would do it again. I asked the vet if her quality of life was at risk, and I made sure that I made informed decisions about what to do. I hate when people make snap judgements without knowing the whole story.

04-03-2003, 06:28 AM
Gee, you like them more than you like people. (Note: I like them more than I like SOME people)

04-03-2003, 07:44 AM
It's only a cat???? What a selfish thing to say!!

Yea I mentioned to my dad that we were thinking about getting another cat soon, he's like "what do you want that for?? one not enough??" Geesh...ppl just don't get it ... :mad:

04-03-2003, 07:51 AM
It's not really a comment, and I've never heard it personally, but it's a mindset:

Baby coming.

Cat going.


K & L
04-03-2003, 08:06 AM
Mine is: "you must be crazy to spend all this money on cats"!

04-03-2003, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by K & L
Mine is: "you must be crazy to spend all this money on cats"!

I've heard that one before as well. I have learned to let it go in one ear and out the other. My cats mean the world to be. They are my babies!

04-03-2003, 09:28 AM
The only explanation I have is that some people are true animal people and some people are not - and have never had a pet.

I have some dear friends in Mass. and when I visited them they apologized for their carpeting. They had just lost a beautiful Wheaton Terrier that had been very ill. The carpeting had taken a beating. But in a flash it gave me an even greater insight into their characters. They loved that dog so much and took care of him until the very end - and be damned the carpet.

And then they came to visit me and I said "let me apologize for my carpeting" I had just lost in a one year time my beautiful Magic to cancer and my calico to kidney failure. They just looked at me and smiled..............carpet is carpet........

But a well loved animal is your heart - which is never soiled!

04-03-2003, 09:35 AM
I get odd looks all the time when I tell people that I would rather have Cats than all the CDS , DVDS , Cell Phones and prefer to use the Library computer for free instead of buying one . I tell them that machines dont return the love , but that my Cats Do!I love my Cats!

Russian Blue
04-03-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by gini
And then they came to visit me and I said "let me apologize for my carpeting" I had just lost in a one year time my beautiful Magic to cancer and my calico to kidney failure. They just looked at me and smiled..............carpet is carpet........

But a well loved animal is your heart - which is never soiled!

What a wonderful way to put it!

I don't necessarily get mad or bothered by people's reactions. For most people, it's their conditioning and how they were raised. Many people see pets as just pets. My father was like that and I didn't hate him bacause of it. We just agreed to disagree. But other's see them for their wonderful spirit and the unconditional love in their soul and it's wonderful when that happens.

There are always going to be these two mind sets. It really is about a person's own limits in life. I probably will never have 10 cats at one time but that doesn't mean I don't love animals. And just because Jen has 10 cats doesn't mean she is odd or uncontrolled.

It's all about how you want to live your life, who you will want to include in it, and how you will treat those souls along the way.


04-03-2003, 11:17 AM
I say, "thanks for sharing that with me"...and I smile really big! Sometimes it just isn't worth it.

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-03-2003, 11:57 AM
I would LOVE to have more cats, but it was a stretch for my Hubby to agree to keep one, so we'll just take THAT victory and be grateful for it.

One thing that really annoys me, when I comment that when I leave the Middle East I will be flying Ally back to South Africa, and they say
"Why spend so much money - she's not even pedigree" - they just dont understand that she's part of the FAMILY, and you dont leave family behind!

04-03-2003, 12:04 PM
I used to get the "Crazy Cat Lady" comment all the time. Now that I also have 3 pit bulls people seem to focus on them instead. :D

04-03-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
It's not really a comment, and I've never heard it personally, but it's a mindset:

Baby coming.

Cat going.


ooooh this one touches my life personally, because that's how we got Eliza...and my in-laws (who had her) actually SAID "we have to get rid of the animals, we're having a baby" ... wellllll turns out they DIDN'T have a baby, but the pets went anyway.. and now they have a dog..again..and i keep thinking "how long before he becomes too much work for them"

I don't know, i'm just in a mood today (could it be because my husband is losing his job? yeah.. probably).. so i'm just really p.o.'d at people who can't understand us cat/dog/whatever lovers who bend over backwards for our babies! OCCASIONALLY my husband will revert to this mindset, when the cats just go potty and don't cover it up, or there's too much cat hair around.... and I just look at him and go "Don't know what you want, they're my babies, and they're staying for life... cat hair and all!"

I don't know, but I personally, also, prefer my cats to most people I meet...and when I'm going through a tough time (like now) I don't have to put up with their attitude about it, and they just cuddle and purr and make me feel better just being around them.. I don't know what i'd do without my babies!

04-03-2003, 03:38 PM
I mentioned to my dad that we were thinking about getting another cat soon, he's like "what do you want that for?? one not enough??"
My dad actually said to me "You've got to let some of your cats die off so you can get down to a decent number".:mad: I'll never forget that.:(
I realize that some people simply do not understand, and I never actually get mad, but (for me) they always pick up on the fact that because I have (what they call ) a lot, THAT is the root of all my problems. When I simply had to take little Kim in for a UTI the comment I got was "That's what happens when you have too many". What does THAT have to do with it?!?! She'd have the UTI even if she were the only one.

04-03-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
My dad actually said to me "You've got to let some of your cats die off so you can get down to a decent number".:mad: I'll never forget that.:(

This actually made me laugh!!! I'm sorry, it just shocked me. :( Poor thing, its worse when it comes from your parents. Our parents will never understand us...they still think we have four cats.....

04-03-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Our parents will never understand us...they still think we have four cats.....
My Dad thinks I have 8 :eek:

04-03-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
My Dad thinks I have 8 :eek:
I feel that they don't understand, so they don't deserve to know about the others. I wont open the door any longer for some stupid comment like that...

Glad I'm not the only one! :)

04-03-2003, 04:15 PM
My dad actually said to me "You've got to let some of your cats die off so you can get down to a decent number".

Originally posted by NoahsMommy
This actually made me laugh!!! I'm sorry, it just shocked me. :(
You know what........it makes me laugh too

04-03-2003, 04:17 PM
I am owned by 6 furbabies and one bald dude and PROUD OF IT!! I don't regret it for one minute.

People that make stupid remarks like that haven't a clue.

04-03-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I feel that they don't understand, so they don't deserve to know about the others. I wont open the door any longer for some stupid comment like that...

Glad I'm not the only one! :)
I actually have to refrain from using Little Kim and Jim's names in conversation. I doubt that dad would know what any of my cats names are, but I am SURE he'd know that I did NOT have a cat named Kim (after my friend)

04-03-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
You know what........it makes me laugh too
Its a comment one would make as a sick joke, I guess that's why I found it humorous.

We think you are great and your furkids are happy. That's all that matters. :)

04-03-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I actually have to refrain from using Little Kim and Jim's names in conversation. I doubt that dad would know what any of my cats names are, but I am SURE he'd know that I did NOT have a cat named Kim (after my friend)
Good point! Naming Oliver close to Olivia helped, until David said the "new cat" the other day with my parents. I quickly said, "you mean Olivia??" hee hee

04-04-2003, 12:34 AM
My mom is not an animal person and when I was having a little bit of financial 'tightness' she said "Well you might have to give up one of your animals." How could I do that? It would be like choosing one of your kids to give up for adoption.

The day that my Greyhound Shaianne died, I made myself go to work. I had to run the xray machine back in surgery and I will never forget they were talking back there about some man in FL that had jumped in and saved his dog from an alligator but was killed (or seriously wounded???) himself and they said 'Why would you do that you can always get another dog?' I just stood there with tears streaming down my face, I couldn't even talk.

04-04-2003, 12:58 AM
The most cats that I've ever owned at once has been 3. Some people seem to think that this is way too many. My parents are on this list of people. After my RB Pepper passed away, my father asked me what I did with his remains and I told him that I paid the vets office to give him a country burial. He thought that I had already spent too much money on Pepper so why spend more on his burial. He also told me not to get any more cats. He said that one is plenty and even 2 were too much. This really made me feel sad and angry at the same time especially since it was coming from my own father.

Well now since I didn't listen to his advice about not getting a third cat, my parents don't even know that I have Cirrus. In fact no one in my family knows. Both of my brothers are married and one of them has 3 kids and the other one is going to be a father in May. I try to explain that my cats are my children but no one seems to understand. I know that they all think I'm strange. Oh well I feel completely normal here.

04-04-2003, 01:11 AM
Like I said My mom isn't an animal lover and she makes comments. And my dad isn't a cat lover but he has NEVER said anything about Kylie. I think he kinda likes her actually shhhhhhh.
And he adores Keegan. It is nice for him to support me when My mom sometimes doesn't.

04-04-2003, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Our parents will never understand us...they still think we have four cats

Originally posted by jenluckenbach
My Dad thinks I have 8


I have a mental picture of you guys, shoving certain cats out of the room when parents visit.
Especially Jen’s house… image of 4 cats sat in cupboard, looking confused:confused:

Though I can relate (on a much smaller scale), my parents want grandkids of the non-furry variety and are not best please when we started adopting cats not procreating.
So when we adopted Milly, I seriously thought of how to avoid telling my parents, (don’t need the disapproval)
But I decided the only way this would’ve work, was if we had adopted another black cat, so I told her on the phone last night… reaction …’Why do you want another one’….sigh

04-04-2003, 05:11 AM
Wow.. reading this thread has made me realise how blessed I am! When I found out Bassett emergency bill was going to be over $900, I freaked out. I called my dad and said, "can I use your credit card?" (None of mine have a limit that high). He said, "give me the name of the vet and it's taken care of. It has to be paid, so let's just do it." It never even occured to me that he might say no. Even when his visa company called him in a panic, stating that someone had charged a $900 bill at a VET in CANADA :eek: :eek: (he lives in Oregon) he laughed it off and said, "Yes. My daughter's cat is sick and she needed my help." The person on the phone didn't quite know what to say, because she was so touched.

Every time he and I chat on the phone, he always makes sure to ask, "So how's our Bassett doing" :D :D :D

My daddy is just the best!!! :)

04-04-2003, 05:18 AM
Obviously, my parents are great about our dogs...although they hope maybe sometime soon we'll stop adding dogs and give them grandbabies. It is my granmother who think we all have too many dogs. I wasn't there, but I guess my sis and parents went to see her on Monday and she started in that no one needed more then 1 dog, although 2 may be okay for a playmate, but any more than that was silly. She told my mom she shouldget rid of 2 or 3 of hers....so my mom went out and got a 5th ;)

04-04-2003, 07:32 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz

Both of my brothers are married and one of them has 3 kids and the other one is going to be a father in May.

Three kids! Whoa, that's a big number no me! I'll take three cats anyday.

No offense. To each his own.

04-04-2003, 07:46 AM
IMO the worst cat-related comment is (after a loss) "Well, it's JUST an animal!"

Also, when people recommend to punish Luna when she's peeing somewhere. They think I've lost my mind when I'm telling them that I try to find out WHY she's doing that.


04-04-2003, 08:05 AM
The comment that gets me - every time is - 'It's only a cat'!!
Excuse Me!! How dare you say that knowing I adore my furbabies!! ** Rant - Fume - eXplOde!!!!**

D'you reckon just don't realise the depth of love we have for our furkids - or that they just don't care?

I know though - I'm always more comfortable around other cat lovers - sorry and dog lovers too!
My friend Alison - who has 5 cats at present is shortly going to add a 6th cat to the brood - from Mozambique - Yep it's in Africa!!
Her hubby has been working there for three years and the first thing he did when he got out there was to get a cat - quite normal for a cat lover we thought.
He returns home (for good) this year and he's made all the arrangements for Nuala (his furlady) to go into quarrantine for six months - arranged the shipping to get her here and got the travel box so she comes 'home' in comfort and style!!
It's going to cost them serious money - and someone actually said - 'All that money for a...cat'!! Alison nearly went up in flames - what did people expect Steve to do - leave Nuala out there alone?!
So hopefully by the end of this year - her 5 at home will have a new 'African' sister!! We can't wait to see her - I've only seen her on pictures and she's soooo cute.

PIF - Doesn't that conjure up the funniest picture - four very bemused cats in closet - saying to each other 'What'???!

Amy - I just love the sound of your Mum :D Good on her!

Once again I thank heaven I found you like minded friends here on Pet Talk!


04-04-2003, 10:33 AM
This made me want to share a story.........my niece went to school with a girl from England. The family had lived in San Diego for years (work reasons) and were transferred back to England.

They had several cats and their choice was to live in Monte Carlo and avoid the six months quarrantine period and the husband commuted to England during the week. They were able to afford this, so to them this was the obvious solution rather than being away from their beloved cats for the six months.

I have never met them, but have liked them tremendously for making this choice!

04-04-2003, 01:32 PM
My friend Alison - who has 5 cats at present is shortly going to add a 6th cat to the brood - from Mozambique - Yep it's in Africa!!
Her hubby has been working there for three years and the first thing he did when he got out there was to get a cat - quite normal for a cat lover we thought.
He returns home (for good) this year and he's made all the arrangements for Nuala (his furlady) to go into quarrantine for six months - arranged the shipping to get her here and got the travel box so she comes 'home' in comfort and style!!
It's going to cost them serious money - and someone actually said - 'All that money for a...cat'!! Alison nearly went up in flames - what did people expect Steve to do - leave Nuala out there alone?!

This really makes me smile. 1st, because the man got himself a cat friend and 2nd because it will come home with him.:D :D

04-04-2003, 03:25 PM
There are men like that. My husband is responsible for our cats:D :D After I lost my Meo in 1978 I was so scared that I never wanted to have one- because I was afraid it would have to go one day. And after Siegmar retired it was one of the first things to get Filou and make sure he would have a brother too!!

This is very rare here because normally it would have been my business......

Another story: Yesterday we went to see a lawyer because we wanted to include the cats in our will. Whenever we were in holidays I thought one day -what if both of us die in an accident. And the lawyer had problems to understand that!!! Of course she did what we wanted and I explained everything to her, but I was sure she thought I had influenced my husband that way because he left all the talking to me -which is zero percent true.

04-04-2003, 06:10 PM
Wow, its really nice to see that I am NOT crazy! :rolleyes:

Growing up my sister & I were not "allowed" to have any pets. We tried to have a bunny rabbit, funny after a week in the cage outside with a lock, it "escaped". Then we tried a dog, after a month my father decided it was too much work (huh? we fed it, cared for it and cleaned up after it). So now that my sister & I are out on are own we both have pets. Only we have gone to the extreme, my sister who is in her 40's and single prefers dogs to men (long story here...he, he, he) and my husband & I have 3 furbabies........no kids, never wanted them. So my parents are grandparents, but not in the usual way. We still get comments about dogs/cats V.s children.

Both my parents were trying to "comfort" us when Lucky was really sick. Yes, we heard the "Its only a cat." and "You spent HOW much money on a CAT?!!" Needless to say I avoided calls from both of them, I'm still a little p.o'd at them :mad: Don't people do everything they can to get their loved ones well? Well, we do the same.

04-04-2003, 06:26 PM
You have a wonderful DADDY!!!! One way or the other .... either he loves cats or he doesn't ... but certainly loves YOU!!!!! He respects what's important and of meaning to you, and that is true love!!!!!!!! Give Daddy a hug from me!!! :)

04-04-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
You have a wonderful DADDY!!!! One way or the other .... either he loves cats or he doesn't ... but certainly loves YOU!!!!! He respects what's important and of meaning to you, and that is true love!!!!!!!! Give Daddy a hug from me!!! :)

04-04-2003, 06:38 PM
its useless to talk to those people about cats...unless its to say to them when they say something, oh well thats what happens when you dont have cats!
like if they are lonely, bored, or whatever. find any excuse you can to say that to them, maybe then they will get the hint to not say that to you anymore! lol

or if its about a sick cat, then they say that, then you could say the same to them, well see you should have had cats not kids!
(of course I mean only if the kid is not seriously sick)


04-05-2003, 04:50 AM
i am sure jen people say that to people who have lots of kids too,not that i have, its thoughtless, and i think they are jealous, i would ignore it or find something witty to say back in return.

04-05-2003, 04:52 AM
the one that really gets up my nose is 'Its only a cat' that really makes me hopping mad

04-06-2003, 05:57 AM
It makes me mad when my sister (who is an avid dog person) says "Cats kill wildlife you don't see dogs doing that"

Soon after I watched a pack of dogs take down a fully grown Kangaroo - with my sister - I called that poetic justice.

I also get the comments of "Its only an animal" , " I am sure you can WASTE your money on something else" or the classic "Save for something decent instead of spending money on that damned cat of yours"

In my family DOGS rule supreme. My dad spent $1000 on his dog after it got kicked in the face by a cow - for cosmetic surgery to its face! That was not even for setting the broken bones in it head! Just for removing the scar and extra tissue that had grown over it!

I say Cats rule supreme!

I ignore my family if they ever bring up the pet issue. I also don't get offended by ignorance. With the medical condition I have I deal with that every day.

As for Bastet - well she has saved my life more than once - and for that she gets my unconditional love. I can't say that about any human in my life.

04-06-2003, 09:21 AM
I am lucky, my whole family is pet friendly! I knew I always wanted a bunch of kitties when I had my own place (not that Mom really minded our every growing brood- half hers, half mine). I love kitties (and doggies)...and people know that about me. Usually, it is only the person trying to tease me that says anything now. I let my opinion be known to those that aren't pet friendly, and make comments.

smokey the elder
04-06-2003, 09:22 AM
Four years ago Smokey the Elder (RB) was diagnosed with a really tough cancer that I elected to have treated. I got a comment from someone to the effect of why are you treating her when she has such a small chance of survival? The reply, and feel free to use it in future: "I don't believe in disposable pets." That was such an incredible squelch that not only did I never get any negative comments again, but people also asked how she was doing with the chemo, etc.

04-06-2003, 03:50 PM
That is an excellent comment smokey! I am going to use that one in future :)

04-10-2003, 08:08 AM
This is not a comment .. its an act of cruelty :mad: but I remember when I was young, my neighbours had a female cat who was outside all the time, and whenever she had kittens they would put them in a all garbage bag and drown them down by the water ....seriously... :mad: :mad: can you believe people would do something like that??? That is the cruelest thing I've ever known to be done to cats. I think about it every now and then and it makes me so mad ... :mad: :( :(

04-10-2003, 02:57 PM
that is HORRENDOUS!! :mad:

04-10-2003, 03:31 PM
My dad (he is dead now thank the gods for that small mercy) HATED cats. Other than putting the kittens in a hessian bag to drown them he did other horrendous things too. I won't go into any details here suffice to say that I am so glad that he isn't around anymore to be cruel to stray and feral animals. He also HATED dogs too. He shot my puppy because it wee-d on his tyres of his car - in front of me. I was 6 years old. My Dad was a cruel, callous man :( :( :(

04-10-2003, 03:40 PM
I think you need a pet talk {{{{{HUG}}}}}.
your story is doubly sad.:(

04-10-2003, 08:02 PM
It sounds like u had a very rough childhood, but u know the great thing is something good came out of it, u obviously adore animals, and i am sure u are glad u did not share your fathers feelings towards animals, did your mum pass this on to you?
To do that in front of 6 yr old child haunts me, it must have had a huge impact on you.
Children often blame themselves for everything, just remember none of it was your fault, hugs to you.Your memories are painful to you , and they will never leave you, i am so sorry u had to go through such ordeals, i hope it has not scarred you too much hugs again .:)

04-10-2003, 09:57 PM
You are all so sweet. Thankyou for showing concern. I am in therapy (have been for four years now). Imagine if my Dad could do that to animals what he did to my mum and his family. BTW he never sexually abused us.

I love animals - I always wanted to be a vet but I didn't have the aptitude in maths and physics to be so. So I volunteered at rescue centres through my University years and would love to do that again if I ever get the time.

I has scarred me but has also given me strength as well. I am not afraid to stand up for animal rights anymore. Nor am I afraid to stand in front of a person abusing an animal. That little girl with the kitten - I would be saving the kitten and rushing her off to a mental health clinic. She has some serious psychological issues. I would rather be abused than see a cat or a dog or any animal take punishment for that own person's hatred.

It angers me that people who are brutal to creatures get a fine and a slap on the wrist. I think they should be jailed or treated in the same way as they treated the poor creature. I would have loved to have taken a whip to the person who badly lacerated a horse near my parents farm.

My mum has always taught us to value life. I do. My sister who vowed she would never own an animal, now rescues dogs that have been dumped on the side of the roads in Australia. My brother rescues native birds and unwanted fish. We are all healing in our own ways.

Thankyou so much guys HUGS


04-11-2003, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
[QUOTE]Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz

Both of my brothers are married and one of them has 3 kids and the other one is going to be a father in May.

Three kids! Whoa, that's a big number no me! I'll take three cats anyday.

No offense. To each his own.

3 kids is a big number?!?! :eek::eek::eek:

I know someone with 10 kids and a very close friend who has 7 siblings. What do you think about that? ;)

As for non pet people, when I got my birds, I didn't even tell some of my aunts and uncles because they are so much against animals (only two of them) :(. One of them came to visit and found out but the other has no clue. I KNOW deep down in her heart she likes them, because one day when I came downstairs in the morning, she was up before everyone and I caught her whistling and making kissing sounds to the birds. :eek: I nearly fainted. I think she just says to put me down. :( My other aunts are just insane over my birds, and some of them that live in other countries haven't seen them in real life, only in pictures, but they HAVE to ask me how my babies are doing whenever I talk to them on the phone. One of my favorite aunts even makes me put Popcorn and Muffin on the phone so she can hear their voice. Then she comments on how cute they sound and it makes me happy. :D I just love animal people! :p
Non animal people are sometimes just so hurtful. :( If they don't like them, can't they keep their mouths shut? I wouldn't go around commenting on peoples' kids even if they had no manners. Its just too hurtful to the one who loves the kid, animal, or thing.

04-11-2003, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by Popcornbird
Non animal people are sometimes just so hurtful.

It's not just non-animal people that can be hurtful.

I have been discussing the problems between Playful Milly and sleepy George with my cat lover mother and her response was

'Well what do you expect with two cats. You'll have to get rid of Milly'

When I explained we were discussing maybe getting a friend for Milly she said

'Your house will smell with three cats in it'

I just don't understand how one cat can make my house smell ?

Ps. BastetsMum you are a very strong person to have witness such things as a child. Bastet is very lucky with her mommy:D

04-11-2003, 06:45 AM
It's really funny cause I've had two reactions about taking Boo with us to the States.

Some people say "wow...isn't that going to be expensive, you should just leave him with someone in NZ."

Others say "that's so great, you'll need your cat with such a big transition - more people should care that much."

I think you can guess which ones I prefer. :)

Taking Boo with us is going to cost us a thousand dollars. It's a big sacrifice for us, considering how we just scrape by. But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't take him. I'd never stop thinking about him or feeling as though I'd let him down. I know he could move on and I know I could find him a nice home. But Boo and I have this bond, and I don't know that I can deal without it. He's my little furry guy and I want to see him through the rest of his days.

04-11-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Taking Boo with us is going to cost us a thousand dollars
:eek: could you imagine MY moving bill!!!:eek:

just thought I'd throw in a little chuckle.:D

04-11-2003, 02:29 PM
My In-laws are not really pet people. They don't hate them...they just don't have them. The usual allergies and not enough time excuses...but....when my husband told them about this site and that I had posted pictures of our cats on it they got on line and came here and searched till they found the pics:D :D.

My dad also isn't a pet person. When I was 20 I ask him for money for collage because I wanted to try for pre-vet school. He told me to get over my animal fetish and just get married and have kids :rolleyes: . I was training horses at the time in New Mexico. I eventually made my way into collage without him. And I waited till I was 39 and met the right man before I just went and got married.....but you know.....I still haven't gotten over my animal fetish :p

My mom likes animals and has 2 cats but even she just doesn't understand when I have to save another stray. I get the big sigh and the rolling of the eyes. But once she sees it she melts. :cool:

But to be perfectly honest I really do prefer animals to people most of the time.


04-11-2003, 09:44 PM
My sister is married to a man who just really has no time fo animals, he would never hurt them, he was never raised to enjoy them, shame really, my sister still loves animals, but i have noticed a change in her, they have been together 30yrs, she does not have the same interest in them as she used to, and does not want to own a cat, i dont think she can be bothered with them anymore, i guess this does happen.
Luckily i married a man who adores animals too, and i could not imagine it any other way.
I personally believe people who love animals, have more love in their hearts to give, i can love my hubby, kids and cats, i have enough love for them all, even if the cats do get preferential treatment sometimes lol:)