View Full Version : May 25 Findlay Dog Park...Be There! Please!

04-02-2003, 11:05 AM
Since Amy so graciously got us the park for the 25th, I thought I would start a thread for those who are interested in going. I know Donna, Anna, and Leslie already said yes, and I'll tentatively say yes for Mike and me. Now, we need more testosterone at this one...poor John, Mike and Andy were badly outnumbered by the estrogen crew! lol

04-02-2003, 11:09 AM
Honey, Lilly, Murphy and I will be there in spirit!!!! Wish we could be there in person!!! :)

04-02-2003, 11:12 AM
Andy, Kia, and I will probably make it. :D

04-02-2003, 12:03 PM
oh, I so wish.............:(

Cinder & Smoke
04-02-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Just to let everyone know....

I called the Park's office today and the shelter IS available for

Sunday, May 25th
(the day *before*
Memorial Day)

I went ahead and put a verbal hold on it (good for 7 days) I'll go ahead and send he money to reserve it for sure....If I do that, and we decide later it won't work, we are able to change the date (within the same calender year) and not loose anything. If we cancel all together, I'm out the $30 rental fee, but still get back the $20 security deposit. I can't imagine we won't get together at all in Findlay, for the rest of 2003, so I see no reason not to go ahead with it!

Maybe being a Holiday weekend we can even get some PT'ers from further away....

/s/ Amy

04-02-2003, 01:48 PM
Keegan and I will be there!!!!!
Will try to get my sister and SCOOBY DOO to come too!!! If not Maybe I will just bring Scooby!!!
Will See!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-02-2003, 02:35 PM
Well, I talked to Terry, and there's a good chance we will be there! (Yippee!!!) :) Can't make any firm commitments right now though because he may have to go to Germany for work, but hopefully things will work out. Even though we will have the motorhome, I doubt we'll bring T & P though. They haven't been anywhere in the motorhome yet, and I hope to get them acclimated to it this summer, but I don't think that will happen before May 25th. Otherwise we could have some kitties in attendance too. :)

Oh boy! I'm really looking forward to it! :)

04-03-2003, 12:04 AM
I'd like to be there, but well Ohio is a little far away and that weekend isn't a holiday weekend for me. Oh well me and the stooges will be there in spirit.

04-03-2003, 12:06 AM
T and P mom:
My neighbors are avid campers. I can ask them about some nice campgrounds that would be within a half hour of the park.

04-03-2003, 12:22 AM
Wish I could be there!! *sigh*

04-03-2003, 12:48 AM
I *WANT* to be there but doesn't look possible at this point. Possibly in July.......

If not, a handful of us South Westeners have kicked around the idea of meeting in San Antonio, TX (sometime in the summer).

04-03-2003, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
T and P mom:
My neighbors are avid campers. I can ask them about some nice campgrounds that would be within a half hour of the park.

NEVER MIND I JUST saw your cracker barrel post!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
NEVER MIND I JUST saw your cracker barrel post!!!

Thanks anyway. I was just going to reply again but see I don't have to. :)

04-03-2003, 01:41 PM
Well me and Dustin are thinking about it. We'll probably will be there though (I usually get my way ;) ) Could someone please pm me with the info I need for the park and maybe some pet friendly hotels in the area?

Dakota's Mommy
04-03-2003, 03:32 PM
Wish I could make it to that Meeting too but I am back in Texas and not heading up there any time soon! So, me and our girls will be there in spirit but won't be able to make it in person!

04-03-2003, 04:29 PM
That's the weekend of the Cat Show in Allen Park. :(

Desert Arabian
04-03-2003, 04:32 PM
Ma (ACGAS) and I plan on going to the dog park, even tho we don't have any pooches. HEY! I could bring the ratties, they are mini dogs- they are just like big dogs. Just kidding, I wouldn't bring them (unless I got a lot of requests ;) ;) ).

I can't wait!!

04-03-2003, 04:36 PM
If it was 900 miles closer....

04-03-2003, 05:09 PM
Donna does that mean that you're not coming?? :(

04-03-2003, 05:15 PM
I really wish I lived closer to Ohio. But it never hurts to ask! If we did, I would not bring Lady. She is not good with other dogs, and for the safety of them, I would leave her home.

I can't wait for the PA one though. :)

Cinder & Smoke
04-04-2003, 07:19 PM
For you Out-of-Townerz trying to find the BarkPark ~

You're looking for the "K-9 Field of Dreams Dog Park"...
Located behind Pavilion # 7,
inside the Hancock (County) Parks "Riverbend Recreation Area"...
Just SOUTH of Ohio route 568...
ON Marion Township Road 208...
about 5 miles South West from downtown Findlay, Ohio.

If you follow the instructions below (from another Thread) -
You can see and/or Print (must use a color printer) a series of Very Detailed area maps that show all the local Township, County, and State roads. You might want to shift (left & right; up & down) slightly to see all the township road Numbers and Names on the zoomed-in maps - but the zoom-in detail is excellent!

And ALL the important intersections *DO* have signs with either the Road Name or Number!! But read the WHOLE sign! As you get close - ALL the signs start with "MARION" followed by the road NUMBER! (Dad wuz thunkin there wuz a Lotta roads named "Marion".) :rolleyes:

If you ask someone for directions - be sure to say "RiverBEND" Park - there are several other little parks in the Hancock Parks District with names starting with "River..."

** Pay attention to Routes 23 and 15 -- (if you use the southern approach)!! It "looks" like the same road (actually a highway) with both numbers - but Not So! You leave Upper Sandusky (route 30) onto Ohio 23 and OMG! 23 just morphs into Ohio 15 as you get closer to the Findlay Reservoir.

On most maps, the Findlay Reservoir appears as a rather large, square shaped Lake - south-east of the City of Findlay. Good Landmark! The Dog Park is within a quarter mile of the north-east corner of that Reservoir!

Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Do a http://www.mapquest.com "thingie" - kuz we
know this werkz!! ;)

Click on their *Maps* link - you'll get a fill-in-the-blanks form ~

In "Address/Intersection" - type in "township 207 and township 208" (without the quotes).

In "City" put Findlay; in "State" put OH;
no Zippy Code required.

MapQuest will pop up a super-zoomed-in little map -
shows a square corner of the reservoir and the two roads Twp 207 & Twp 208...
Just about where the "208" block is shown is almost *Zaktly* where the BarkPark iz, just below or south of where Twp 208 hangs a 90 degree turn to the left (west)!!

You can use the "Big Map" clicker to blow things up and cut down on the ads showing... then Zoom Out to get a better idea of "where" you are.

Zoom out slowly - too many jumps and you'll be seeing half of the USA! :eek:

04-04-2003, 07:39 PM
I wish i could be there....... Do you think we could have a meeting sometimes in July.... Or who knows i MAY be up in MI in may lol..... I really hope to be able to go to MI this summer... I'd love to meet you all. I'm afraid Simba may have to spend time the the time out area though lol.

04-04-2003, 09:38 PM
Malone & I will definitely be there in spirit!! I so wished we lived closer, we'd be there in a heartbeat!! :(

04-04-2003, 10:44 PM
I am not sure if anyone but Phred will be coming from the direction where 15 and 23 merge, but IF they are, PM me, and you can follow me and Keegan to the Park. I live in Upper Sandusky and drive that highway at least once a week!!!

04-05-2003, 06:53 AM
If anyone needs/wants directions from I-75, Pm me...that's the way I come in!!!

04-05-2003, 07:35 AM

Well, I haven't entered my cats in the show yet, and it CAN be a little expensive ($80 for 2 entries). Let me think about it a little.

04-05-2003, 11:06 AM
Ok so I didn't get my way this time we started thinking of all the bills that need to be payed (and me with no job) and the stress of an 8 hr. car trip on Bull so I think we are gonna sit this one out until we get back on our feet and Bull get use to longer car trips. :( We will be there in spirit I guess.

Cinder & Smoke
04-18-2003, 10:02 PM
Hey FurKidz ~ Keep mindin yur Moms & Dads ~~

BIG Pet Talk Gathurin on SUNDAY, MAY 25 -
thatz over Memorial Day Weekend...

Atta Bark Park in Findlay, oHIo...
Don't miss out... Lottsa Phunn had by ALL us Dawggiez...
an we knowe all da Hoomins had a blast, too.

LOTZ a *treetz* got passed out :D, anna Hoominz had enuff of
their food ta feed an Army!

An we jest gotz our own ParkPark *PASS* card inna mail...
Dad hadda send a lil application papur; a copy of our Vet & :eek: *shot* rekurdz, includin our Rabies papurz; an a lil bit of munnie (onlee $10 buckz, sez Dad). He sez itz *wurth it* ta make us *Leegul* to be inna BarkPark - an it helpz da Volunteer Group to keeep da BarkPark lookin nice.

We'll post da webby E-mail address to request the Application Papur next tyme we post.

Oh yeah ~ Nudder reezun to BEE THERE ~
Our newest Buddie - Mr BINX, an hiz Mawmee Miz Johanna,
are gonna be there, too! :cool:
Tink we're gonna have a lil *Commin Out* Patree for Mr Binx - jest to show him how much we all *LUV* him!! :D

04-19-2003, 08:22 AM
I'll be there! Kimmy (Ramanth) set me straight about the date of the cat show which is an entirely different weekend (Yippee!!). I can't wait to meet Mr. Binx! I'll bring doggie treats. Are we doing potluck again? If we are, please let me know what to bring. I think I'm going to leave Ashley home that weekend. She seemed a little overwhelmed by all the "youngins" in the group.

Oh yeah, and I can stay later too! Afterall, it doesn't get dark till 8:30 p.m.!

See you then!

04-19-2003, 09:06 AM
WOW! I can't wait! Neither can Mr. Binx. I had the day confused...I thought it was Saturday. This means I can go to the local St. B party that weekend, too! Lots of adventures for Binx and I in one weekend.

***** I need the web address Phred, again, sorry....I want to legalize Binster, too!******

PLUS- Money for Amy is in order, this time AND last!!! Amy, if you don't tell us what you need from us.........we might have to throw you in the lake!!! :D

04-19-2003, 09:55 AM
Not in the lake!! I've smelled that water!!:eek:

Last time I think it would work out to about $2.70/person.

The rental fee for the shleter is $30. We can see how many people are ableto makeit and then divide it evenly. I have to share the funds with Phred theough..he was very kindly gotten me the money to pay for one rental, so half wil go back to him!

Cinder & Smoke
04-19-2003, 05:36 PM
Here's the Deal on the Findlay / Hancock Parks Dog Park Permit...

The Dawgs are supposed to have a *Permit Card* issued by Hancock Parks to be allowed into the BarkPark area. The Permit Fee is only $10.00 per year (December through December - 13 months) for up to three dogs. Well worth the price even if you only plan to visit a few times!

To obtain the Permit - send an E-mail to:
Hancock Parks ([email protected]) ( [email protected] )
and ask them to Mail you the "RiverBend Dog Park Application Form". Cut off the Return Part at the bottom, fill it in and *sign* the release/waiver on the back, and gather the Dog(s) current Vaccination & Rabies Receipts...
I made a copy of their last Vet receipt (shows the Vaccs they got), copy of their Rabies Vacc Certificates, and threw in for good measure a copy of their County Licenses; together with a check for $10.00. We got our lil Permit Card back in less than a week.

A "Note:"
Don't sweat the Permit if you think you might only be "visiting" once or twice! The Very Nice Park Ranger I talked to (before we came) said they do NOT hassle folks - and a couple *visitors* surrounded by multiple permit holders would NOT be a problem. He did stop by, late on Sunday, to say "Hello"... and never even mentioned wanting to *see* anyone's permit. And the permit has no names or numbers of Dogs on it ~ so between the current permit holders, we've got "spaces" for probably almost 30 Dawggies!

I suggested to Amy that we could put a coffee can out by the food for BarkPark Donations ~ folks who don't want to go through the permit process can toss a couple bucks in the can and we'll send that as a donation to the BarkPark Volunteers.

As for the Phred's Fambly "contributions" to the Cause... We'll leave that in the *pot* to kick off the June/July "Gathurin". ;)

04-19-2003, 07:25 PM
May 25th, that's my Abby's BIRFDAY!!!!! She'd luv to go, but since I'm only 14, I can't take her. Boy she would LOVE to go though.

04-29-2003, 12:49 PM
I just returned from the PA PetTalk meeting and had soooo much fun & my Badger was sooo mellow and was the star of the show - just ask him :rolleyes: so I'm really going to try to make this meet. Will need to find a PetFriendly hotel/motel if I bring Badger again. 8 hr drive might be too much for the lad though so I'll decide for sure as the time gets closer.

04-29-2003, 12:54 PM
That would be great Laurie! :D

04-29-2003, 01:34 PM
I am so jealous!! I will be in Clyde, OH on July 3rd through July 6th! We will be there for a family reunion on Andrew's side of the family.

Hope you guys have fun! And be sure to take lots of pictures.


04-29-2003, 02:25 PM
Clyde is only an hour from Findlay!!!

Me thinks we need to have another Findlay Dog Park meeting that weekend. ;) :D

04-29-2003, 03:14 PM
AGGHHH!!! We may be in Michigan that weekend for a Freestlye competetion!!! I don't know for sure yet though, cause we haven't worked on anything in about 2 mos :( And we may only be there one day....

We'll have to try to work something out!!!

04-29-2003, 11:22 PM
I have to work that weekend, but we could come late!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2003, 12:56 PM
Terry and I will be there - sans T & P. :(

However, we will have the motorhome, which has a refrigerator, so if anyone is bringing anything to eat that requires good refrigeration we'll have it. :)

Can't wait to meet everybody! Just wish T & P could come too. Tubby would adore meeting everybody - even all the doggies....I think. :) One time when I took him to the vet, somebody had a medium size dog on a leash. Tubby was sitting on my lap. The dog came over to sniff Tubby - but not too close because the owner kept him back a bit, and all Tubby did was reach his nose out to get a good sniff too. :D No hissing or spitting like I expected. Peanut, however, would be terrified the entire time, so she cannot come, which means Tubby has to stay home and babysit his sister. They have never been apart for more than an hour for the last 14 years, so I don't think it would be a good idea to take T for the weekend and leave P home alone. :(

But Terry and I will be there! :D