View Full Version : Arg, I hate school >:[

04-02-2003, 08:32 AM
We got our report cards back today, and I saw on mine "Chemisty 621" Which was fine, thats the course I am taking..then I see "Calculus 621" and was like ok what? I dropped that course at the beginning of the year..so I go and talk to my teacher and she was like "Oh, you didn't tell me, so now you get a discontinued on you transcript" I don't know if you ppl get them too, but it looks really bad..so I really pissed cause I've never been the class even once! she tells me to go talk to my other teacher, the Calculus one, so I do and he's like "Well I told them you were never here at all..you'll have to talk to your homeroom teacher" Arg. Thats so stupid if you get a discontinued and you've never been there! I can see that I didn't tell her, but they should still fix it..I'm going to talk to her tomorrow and if she doesn't do anything I'll just try to fix it in the office myself..-sigh- sorry for complaining, needed to vent :o

04-02-2003, 11:23 AM
When I read the headline I thought I always hated school and now even more than 30 years later I am still glad I'm out of it.:eek:

Sorry for not being more pedagogical:rolleyes:

04-02-2003, 12:43 PM
There is one other option you might want to consider before entering "the lion's den" of the adminstration office. Your school should have counseller's available for the students. I know that it has been many (many) years since I was in high school in Canada, but the counsellers at that school helped to straighten out "paper problems" like this...

I also hate to be the one to tell you this, but the paper trail doesn't get any better at university. After being in school for over twelve years and at many different universities, they are all the same. You may not like the paper work, but for the sake of your sanity (and graduation) you will learn to deal with it :rolleyes:

04-02-2003, 12:49 PM
That stinx when they mess up like that.I understand why you're mad.