View Full Version : Sunny and Cirrus go to the vet tomorrow

04-01-2003, 10:46 PM
Hi everyone. :) Well tomorrow morning both Sunny and Cirrus get to go to the vet. Sunny is having his annual exam and FVRCP shot and his teeth cleaned. He'll need to stay there all day and I can pick him up Wed. evening on my way home from work. I sure hope that everything goes well. He's only 2 years and 7 months old but his teeth really need a good cleaning. I've been putting it off for quite a while. I know that when Storm had his teeth cleaned that everything went well so I'm hoping for the same with Sunny.

Cirrus is going in for a nail clipping and an exam as well. I tried to have his nails clipped at a groomers but he was much too wild and scared for them to do anything. I'm giving him a sedative about 2 hours before I take him in. I sure hope this helps to calm him down but I don't want it to make him too sleepy. The medicine is called acepromazine and I did some research on it and it can last up to 6-8 hours. In the future I hope to be able to be able to calm him down with something else. I just hope that I can get him in the carrier without any problems. His medical records say that his 3rd FVRCP was given in Nov. 2002 so I don't think he'll need another one yet. He's now 9 months old.

I'll let you know how everything goes some time tomorrow night.:)

04-02-2003, 05:05 AM
I hope the vet visit will go smothly! I'm sure Sunny will enjoy getting his teeth cleaned - at least after. ;) When Fister had it done, his bad breath dissapeared. :)

Getting Cirrus sedated is a good idea, I don't know the medicine he'll be getting, but it's always nice if it doesn't last so long. Lately, we found that 5 mg. Diazepam (equivalent to Valium) is all it takes to calm Fister down enough to lift him and get him in the box. If the vet finds it neccesary, he'll give him something while he's there.

Try to be as relaxed around them as you can before you go! ;)

Best of luck! :)

04-02-2003, 05:09 AM
Good luck at the vet's Sunny and Cirrus!!!:)

04-02-2003, 05:38 AM
I wish you luck this AM. What I have done in the past is to but the carrier up so that the opening is facing up in the air, then drop the kitty into the carrier back, slamming the door shut before he/she reappears at the opening......

My kittys three were all easy to get into carriers but kitties from my past were murder! I had one that would take hours and pints of blood to get him contained. He looked a lot like Cirrus. He lived to be 18 but had only as few visits to the vet as possible!

Good luck today. I am sure Sunny will be fine. Abys are not known for their good dental health....unfortunately. You may want to try to brush his teeth. They rather like the taste of the paste. Really.

I will be thinking about you today!


SAS ;)

04-02-2003, 05:47 AM
Good Luck at the vet's today.

04-02-2003, 05:54 AM
Good luck.


04-02-2003, 05:57 AM
Good luck to Cirrus and Sunny today. I hope the medicine works.
I would like to say something (but I don't want to seem hearless). I often hear pet owners say they do not wish to sedate their animals because of the long lasting effect, and then they try either giving less medicine or none at all. Well, I know how difficult it is to handle animals that really NEED to be sedated, and besides being very dangerous to the people who need to work on them, it is dangerous for the pet. If they NEED to be sedated, it is because they can get themselves very stressed. If they are stressed, they will struggle and during that struggle they could hurt themselves (as well as others). And not only by pulling muscles but by stroke or heart attack. Please, to anyone who has been told to get their pet sedated, do it. The vet will not tell you a wrong dose. Sorry for the speach, I know this might not have been the most apprpriate place to post this, but since the subject came up............................don't hate me.:o

04-02-2003, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Good luck to Cirrus and Sunny today. I hope the medicine works.
I would like to say something (but I don't want to seem hearless). I often hear pet owners say they do not wish to sedate their animals because of the long lasting effect, and then they try either giving less medicine or none at all. Well, I know how difficult it is to handle animals that really NEED to be sedated, and besides being very dangerous to the people who need to work on them, it is dangerous for the pet. If they NEED to be sedated, it is because they can get themselves very stressed. If they are stressed, they will struggle and during that struggle they could hurt themselves (as well as others). And not only by pulling muscles but by stroke or heart attack. Please, to anyone who has been told to get their pet sedated, do it. The vet will not tell you a wrong dose. Sorry for the speach, I know this might not have been the most apprpriate place to post this, but since the subject came up............................don't hate me.:o

Being a tech, I agree with you.

04-02-2003, 09:04 AM
I agree with you Jen, I would not hesitate to sedate if and when the need arose, for my pets sake.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-02-2003, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Sorry for the speach, I know this might not have been the most apprpriate place to post this, but since the subject came up............................don't hate me.:o

Don't worry, Jen, we couldn't hate you. Your advice is always from the heart and meant for the good of all involved, so how could we hate you for that? :)

Here's hoping Sunny and Cirrus have a good vet visit and the sedative does the trick for Cirrus. :)

04-02-2003, 10:44 AM
Good luck at the vet! Hope everything goes well :D

Toby is a heavy sleeper .. we can do anything to him once he goes asleep. So what we usually do is wait til he doses off then whips out the clippers. He pulls his paws away every once in a while but for the most part he doesn't even notice it. I've tried brushing his teeth in mid-sleep but he doesn't fall for that one .. as of now I am just putting some toothpaste directly on my finger and rubbing it on his teeth .. he doesn't like the brush :confused:

04-02-2003, 11:15 AM
Morning Update: Not a very good morning. :( First of all last night wasn't a very good night either. All 3 cats were up until about 5am :eek: so I didn't get much sleep. When I tried to give Cirrus his pill which was crushed up in wet food, he didn't want any part of it. :( I then chased him back into my bathroom and tried to put a towel over him so I could put the pill down his throat with my pill popper. This didn't work. :( I then left him in the bathroom and continued to get ready.

At 8:00am I called the vets office and told them that I was unable to pill Cirrus. They told me to come right in and they'd do it for me. :) I also dropped off Sunny at the same time. They'll call me later on and let me know when Cirrus is ready to be picked up. I sure hope that everything goes well. On the way down to the car I thought that I had lost the bottle of pills. :eek: I searched and searched and finally gave up and continued on my way to the vet. When I was getting the carriers out of the car I noticed that the bottle of pills had fallen behind the carrier. Whew! I was so relieved. This has not been a good morning at all.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-02-2003, 11:43 AM
So they're both at the vet now? Whew, does sound like quite a morning, especially (and probably because of) since you didn't get any sleep. Hopefully all is going smoothly now at the vet. :)

04-02-2003, 11:51 AM
Sorry to hear of your troubled morning. Do hope everything goes well at the vet. Please keep us posted.

04-02-2003, 01:46 PM
WOW. Not a good way to start the day. I have never had any luck getting cats to eat a pill crushed up in food. It's always got to be the "Hard way". Poor Cirrus, he knew something was up. I'll bet he'll be OK at the vet's today, though. Hope all goes well with Sunny, too.

Miss Meow
04-02-2003, 06:11 PM
What a stressful day. I hope everything went well and Cirrus and Storm were good at the vet's. Maybe AmberLee needs to bring some take-away food and catsip for dinner tonight to relax you all a little bit :)

04-02-2003, 07:36 PM
Awwww, I bet you'll sleep good tonight...how was the vet appointment?

That Cirrus..what a funny guy....no one's gonna pill me! Sounds like a few kitties I know. ;)

04-02-2003, 11:26 PM
Vet Update: Everything went fine and both Cirrus and Sunny had to stay there until I picked them up around 6:15pm. They were still a bit sleepy when I first saw them but perked up very quickly. As soon as Sunny heard my voice he started crying. The vet tech said that this was the first time she'd heard him meow all day. She said he was also trying to hide his head while he was in the cage.

Well there's good news and maybe some bad news too. :( Cirrus's exam went very well and he's very healthy. He also got his last FVRCP booster so he's good for another year. :) He also had his nails trimmed. I found out that he weighs a little over 13lbs. I expected him to weigh more though because he looks so big. Now the protential bad news. The vet told me that some of the numbers from Sunny's blood test aren't within the normal range. :( His glucose level was high which can be due to stress and his platelet level was lower than it should be and there was one more which I forget now.

Sunny has another appointment in 2 weeks for another bloodtest to be done at another lab since this one was done at the vets office. The vet wants to make sure that it's more accurate and he's mainly concerned with his platlet count. He'll also get another thorough annual exam and his FVCRP shot. I sure hope that everything will be okay with him. I don't know what I'd do if they find something seriously wrong with him. :( I'm trying to think positive about this whole situation. Please say some prayers for Sunny. Thanks for your concern.

As far as his teeth cleaning, this went very well and he's eating and drinking already. He has to be on liquid antibiotics 2 times a day until its gone. I'm also supposed to keep him quiet tonight but it's hard when you have a very active cat. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-02-2003, 11:34 PM
Poor Sunny...
I will be sure to keep him in my prayers! Keep us updated after his next blood test...
Did they vet say what might be the cause of the glucose level and platelet level being too high and low? *HUGS*

04-02-2003, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
Poor Sunny...
I will be sure to keep him in my prayers! Keep us updated after his next blood test...
Did they vet say what might be the cause of the glucose level and platelet level being too high and low? *HUGS* The high glucose level can be caused by stress but he's not sure about the low platelet level. I sure hope it's not a form of cancer. :(

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-02-2003, 11:52 PM
don't worry too much... I will be praying for you guys.... remember God is bigger than all this.. EVEN CANCER!

04-03-2003, 05:24 AM
I really hope that Sunny is ok, and you will all be in my prayers :)

04-03-2003, 05:39 AM
How scarey when blood tests do not come out normal. I sure hope it is not serious. I'll be praying that the next two weeks will go swiftly (because waiting is the hardest part).{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

04-03-2003, 07:37 AM
Waiting is almost certainly the absolute hardest part. It is the not knowing. For me, once I know what I am dealing with I can tackle it. Deirdre just went through the high glucose and hers was definately from stress. Her glucose level at the vets was 279. Last night at home it was 58. So you can see there can be a huge difference and stress really does affect them. As for the platelet count we will all just keep our fingers toes and tails crossed and a positive attitude in our thoughts. :)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2003, 10:17 AM
I'm glad the vet visit is over with and for the most part everything went well.

I know it's hard not to, but try not to worry too much about the platelet count. I really have no idea about these things, but maybe it is just stress too. And not just the stress of the vet visit, but the stress of Cirrus. You had mentioned that Sunny wasn't warming up to Cirrus real quick, so maybe that is having an affect. Like I say, I really have no idea if this could be the case, but I would try and think positively about the whole thing because you have to remember, kitties pick up on your stress very easily and that might only make the situation worse.

Please let us know how things go in two weeks, and in the meantime give them all (Storm too) hugs and smoochies from me for being such good kitties. :)

04-04-2003, 08:08 AM
I hope everything is okay with Sunny and you will both be in my prayers.