View Full Version : What can I do about this??

04-01-2003, 12:11 PM
I am so ticked off right now at this vet clinic!:mad:

Here's the story....

I rescued a little blue ratty from a petshop after several complaints from a paritcular person. This person was then going to adopt the rat and said she would take him to the vet etc. Well he has mites and a slight URI. The lady who was to take him called and got a vet appointment. We had decided that I was going to just place him with someone else but she took him to the vet for me as I do not have a car. Well since she called the morning before to schedule the appointment the rat was going under her name. I then called and explained that she would not be taking the rat and that I will be giving he the money for the meds etc. and he will be staying with me until I find another family to take him in. They through a HUGE fit and when the rat came in they put the rat under HER name and not mine, which it should have gone under.

I TOLD THEM the rat is mine, I am it's caretaker, I have been paying for it's food, vet trip and I rescued it. How hard is that to understand??

Well he had mites and they didn't even give him Ivermectin! :mad: He's scratching like crazy and they won't give me any meds because the rat is under her name. They do not understand that the rat is MINE! He's already been there and examining. Why didn't they give him meds then? They want me to bring him in for ANOTHER exam in order to get meds??:confused:

To top it off I specifically stated I did not want him on Baytril, that I wanted him on Amoxicillan. What did they do? They gave him Baytril, and it wasn't even mixed with anything!!!

How the heck do I get it through their head that the rat is mine!? Why on earth would I take it back for another exam if it just had one a few days ago??? and the proper meds weren't even given! If he has mites it is only obvious he needs to be treated!

What should I do?

04-01-2003, 07:41 PM
No offense, but this post really doesn't make any sense. If you rescued the rat from the pet store, he would be your's. If someone else rescued the rat, then it is their's. Why would the vet believe that he was your's if someone else brought him in???

Also, why would you take him to a vet that you didn't trust? And if you did trust them, then you would trust their judgement call on what meds. to take. Maybe you should take the rat to another vet if you aren't satisfied with the service that you are getting.

Just a thought.

04-01-2003, 07:46 PM
Along with what Cookiebaker said, why not just have the woman who took the rat in call them up and switch her name to your name? It shouldn't be too big of a problem.

04-01-2003, 08:31 PM
I hate Vet Clinics who you tell what you want and need and they go and do one thing. Thats why I like my Vet he Tells me everything about the pet I need to know and explains everything that he is doing and is a very reasonable person.

04-01-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
I hate Vet Clinics who you tell what you want and need and they go and do one thing.

I disagree with you. The vet has been through vet school and probably has multiple years of experience, which you or I do not. I think it's best to keep an open mind when taking my pet in for a check up, and listen to what they advise; and try to make an educated decision from there. I think it's a mistake to go into a vet visit with my mind all made up as to what kind of treatment is best, because I DON'T know all the options...and 9 times out of 10 they probably do know better. Most important though is to get an explanation from them, and ultimately I DO make the decision. But it's 99% based on their recommendation.

04-01-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
No offense, but this post really doesn't make any sense. If you rescued the rat from the pet store, he would be your's. If someone else rescued the rat, then it is their's. Why would the vet believe that he was your's if someone else brought him in???

Also, why would you take him to a vet that you didn't trust? And if you did trust them, then you would trust their judgement call on what meds. to take. Maybe you should take the rat to another vet if you aren't satisfied with the service that you are getting.

Just a thought.

Exactly! If I rescued him and I take care of him and pay for everything he is mine, I don't know what they didn't understand about that. I told them on the phone that I do not have a car, which is why my friend brought him in, even though we decided this particular rat wasn't suited for her (she has girls only). The fact is he is my rat, I rescued him etc. I gave her the money to pay for it. What made me angry was that I talked to the receptionist and she said she would put him under my chart and then for some reason it didn't go that way once my friend got there. I don't see how hard it is to understand that I do not have a car?

As far as him going to that vet, it was the only clinic he could get into and he needed treatment right away, he was bloody from scratching. Like I said they are not my regular vet. If they would have been able to get my in then he would have gone there. I wanted him in ASAP specially since he was sneezy etc. Even if they were my regular vet I still wouldn't except the Baytril, plain and simple. I am not going to give him something that can stunt his growth, there are several other meds that can be prescribed. Luckily my regular vet knows about the harmful effects of Baytril (rumour has it it will no longer be used starting next year, but this hasn't been clarified) and prescribes other meds. :) My vets are geat! :D

But anyways, we finally worked it out and the info has been transferred to my account (they used to be my vet but I have since changed to one I feel more comfortable with) and I will be picking up his Ivermectin tomorrow. What gets me is that in my chart the other vet noted that Baytril not be prescribed to babies. So.......

But I'm all good now. :p

All Creatures Great And Small
04-02-2003, 12:36 AM
Well, don't forget, Cookiebaker, Luckies4Me is a veterinary student, so she is already qualified to diagnose and treat animals.

A couple of questions for you........... how do you "rescue" a rat from a pet store? Did you purchase it? Did the "other lady" purchase it? Can you just go up to the counter at a pet store and say "you have a rat back there in bad shape, and I am going to 'rescue' it and save the day"? I would think that removing merchandise (the rat) from a store without paying for it is the same as theft.

If this alternate owner is a "friend" of yours (no longer a faceless "person"), as you mentioned in the second post, why didn't she explain all this for you at the vet's office? Why would professional people in a veterinarian's office "throw a fit" over you wanting to be listed as the owner? Maybe just the mere mention of your name at that vet office makes them scream? (Just a THOUGHT here, not an accusation or diagnosis of any kind.)

Glad to hear it's all straightened out anyway - what a relief for you not to have to talk about it any more, since the questions were starting to come in .........

In reply to your original question, "What Can I Do About This?", my answer would be ............... never mind, it would be edited or deleted anyway. ;)

04-02-2003, 10:43 AM
Did I say I was qualified to diagnose pets? No I didn't, but it's only obvious he had mites and therefor needed to be treated!

"A couple of questions for you........... how do you "rescue" a rat from a pet store? Did you purchase it? Did the "other lady" purchase it? Can you just go up to the counter at a pet store and say "you have a rat back there in bad shape, and I am going to 'rescue' it and save the day"? I would think that removing merchandise (the rat) from a store without paying for it is the same as theft."

He was rescued fromt he petstore yes. He had been sitting in there in a tiny cage suffering from mites and not being treated and this lady really wanted him out of there so I went down there and I took him home. No I did not pay for him because I never pay for the rats I get there. I have known these people for a long time and they are very good friends of mine, even though the shop owners views conflict with my own. Did I say I was saving the day. What the hell is wrong with you? Please go find something else to do. If you don't understand the thread that's your problem.

04-02-2003, 11:44 AM

Now you've done it. LOL. This will probably go on for another
6-8 pages. Actually, I could never understand the original posted
question & was waiting for a translation by someone with tons
of patience.;)

04-02-2003, 12:05 PM
Luckies, are you a stay at home mom?

If so, why didn't you pack up Dylan and have your friend take you and the rat to the vet?

Why just give the rat to the friend to take to the vet?

04-02-2003, 12:10 PM
She was originally going to adopt this rat so she was taking him, but we decided she should wait for two newbies from my soon to be litter so that she wouldn't be dealing with unknown backgrounds etc.

This lady is really busy, she is a dog trainer so Dylan and I going with her would not have been an option. She had a ton of errands to run that day and there is no way I am going to sit in the car with my son for that long. It's hard to get appointments that fit Dans schedule as he gets off work at 4 and usually doesn't get home til around 4:30 or so and this rat needed medical attention. Either I had her take him or he sat here for a few more days....

04-02-2003, 12:44 PM
Even with your new explanation, I STILL don't get what you are so ticked off about!?!? If it's a friend, why don't you communicate your hurt feelings!?!? And WHO CARES who pays the vet?? If your friend pays, you can just reimburse her?? What's the big deal??

Calm down, and cool off, and you might just see that it's nothing to be ticked off about in the first place :)

04-02-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Even with your new explanation, I STILL don't get what you are so ticked off about!?!? If it's a friend, why don't you communicate your hurt feelings!?!? And WHO CARES who pays the vet?? If your friend pays, you can just reimburse her?? What's the big deal??

Calm down, and cool off, and you might just see that it's nothing to be ticked off about in the first place :)

What I was mad about is that they didn't prescribe Ivermectin for him when it's clearly noted by the vet in his chart that he has mites....they didn't give him anything, that's what made me mad. The other thing was that they did not record his info in my chart and put it in a seperate one, and since he is a rescue from an unknown background I need to know what the doc found etc. but they wouldn't give me any info. That I guess is not such a big deal as I know what I know and can write that down myself but the fact that she took him in for treatment and I got nothing to treat his mites was what really made me upset. Then for them to tell me I had to bring him back to get Ivermectin was ridiculous. Do you understand now? LOL I am clamed down now, like I said it is all fixed, he was moved to my chart and I am picking up his meds today after Dan gets home.

But thanks for the advise. :)

All Creatures Great And Small
04-02-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Did I say I was qualified to diagnose pets? No I didn't, but it's only obvious he had mites and therefor needed to be treated!
And that would be a diagnosis that YOU made, and a medication decision YOU made. The vet must have thought otherwise.

Originally posted by luckies4me
What the hell is wrong with you? Whatever it is, I'll never admit to it - why don't you diagnose it for me? Trust me, it's hours of fun! http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/aetsch/cheeky-smiley-004.gif

Hey, how come you didn't bite off Cookiebaker's head for asking some clarifying questions? http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/fragend/confused-smiley-012.gif Nobody else here could understand the thread either, but you didn't say they had a problem. I feel so persecuted..........(sniff) http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/traurig/sad-smiley-061.gif

As far as finding something else to do - hey, it's still a free country, and like the boss said - IF YOU DON'T LIKE A THREAD OR POST, JUST IGNORE IT! That doesn't just apply to me, by the way - you can ignore too.............. Hmmm, what's my post count up to today? 774? Sorry, I gotta keep replying to as many threads as possible.......it's so important to get to that PILLAR status..........http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/grinser/grinning-smiley-003.gif

04-02-2003, 10:43 PM
Once again, no offense Luckies4me, I'm really not trying to be rude....but I just don't understand why you keep posting about your rats in General instead of Pet General. :confused:

04-03-2003, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
Luckies, are you a stay at home mom?

If so, why didn't you pack up Dylan and have your friend take you and the rat to the vet?

Why just give the rat to the friend to take to the vet?


04-03-2003, 05:06 AM
Thanks everyone, for a good laugh this morning :)

04-03-2003, 08:16 AM
First you say

He's scratching like crazy and they won't give me any meds because the rat is under her name. They do not understand that the rat is MINE! He's already been there and examining. Why didn't they give him meds then? They want me to bring him in for ANOTHER exam in order to get meds??
But then in the next paragraph you say

To top it off I specifically stated I did not want him on Baytril, that I wanted him on Amoxicillan. What did they do? They gave him Baytril, and it wasn't even mixed with anything!!!

So did he get any meds or not:confused: I just didn't understand.

04-03-2003, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Once again, no offense Luckies4me, I'm really not trying to be rude....but I just don't understand why you keep posting about your rats in General instead of Pet General. :confused:

Now, Wolf Q- you know the answer to this as well as I do!! It is way more likely to gather attention here in General, then in Pets!! Now, use your noggin! He he he...

Desert Arabian
04-03-2003, 10:24 AM
Luckies, how did you get to the pet store to get this rat? How come you couldn't use the same "method" of transportaion that you used to go to the pet store, to take you and the rat to the vets office????

04-03-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Now, Wolf Q- you know the answer to this as well as I do!! It is way more likely to gather attention here in General, then in Pets!! Now, use your noggin! He he he... Go Johanna!!!! That's usin your noggin!

04-03-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Luckies, how did you get to the pet store to get this rat? How come you couldn't use the same "method" of transportaion that you used to go to the pet store, to take you and the rat to the vets office????

That seems like an awfully logical thought....

Course she did say Dan soesn't get home til 4:30 and I'm guessing that while the pet stores are open much later than that...there are absolutly no vets in the area that are....