View Full Version : "rottweilers eating people"

12-12-2001, 01:43 PM
I was looking on my website statistics (a neat little feature that yahoo!geocities provides) which has a bunch of cool statistics about your site like how many people came to your site on what day, what screen resolution they used, etc. etc.

One thing I was looking at was what search word(s) they used to find my site. Well, I was looking at this for my page on how Rottweilers get their bad reputation
( http://www.geocities.com/rottweilersrus/badrep.html )

Bet you can't guess what some of the things were that people searched for to find this page on my web site?

Well, #1 was "rottweilers eating people", :rolleyes: :( #2 - "bad rottweilers", #3 "mean rottweilers"

and there was "big rottweilers" and
"rottweilers and their reputation" and "rottweiler dog fighting" :mad: and "mean rottweiler" and "viscous rottweilers" and "rottweilers and dog fighting"

It just surprises me how so many people think that Rottweilers are so mean. :( All I can say is I hope all those people learned something from the article on my web site

12-12-2001, 02:09 PM
Awwwww, Rottie, all those silly folks need to do is get to know Carl better to understand the whole Rottweiler personality!! Hope you win them over!! :D

12-12-2001, 03:04 PM
I believe that rotts and shepherds are the best family dogs. They are great and I find myself constantly trying to tell people at the shelter that their reputations don't hold true in most cases. It is the idiots who think they're cool by abusing their dogs to make them "tough" who ruin these breeds' reputations.

12-12-2001, 05:38 PM
At work I have come to know many, many Rotties. Each and EVERY one is a sweetheart to the max! Tonka and Ursa, (Tonka is the BIGGEST Rottie ever, and Ursa is his Bullmastiff sister) have been boarding there for 2 months now. Long story, but Mom comes to visit and take them out for the day several times a week. Both are certified companion animals. She has given me permission to take them to the rehab. center down the road to visit the patients! I'm so excited! They have already passed the interview, and should be out on a healing visit with me next week!!! Oh, I love those kids! Have to post a pic. for you guys to see. They are BIG! :eek: And Tonka is such a wussie pup. He just sits in his run with his lambie and his tennis ball in his mouth, waiting for us to take him out in the play area for fetch!

[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-12-2001, 05:48 PM
Rottie, we had a Rottweiler a long time ago and she was a doll, big and sweet,and her name was Kate after Kate Hepburn, our son had one called Bear and we would go over and take care of him when they would go off and he was a sweetheart too. I would sit on the patio with him and he would come and lean on me and almost knock me over he was so big, he just wanted kisses and loving. Poor baby died of cancer, it was so sad. Actually we had Kona our first Schnauzer when we had Kate and it was so funny Kona would boss Kate around and Kate didn't mind at all, she just went along with it.