View Full Version : there's a new kid in town

06-08-2001, 12:01 PM
This might be a little wordy, but I have to vent. I was at my mother's house yesterday. We live in the same neighborhood. She was telling me that my nephew was riding his bike down the street and one of the neighbors had gotten a Rottie. She then said how everybody would now have to avoid that house. I said, "And you're going to automatically assume this dog is dangerous?" She said yes!! Can you believe it. I drove by him/her twice today and what a beautiful sight he/she was. This just infuriates me. I guess partly because I now know that they said the same thing about me when I moved up here with my Rottie, Kilo. I moved from the City to a quiet little town and nobody gave Kilo a chance either. I love the peace and quite of my little town but right now I am so ashamed of my neighborhood!!

06-08-2001, 05:11 PM
Isn't too bad we humans are like that . We do it to ourselves too. Why can't we just learn to give a chance to everyone and every thing. Sorry I got Pollyanna on you but I try to find a little good in every one, lots of times I get burnt on it but the times you surprize the other person makes it worth it. May be you could have a meet the new neighbor/baby shower to let every one meet the newby. If the owner doesn't mind.

06-11-2001, 08:44 AM
Corinna, yeah, I know what you mean. We, unfortunately, live in a very prejudicial world.
I got to meet the new kid yesterday. My family was sitting at the only store in town and his owners pulled in to get gas and he was in the bed of the truck. I walked up to him to meet him. They said he was a big baby and, boy, he was. I fed him some of my ice cream. I think I now have a forever friend. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I told him how I had one for 7 1/2 years but we had to put him down because he attacked the neighbor http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/confused.gif (we have a one bite dog law), but up until that point he was a great dog. (Our Vet Assistant told us that 90 percent of all rotties eventually turn. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif) I asked him what the dog's name was and he said Kilo. We about died. That was our dog's name too. Unfortunately, I think they were both named after drugs. Our dog was four months old when we got him. I wrote out a check for him and when I asked the last name, I about choked when they told me it. The name is well known for their drug dealings in our County. When my husband and I got in the car with Kilo to take him home, we both looked at each other and said, we'll have to watch his poop for a couple of days to see if any baggies come out with drugs in them.