View Full Version : update on lexie

03-31-2003, 04:30 PM
hi there everyone, well lexie if doing fine, her eye looks almost cleared, just saline solution seemed to do the trick, i am sure she hurt whilst i was away, ran into something or something fell and hit her, she is sitting here beside me on the couch whilst i type this message, purring like crazy, everytime i pat her she talks back, she is so cute, i must try and get pics of her soon so u can c my little darling.
she had her first real adventure outside today took her out to the washing line whilst i was hanging out the washing, she usually stays beside me but no she took off next door over the fence and i could not stop here, i panicked and went looking for her and calling her nowwhere to be seen she was gone around 15 mins, i come back home and my son says she is under the table, ooh thank goodness she came back home all by herself too, i am most proud of her, but she did give her mum a big scare.
I had her outside early this morning chasing this big piece of rope i have she loves that, and low and behold old ash started chasing it too, he never plays much these days, he looked so cute, he is such a big cuddly looking cat and with his cute kitten like expression on his face he looked adorable, last night lexie and ash were sitting opposite each other, she trys hard to be his friend but he is not wearing it, he will touch noses, but he spits at her and puts his claws out when he feels like it, but he is not vicious with her, she actually put hers out to him as he passed today, guess she is sick of being the nice guy, she trys so hard, i do notice if ash is inside for the night, which i try and make sure he is most nights, she spends a lot more time downstairs than upstairs in our bedroom so who knows what they get up tol, wish i was a fly on the wall, but then again not as my furbabies would make a meal of me lol.
Well update on my mum, she is doing very well, my sister came down from auckland about 2hrs drive away and spent the weekend with her and we went out to breakfast and shopping yesterday was real nice, we dont often get out together, but thursday is the day folks we find out the test results, so all your positive vibes would be appreciated, lets hope all is as well as it appears. well thats it for now folks bye cheer carole

03-31-2003, 06:57 PM
So glad she's doing well, Carole, even though I know she gave you a scare today! :)