View Full Version : dogs and kids

03-30-2003, 07:23 PM
So here we are, just got another dog on Friday, and my grandmother almost had a heart attack when she found out. When we got the second one, she made some kind of remark about how she wouldn't get any great-grandchildren from me, probably only dogs:rolleyes:
Now, mind you, my husband and I have only been married 7 months, and are buying our first house right now, moving this week. We have discussed children (before we got married we did), and we do want them, but we wanted dogs first, and then kids.
Is there some reason I won't be able to have them because I have 3 dogs? Is there some kind of law that I don't know about? Because we are planning to have children, and I am aware that it will be a lot of work to take care of 3 dogs and children, but it can be done. One of our neighbors told us she had 3 dogs, and then her baby--the baby went in a backpack, and the 3 dogs on her leashes, and off they went, all the time. Sounds fine to me!!!!

Some people just don't get it, I guess.

Byakko's Mom
03-30-2003, 07:50 PM
Good for you.I think you can do it.I have always had dogs and the kids came and I never thought twice now the kids and I have dogs of course the kids are older.My son is 12, daughter 19 and other son on his own with his family at 23 but I see no reason you can't do it.I think kids should be raised with dogs.My dear friend has 2 Akitas 11 and 9 and a 21 month old daughter and after she was born they rescued a 9 month old great dane /pointer mix and he is in puppy class with my shiba.Yup, the baby is in a back pack at the dog park and the baby is a young dog handler.Her first words were "sit,down,stay" :) She can crate the new dog and they get along beautifully.It can work.Of course they are extreamly experienced dog people but you are experienced too and I know it will work for you.Shiba's give us a world of experience- :D don't they.Good luck-don't let anyone deter you from your dreams and plans.You can do it.

03-30-2003, 08:43 PM
I hope there are not laws against having 3 dogs and children!!! Ralph and I have been married 2 1/2 years, have 3 dogs, and plan on children "in the future" I am sorta hoping to start before I am 30 (I turned 27 in Jan) and I have no intention whatsoever of giving up any one of my dogs!!!

03-30-2003, 08:43 PM
Of course you can do it! :D
But I do have a fear of not being able to do it myself lol...But that's okay, I don't think I see children in my future :rolleyes: Kinda need a guy first! :eek: lol

03-30-2003, 08:44 PM
i know somebody who has a 2 yr old ( she was one at the time) she was adopted and they got her a toy poodle name " Ana chicka bebe" aka chicka and that poor dog>> the little girl loved her so much she toted her by the neck w/ both arms wrapped around her POOR CHICKA!! but they got along PERFECT!!!:D

03-30-2003, 09:22 PM
posted by lovemyshiba: When we got the second one, she made some kind of remark about how she wouldn't get any great-grandchildren from me, probably only dogs>>>>>

LOLOL! Thankyou so much, I laughed so hard
when I was reading your post, I almost fell off my chair.

That's a grandmother for ya! lol :rolleyes:

03-30-2003, 09:46 PM
I totally agree with you lovemyshiba!!! People ask "do you have kids" and I say "NO, I have 2 dogs and a husband". They sure look at me like it is against the law!!!

However, my parents are great. My mum refers to them as her "Grand-dogs" and to Jo, her "Grand-Bird" :D

03-30-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by captain
I totally agree with you lovemyshiba!!! People ask "do you have kids" and I say "NO, I have 2 dogs and a husband". They sure look at me like it is against the law!!!

However, my parents are great. My mum refers to them as her "Grand-dogs" and to Jo, her "Grand-Bird" :D

My mom does the same thing. She even sends chrismas gifts to her "grand-furries"

PS: we currently have 15 dogs & seven cats and do plan to have a human child soon!

03-31-2003, 07:50 AM
Glad to hear the responses!!
My grandmother is your typical grandmother, I totally expected her to say that. My cousin is getting married this fall, and plans to get 2 dogs after their house is built on the 5 acres that they bought--they want a boxer and a boston terrier--and I'm sure she'll say the same thing to her;)
We have 2 grandkids who did the graduate, get a job, get married, have babies thing, and I think gram just wishes we all did that!!!!! Yet every Thanksgiving, when all 30 of us try to pile into her tiny house for dinner, all she does is complain--I think I'll bring the dogs this year:)

Cisco's Mom
03-31-2003, 08:30 AM
Ya, but ya know how grandparents are. They are just so excited about starting another generation. I think that is just a given. I mean my mother-in-law has tried to bribe us in all sorts of ways to have a grandbaby for her. We have been together nearly 20yrs. We don't plan on having childeren, but she still tries!! So the amin thing is do it when ya'll are ready and no sooner!:) :D :) :D

Dakota's Mommy
04-02-2003, 03:54 PM
Yes, our mom talks about our pups being her granddogs but thinks we need to stop getting dogs so we can have kids. I always wondered the same thing, why can't we have dogs an kids too. Of course, mom keeps telling me that I still need to wait before we have kids and gets more on Amy (sorry sis). What's wrong with having both, especially the way Amy's two girls are (I'm thinking Spot will be the same way too). They're great with kids!