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03-30-2003, 11:01 AM
taking over the world....

Los Angeles Daily News

By Troy Anderson
Staff Writer

In a sea of small U.S. flags, nearly 7,500 immigrants from 100 nations became American citizens Friday at naturalization ceremonies.
The new citizens, including 23 servicemen and -women who received enthusiastic applause from the crowd, praised America's war to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
"I don't know why they left him until now," said Khajik Haroian, 65, who came to the United States from Baghdad six years ago.
"My feeling of gratitude to our troops is so deep," said Ann Claire Van Shaick Pahlavi, who was born in Tehran. "I feel such gratitude for their willingness to fight for my freedom. If only for that, I'm proud to come here today."
In all, 7,450 immigrants were sworn in during the day's two mass-citizenship ceremonies in the downtown Los Angeles Sports Arena, which served as a temporary federal court for the occasion.
Officials from the newly formed Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services said the top five countries represented in the ceremony were Mexico, with 1,991 new citizens; Philippines, 649; Vietnam, 524; Korea, 492; and Iran, 397. Six former Iraqis became U.S. citizens Friday.
In the Los Angeles district, an estimated 125,000 will be eligible to become naturalized U.S. citizens in 2003.
"We are very happy," said Yorba Linda resident Rasik S. Pater, 46, who moved from India in 1990 and owns a dry-cleaning business. "This is my dream -- American citizen. It's the greatest country in the world."
Glendale resident Agasthi Ranasinghe, 42, who came from Sri Lanka several years ago, said he's proud to be an American.
"Especially at this moment, when the United States is going through hard times in the world," Ranasinghe said. "I'm very proud to be a citizen of the United States. I hope I can contribute positively to America and make a good life for myself and my family as well."
Los Angeles resident Sudesh Silva, 29, said he won the lottery from Sri Lanka to get a green card to come to the United States. He now works as an automobile technician at a car-rental business.
"It's the land of opportunity," Silva said. "I saw it on TV and the news. That's why I came over here."
Hollywood Hills resident Sol Kaye, 34, said he came from Iran to the United States with his family in 1979 during the Islamic Revolution and is now the first lawyer in his family. His father owns a business in the downtown garment district.
"I'm ecstatic," Kaye said. "I get to become part of this great nation full of opportunity. It took me a long time. I was 9 years old when I came here. It was during the Islamic Revolution and because we are Jewish, we felt it was best to go to another country and America was the natural choice.
"We came here right before the hostage crisis when Iran took 52 hostages and held them for 444 days. Unfortunately, we got a lot of backlash for that, because a lot of people didn't realize we were against it."
The morning oath was administered by U.S. District Court Judge Gary Feess, who made special remarks for the military personnel who became citizens.
"Freedom comes with a price," Feess said. "I salute them and their willingness to sacrifice their individual objectives in the short run for the long-term objectives of their country."
Leroy Alveranga, an Army specialist, said he had no doubts about serving his new country.
"It's all about what you promised to do, defend the Constitution of the United States," said Alveranga, who was born in Jamaica. "It's not about where you are from, it's about where you live."
Hollywood resident David Gomez, 45, said becoming a citizen is important to him because now he will be able to vote and express his opinions about the government.
Gomez said the United States is a very good country though the war in Iraq concerns him.
"It really worries me because I think that this war is not necessary because the government can fix the problems in another way, not this way -- with a lot of people dying," said the furniture store clerk. "I don't think it's good."
The new citizens for the most part expressed strong support for America's war in Iraq.
"For one stupid guy like Saddam a lot of innocent people will die," said Pravin Patel, 45, from India. "We had to do something. He's a crazy guy." The Associated Press contributed to this story.

03-30-2003, 06:20 PM
Very cool Richard!! Some native "Americans" should read that and think on it.

04-03-2003, 04:19 PM
when my dad went to become a citizen he was ushered into a room to be given the interview before taking the oath.

he sat down across from the interviewer and was asked a series of questions about the United States. He answered all the questions correctly until the woman asked him, "What are the three most important branches of the government???"

he answered, "The Army, Navy, and Marines....."

WRONG answers of course!!!!!!

the woman smiled and said, "that's good enough for me!!!!"

He got his citizenship!

04-03-2003, 05:14 PM
Are you sure these people are talking about the United States?
Because from what I hear from Soledad and cheetagirl the world hates us and I can't imagine anyone wanting to come here and establish a new life.

Richard, your Dad was my kind of person, lol

Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

04-03-2003, 05:16 PM
Very cool story Richard!! I like the woman at the INS too for letting the question go.

04-03-2003, 05:17 PM
I've alway wondered if the US is such an 'awful' country, why so many people risk so much to get here.

04-03-2003, 05:19 PM
I wonder if I'm such an America hater, why I'm moving back in less than two months. :rolleyes:

Or, why my family immigrated there. :rolleyes:

Oh, wait, that's right...I don't hate America. I just question its foreign policy and for that I should move to France.:rolleyes:

04-03-2003, 05:29 PM
At this point Soledad, I think you would be happier if you did move to France and it would probably make us happier too. I do believe you are moving here for the good life, just like the people of Iraq would like to have too and we are trying to help them achieve that dream.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

04-03-2003, 05:33 PM
"I do believe you are moving here for the good life."

Like that killer economy you got going on right now??:confused:

I know you'd be a lot happier Jackie if people who disagreed with you and you didn't like were shipped off to camps and kept away from the population, but unfortantely that strategy doesn't work too well after WWII.

04-03-2003, 05:40 PM
If it's all that bad, why are you bothering to move back? Personally, I think that people should have the right to dissent, but do it in such a way that it is tactful and not harmful. I've said before that I am not a G.W. fan, but, right now I will support him. Do I like all of his policies...no way Jose....vouchers, charter schools, tax breaks for the rich....but, right now the focus is one winning this war in Iraq (which it sounds imminent) and get our men and women home.

04-03-2003, 05:43 PM
Soledad, that was not nice.

This is still Pet Talk, even though it's the Dog House, remember?

We should all still be respectful of each other as human beings. We are all special, right?

Now, back to the topic of the thread, my Mom used to run parties for the new citizens at the county Courthouse. She always found the new citizens to be extremely grateful for their place in America, and more knowledgable about American history than most "born here" Americans. She wondered aloud once if every high school junior or senior ought to have to pass the US citizenship test.

She was quite upset when the new judge at that courthouse (years ago now) decided that the parties were "too much fuss," and disallowed them. Shouldn't this be an occasion for abundant celebration? We all think so!

04-03-2003, 05:43 PM
Quote: Soledad I wonder if I'm such an America hater, why I'm moving back in less than two months.

:eek: Where are you moving to???? And why????

04-03-2003, 05:44 PM
Oh, but RICHARD calling me an ugly Nazi slitherer IS nice?!! Some consistency would be nice.

04-03-2003, 05:46 PM
with a smile and a flourish of good nature i say....

who left the door open??????

the day i put my dad into the ground was the saddest and happiest day of my life.

sad that i would not see him again and happy that he made
it as a citizen (never underestimate the power of the US MILITARY when you are in a bind- lololololol!!!!!)

You can't rain on his parade and his memory, you disrespectful malcontent. Showing your colors again??????

after the things i said about you earlier you either have no shame or were born one DNA strand short of common sense.....


wait a sec........let me toss in a laugh here


04-03-2003, 05:47 PM

One of the Indiana standards for 8th grade is to teach a chapter on U.S. citizenship and how the government works. Also every year that there is an election we have to teach a unit on elections. So, there is SOME education going on....it's just whether or not they listen and retain it.

What kind of an idiot judge would say that the parties were unnecessary??? Hmmmm....I question some people's thinkings sometimes.

04-03-2003, 05:49 PM
"disrespectful malcontent"

I am SICK of the double standard that exists in the doghouse. It is FINE for RICHARD to call me all sorts of things, yet I am "not nice" or being rude when I retort.

Look, don't you people have anything better to do than gang up on me? Don't you have soldiers to write to and flags to wave???

I know I have a few soldiers to write to, my family. I'm sick of you accusing me of anti-Americanism and being unpatriotic when I have to watch what's going on and worry about my family.

04-03-2003, 05:54 PM
Freedom of speech does not apply to a privately owned website.

I made an attempt to apologise and talk things out with you via PM. But you refused because you THRIVE on this.

Why don't you leave or start talking about your cat for once.

04-03-2003, 05:55 PM
We are ALL worried. I'm sorry you have family there fighting, but, I don't think that badmouthing pro-American stances helps any, especially on a board that is made up mostly of Americans. The tone of this thread was SUPPOSED to be positive and suddenly it's not and that happens ALL the time. Let's just rejoice in the fact that these people have found their dreams and can live where they want to and enjoy freedoms that they may never have had before.

04-03-2003, 05:56 PM
Well, Mugsy, it helps ME. It helps me to know that there are some people out there with the integrity to not be silenced. I have a personal stake with my cousins' lives, and if I do not speak up and say that I think that they have been put in harm's way for invalid reasons, I could not forgive myself if something should happen to them.

I am sickened that there are people here who feel that they can question my patriotism when they don't even know my first name. I have voted ever since I was eigtheen, received a scholarship to Case Western, worked in politics, volunteered for campaigns and soup kitchens, had most of my family serve and have two family members currently in this conflict...and you people sit on your computers and make judgements about my patriotism!! Disagree with my points, but do not make personal jugdments.

04-03-2003, 06:02 PM
Ok, but, what good is it doing NOW? I understand that you do not think that this war is valid, you have made that abundantly clear, just as I have made it abundantly clear that I think that it is valid, but, why not start a thread about it instead of putting it on the threads that were meant to be positive in this time of worry for all of us, but most especially those with family members there fighting. I don't know your cousins and would never try to second guess their thinking, but I know a lot of military people and what you are saying would offend them mightily. I know a lot of them almost take it personally that they are fighting for nothing. Look at Ms. Lynch....I would guess that she would not like to hear or read some of the things being posted on here, when she just spent 2 weeks as a POW.

04-03-2003, 06:05 PM
   It is not fine for Richard to insult Soledad or anyone else. It is not fine to insult Karen. Let me be clear, since some are having a very hard time understanding. It is not fine for anyone to insult anyone else.


04-03-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Paul
   It is not fine for Richard to insult Soledad or anyone else. It is not fine to insult Karen. Let me be clear, since some are having a very hard time understanding. It is not fine for anyone to insult anyone else.


where do i send the blender...

thank you Paul, strike two for me!!

04-03-2003, 06:13 PM
I have to question RICHARD's sincerity. Earlier this week I tried to PM and have a constructive discussion with him and asked him if we could work things out. He refused. I do not believe he is here to talk about pets or be nice.

04-03-2003, 06:16 PM
Ok, Karen and I tried to get back to the original thread...am I to assume that it's not open for discussion anymore?

Miss Meow
04-03-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Paul
   It is not fine for Richard to insult Soledad or anyone else. It is not fine to insult Karen. Let me be clear, since some are having a very hard time understanding. It is not fine for anyone to insult anyone else.


And that's been the whole aim of the Dog House as I remember it. Can we agree to keep it to issues, not personal attacks? It hurts to see people attacking each other and demeans the content of the original thread content.

I tried to contribute but got so paranoid that I'd be flamed with agro PMs or personal attacks and I'm not the only one who feels this way. Or maybe I should keep away? Please let me know.

04-03-2003, 06:22 PM
for the record

Re: Question


Soledad wrote on 03-26-2003 03:09 PM:
I am willing to discuss things with you in a more civilised way. Why do you not want me to PM you? Would you rather drag this out with an audience?


I figured it would be rude not to respond and I have no desire to
have an audience.

I am ruder when people aren't looking, it's that stupid and evil side of me that likes to eff with people, and it's for your proctection.........my fingers type bad words and slurs if i am not careful. Also it just takes a few keystrokes to edit a message and make it look like a person is sending you rude PM's.






p.s. i won't answer, so don't reply!

04-03-2003, 06:22 PM
I've never been flamed or anything else. I sure wouldn't not post because of that.

Anyway....I'll try again....Cudos to the people who did so much to become citizens of the U.S.

04-03-2003, 06:25 PM
Yup, that's how it went. You refused to discuss with me. And I think I was bang on; you DO want an audience. Why else would you post a PM???

04-03-2003, 06:44 PM
AAACCCKKKK!!! Do I need a 2 X 4??


04-03-2003, 06:49 PM
It takes two, Mugsy. He posted the PM.:rolleyes:

04-03-2003, 06:49 PM
From Soladad

I know you'd be a lot happier Jackie if people who disagreed with you and you didn't like were shipped off to camps and kept away from the population, but unfortantely that strategy doesn't work too well after WWII.

I find that insulting for you to tell me something like that, I have been in PetTalk for a long time and I have shown respect to everyone in here, I tried to ask you legitimate questions to understand what your thought process was, in turn you disrespect me, as far as I am concerned you are not worth the effort. I wouldn't ship you off to a camp but I would prefer that you stay in NZ, I wouldn't want you for a neighbor. We live in a diversified neighborhood which includes Mexican, Iraqi, Korean, Black, Filipino and many more nationalities, believe me you would not fit in, they are all true Americans.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

04-03-2003, 06:51 PM
Did I mention names??? I would like to see at least one thread on here remain positive since none of the others seem to.

04-03-2003, 06:53 PM
I'm sorry, I will not do it again, I will remain positive.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

04-03-2003, 06:59 PM
I wasn't talking to you Jackie, you posted at the same time I did!....I've tried 3 or 4 times to get this thread back on track and have fallen flat on my face everytime.

04-04-2003, 05:04 PM
I'll try to get it back on track Mugsy.

The most recent immigrant to my family tree is my mother-in-law who is from Japan. She was a school girl during WW2. She met her husband, my father-in-law, during the occupation after WW2.

She is proud to be an American. I've spent many Independence Days at her and my father-in-law's home, where we celebrate America, eat, and go to a fireworks show.

She was told that she had to learn the Pledge of Allegiance "forwards and backwards" so she did.:)

PS: If you are tired of certain people's threads, just click on their profiles and click on the "Ignore" button. It works wonders.:)

04-06-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Soledad, that was not nice.

This is still Pet Talk, even though it's the Dog House, remember?

We should all still be respectful of each other as human beings. We are all special, right?

Tell me, because I don't understand:

Why is it that what Soledad did/said was so "not nice", as compared to some of the other remarks by others (i.e. 'we'd be happier if you moved to France', etc.).

So, let me get this straight: if you oppose the war AT ALL, you're a bad, un-patriotic American?

04-07-2003, 10:33 AM
thanks catland for trying to get this back on track, but it's become perfectly obvious that people want to continue the pro American/anti American crap and not what the thread was supposed to be about.

I just wonder what these new citizens would think of this thread.

I admire anyone who leaves their homeland to come to a new country and start a new life. How scary would that be??

04-07-2003, 05:18 PM
Gee Mugsey, you will have to forgive me for "continuing the American/anti-American crap"............I've been away from PT for quite awhile and had not seen/heard the debate you all had going-on. I too, have some feelings about all of it, and needed to vent a bit (as all of you already did).

As I have said, I have not been on PT for quite awhile- yesterday was my first day back, and what a shock!
It saddens me to see/hear all the animosity between so many of you :(

I don't usually get invovled in the friction that I see (from time to time) here, but this really got to me. Especially when I read that some of the P. Talkers seemed to think it was okay to say to other members "we would be happy if you just moved to France, and not the USA!" OR "We won't even bother with an insignificent little country like Denmark!"
Maybe only one or two of you said it, but a few others condoned it by letting it go, and even backing-it up.

In my opinion, acting like THAT is un-American.
(and kinda rude).

And Oh, BTW, there are not just 2 sides to this (i.e. American vs. anti-American). It's not a completely black or white issue.
There are many, many people who SUPPORT OUR TROOPS, but are upset by the fact that we are in this war.

Again, I'm sad and disappointed in what I have been reading from some you here the last couple days. :(:(:(

PS-Karen still doesn't have an answer for me? I thought not.................

04-07-2003, 07:10 PM
yorkster, my complaint is that this particular thread started out very upbeat and then got nasty when people started making crappy comments. It got totally off the topic and it made me angry, I have made attempt after attempt to bring it back on topic and everytime someone gets off topic again. My question is, why the heck don't the people who are upset make their own thread? Oh well, like you I need to vent.

And, yes, this all started over people being upset about pro-Americans/anti Americans, and escalated from there. And to be perfectly honest, we have no idea what happened behind the scenes with any of the parties involved.

And as far as the anti-war sentiments, I don't like war any more than the next person, but, I felt this one was necessary and the people who are badmouthing the president LOUDLY and questioning how much they like America yada yada yada, yeah, I think they ought to move to France (although, now that the war is being won quite handily, although I'm sure I'll have those that say that's not true either, France has decided that maybe the war was a good idea....how convenient). But, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it just like the anti war people are entitled to theirs and if someone favors one side or the other then that's their right....especially if they OWN the site.

04-07-2003, 09:32 PM
It does not even seem like you read what I said :confused:

Can't you or anyone else on the other side of this issue maybe, just maybe see that there's more than just two sides to this issue?
It seems that you all about "you're either pro-American or anti-American"
Can't you see that it is not that simple?

And................I was just asking the moderator for a clarification on something that she brought up- it really does not matter who owns this site :confused:

04-07-2003, 09:37 PM
It's a waste of energy, Yorkster. :rolleyes:

04-07-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by yorkster

PS-Karen still doesn't have an answer for me? I thought not.................

What question were you expecting me to answer?

I have not stated my opinion on the war in any way, shape or form here, nor do I intend to, lest people assume I am "chosing sides." Some people on any side of the issue have already accused me of taking someone else's "side." Sigh. If you earnestly want my opinion on the war, PM me.

All I ask is that the people here, even in "The Dog House" - an area set aside for discussion of things like the war (so if you don't want to see anything contentious, stay out of "the Dog House,") remeber that everyone here is a special person, and that we have to respect each other, even if we disagree with each others' opinions.

04-07-2003, 10:02 PM
"remeber that everyone here is a special person, and that we have to respect each other, even if we disagree with each others' opinions."

I think she was wondering why no comments were made by you or Paul regarding "pro-war" comments like "go move to France" "you're un-American" etc.

04-07-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Soledad, that was not nice.

The reply I asked about last night (it's about 3-4 replies back).
And it related to something at the beginning of this whole thread.

I just did not understand what your thinking was when you told Soledad she was 'not nice', when there had also been some mean-spiritted remarks on the other side also. I am really not trying to cause trouble, I just thought there was something I missed :confused:

I would have PM'd you but I thought since the whole thing was all going-on out in the open anyway...................................

04-07-2003, 10:16 PM
I don't want my being moderator to mean I chastize everyone individually each and every time.

In that post, only

Soledad, that was not nice.

was addressed to Soledad. It was because she had posted this

I know you'd be a lot happier Jackie if people who disagreed with you and you didn't like were shipped off to camps and kept away from the population, but unfortantely that strategy doesn't work too well after WWII.
which seemed like a very personal attack, while Jackie's suggestion that she might be happier in a different country, didn't seem to deserve quite as vitriolic and personal an attack on her character was posted.

The following part was a separate paragraph, and intended for everyone.

This is still Pet Talk, even though it's the Dog House, remember?

We should all still be respectful of each other as human beings. We are all special, right?

And I still believe we can do it.

This thread HAD died down for a couple days, and people seemed calmer. I hope they can still be.

Pet Talk in general is still a friendly happy place. Again, if you don't want to see contentious stuff, avoid posts in "the Dog House," okay?

04-07-2003, 10:17 PM
I would say that telling me that I'm not a real American and that I should move to France are also personal attacks.

04-07-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
"remeber that everyone here is a special person, and that we have to respect each other, even if we disagree with each others' opinions."

I think she was wondering why no comments were made by you or Paul regarding "pro-war" comments like "go move to France" "you're un-American" etc.

I cannot win, can I?

I have "disciplined" people on both sides of the issue, this ONE comment was in this forum. I am sorry that everyone does not see/know everything I tell to everyone, but then again, I'm not. That's WHY we have email and PM's, so all the laundry need not be on public display.

I don't, frankly, think anyone should call anyone un-American right now. Okay?

And anyone is free to move wherever they want, okay?

And you can all think I'm biased toward whatever side you're against, there's not a lot I can do about that other than to say I am TRYING to keep Pet Talk a peaceful place!

So shoot me!

04-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Yes, it was Soledad.

I had a REAL problem too with (a certain member) saying straight out in a post "...........a small, insignificent little country like Denmark!"

and that was not a uncalled for attack? We have PT members from Denmark :confused:

04-07-2003, 10:28 PM
Okay sorry karen. I just saw that we posted our replies to soledad at about the same time- I was really NOT trying to drag it out any further.

You have a tough job and you do it well. ;)

04-07-2003, 11:09 PM
Karen, I'm really sorry, I seem to be the problem here and I have tried to be more positive in my posting, some people just don't want to give up.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

04-08-2003, 12:06 AM
i would like to thank sweden for giving our soldiers the AT-4 anti tank round (HEAT)........thank you sweden and thank you BOFORS industries.

That's pretty significant!!!!

04-08-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
some people just don't want to give up.

Hey now, I just got here to the 'dog house' yesterday ;)
.....didn't even know this stuff was going-on til' then.
There were a couple of inappropiate comments made is all I ever said. :eek:

04-08-2003, 06:52 AM
Yorkster, Soledad suggested moving to France and I just said maybe it would be a good idea, I never told her to move to France, and I don't recall ever exactly saying she was "Anti-American" or "Not a Real American". Again, words in my mouth.

The person from Denmark called Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Bush's lap dog, whether you like the Prime Minister or President Bush is of no consequence however it is an insult to the two heads of state, one which has been a friend to our country for many years. They were both elected to office by their people and yes I did get angry and called Denmark a insignificant little country, but then I don't appreciate the remarks that he said either.

As far as Anti-war, Pro-war, I don't think there is any such thing.
I don't think there is anyone on here who Loves war, in a sense we are all Anti-war, however some of us understand that we are in war and it is better to keep our troops morale up then it is to protest and let them know we are against what they believe in and feel they are doing the right thing to help the people of Iraq.

I pity the Anti-War protester who goes in the military hospital to visit the wounded young men and women in there and declares to the world that they are proud Anti-war protesters. How would these young men and women feel? Have they fought and got wounded for nothing?

I pity the Anti-War protester who visits a family of the young soldier, man or woman who died in the war and declares to them that they are a proud Anti-War Protester. Has their son or daughter died in vain?

There is a time and place for everything. This is just my opinion and I hope to continue to be positive in my posts and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

04-08-2003, 08:44 AM
I would imagine that anyone visiting this area of Pet Talk, for the first time, after all of these posts have been made would probably be shocked at what they read. But isn't that why this area was created? It's a separate area that we already know was put here for controversial subjects, where people are bound to have opposing views. All Karen and Paul are trying to do is to monitor it, carefully, to make sure that it is being used for the purpose it was intended and that it doesn't get out of hand. And it is up to them, as owners/moderators of this whole forum to make judgement on things that they think are out of line. If we don't like how they do that, no one is forcing us to read this part of Pet Talk, or any of it, for that matter.

This would be a pretty boring world if we all thought and acted alike. Personally, I appreciate the different views, even if I don't always agree.

I hope things can get back on track here, and we can have spirited, yet respectful discussions.


04-08-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935

The person from Denmark called Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Bush's lap dog, whether you like the Prime Minister or President Bush is of no consequence however it is an insult to the two heads of state, one which has been a friend to our country for many years. They were both elected to office by their people and yes I did get angry and called Denmark a insignificant little country, but then I don't appreciate the remarks that he said either.

Okay Jackie, I understand where you were coming from when you made the "move to France" comment. I really am trying to understand here.............
However, I still have a problem with saying to anyone (from Denmark or any other country), that their country is "small and insignificent." I find that to be quite a different remark from somebody expressing a dislike for a particular leader. Insulting an entire country is very different indeed.
There are many people in the rest of the world that view Americans negatively (and sometimes for good reason)- I wish we could all act in such a way to prove them wrong!

As for my feeling about the war, I am somewhere in-between you and Soledad:
I completely support our troops and would NOT protest while we are actually at war. I have two people that I am close to that are over there right now, and I pray for all our military daily. On the other hand, I am morally against this war, and not a fan of our leadership right now.
I guess it's bothered me that it seems like there has been too much "you have to be on one side or the other" stuff going-on (on both sides of the issue), and it's not that way at all.
I would really not like to be 'lumped-in' with some of those peace protesters that are using this war to act out their aggressions- those people do not speak for me and what I believe in at all. In fact, most people that are against the war, do not approve or condone their actions, and feel that they are doing more harm than good.

I don't think we are all that far apart about what we believe-
I am sorry that their there have been these misunderstandings, and hope we all can move on and forgive.