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03-29-2003, 04:16 PM
Hi all,

Does anyone have advice on how to stop dogs from constantly barking? Since the weather is getting nicer and windows are open at night, I don't want to cause trouble around the neighborhood. Thanks!!!

:confused: :confused:

Cathy :)

03-29-2003, 06:59 PM
Have you tried spraying water in your dogs face when it barks? It works great for my dogs...I just pick it up and they lay down and cower! ;)

P.S. Is that a shiba inu in your pic? It's small so I can't really tell :confused:

03-30-2003, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the idea, I've forgotten about that old standby...water. I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks again.

BTW, sorry the pic's so tiny but it's not a Shiba Inu although when people see her, some of them suggests that. Sammie's actually a pound puppy (chow/corgi mix).

:) :) :) :) :)

Originally posted by wolfsoul
Have you tried spraying water in your dogs face when it barks? It works great for my dogs...I just pick it up and they lay down and cower! ;)

P.S. Is that a shiba inu in your pic? It's small so I can't really tell :confused:

03-30-2003, 10:29 AM
You can try taching your dog to speak. When he learns that command, it's almost as if your setting a limit to its barking. Good luck :)

04-13-2003, 12:51 AM
i have that same problem....my collies nuisance barking. i spray water at hr when she starts to act up, otherwise, i just tell her a firm NO:)

04-13-2003, 12:56 AM
Why is your dog barking? At something or what?

04-13-2003, 08:25 AM
My beagle, Abbey, loves to bark at nothing--I'm sure it's a bunny or cat or something that she smells, but she will just stand out on the porch (only at night) and bark her head off.
A distraction is what I use--a whistle or something to get her attention, then she focuses on me. I've also seen things you can use, that send out a noise (humans can't hear it), and it distracts the dog.

04-13-2003, 11:05 AM
barking at nothing can mean your dog is bored, or has stress, and they take it out on barking. My collie loves to bark at oter dogs but used to bark just for the heck of it!:D

04-13-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Have you tried spraying water in your dogs face when it barks? It works great for my dogs...I just pick it up and they lay down and cower! ;)

P.S. Is that a shiba inu in your pic? It's small so I can't really tell :confused:

You shouldn't even own any friggin' dogs. Spray water in their face? You're teaching those poor dogs that doing what they do naturally is wrong. It'd be like someone slapping you in the face every time you spoke. That's pathetic - "I just pick it up and they lay down and cower! ;)" For the sake of animals in your reach, I hope you get no more animals. So sad and pathetic ... ...

04-13-2003, 11:24 AM
then what do u use to control barking?, spraying a LITTLE bit of water is harmless to the dog!, and it WORKS!, also i kind of agree do u like to see them cower??, spraying water in the face is a big no no for me, it can hurt the dog!

04-13-2003, 11:28 AM
I think first you need to figure out WHY the dog is barking before you start spraying water in their face. And I certainly wouldn't spray them in the face EVERY time they bark, as barking is what dogs do.

04-13-2003, 02:50 PM
Barking is a natural thing. It seems your dog is barking for no reason. When your dog is barking, try to pick up a ball and play. If he follows, your dog may just be barking for attention or because he's bored.

I don't like to spray water in a dogs' face. I remmeber when we got Primo (my dog of 1 day...LONG story) the breeder (although she wasn't good at all) told us if he misbehaved to slam a rolled up newspaper hard hard on the floor next to him. After we did that, the dog was terrified. We did it once with Mickey btu saw it was just scarying the dog, not disciplining him.

04-13-2003, 03:09 PM
I sprayed Leather because she barks at nothing. People walk in the door, she gets excited, and she barks, ok, that's alright, I wouldn't spray her for that. But when she barks non-stop after they've been there for half an hour, that's enough, There's a baby next door, we don't need barking, ecspecially when there isn't anything to bark at. She also barks to get attention, even when she's getting it! Usually, just telling her to be quiet will work. But when she doesn't stop, I pick up the water bottle, and she quits. You have to remember that I don't own the house, and the people that do don't tolerate barking, and Leather has a very loud voice.

When I said that they cower, I was only explaining the effectivness of spraying, not that I like to see them cower before me like I'm torturing them.

04-13-2003, 03:19 PM
You shouldn't even own any friggin' dogs. Spray water in their face? You're teaching those poor dogs that doing what they do naturally is wrong. It'd be like someone slapping you in the face every time you spoke. That's pathetic - "I just pick it up and they lay down and cower! " For the sake of animals in your reach, I hope you get no more animals. So sad and pathetic ... ...

And you shouldn't be so close-minded, and should wait for someone to say things in defense before you make accusations without knowing why I used the spray bottle! I don't even spray anymore, I just have the bottle handy so when they bark for attention or just for the heck of it I can pick it up and they will stop. I grew up on the idea of a spray bottle, it was drilled into my head, and I like the idea. Maybe you were raised differently, but you shouldn't tell me that I shouldn't have animal friends because of it. That hurts. That is truly sad and pathetic, not the fact that I find barking for unessecary reasons a hazard to my living quarters and to others tolerances.

How can people say that making a dog do something other than is in it's nature is wrong?! I here complaints all the time! "How do I make my dog stop barking? How do I make my dog stop digging?" How do I make my dog go to the bathroom outside?" How do I get my dog to stop begging?" How can I get my dog to stop jumping the fence?" How can I get my dog to wear a leash?"
These are all examples of asking how to get your dog to do something that is against it's nature. Should using a leash be cruel, because it hurts the dogs neck, chokes, them, confines them, doesn't let it run free and happy? No, even if the dog is not happy, it benefitsboth it and the owner. I wouldn't like to see my stepmother and my dog thrown out on the street with nowhere to live because my dog has a compulsive barking disorder.

04-13-2003, 03:47 PM
First of all, it doesn't matter if you don't spray them anymore. Just the fact that you have in the past and now the poor dogs react to the bottle. Second, I don't care if it hurts that I said you shouldn't have any animals - because - you shouldn't! If you're worried that damn much of what your neighbors think, or if it's a risk that you might get thrown out, you shouldn't have a dog. So then, you restrict it even more, to save your own ass.

Third, I don't care about the other "complaints." That isn't the subject here with you, now is it? Using a leash is for the safety of the dog, if worn properly, it doesn't harm the dog. Spraying water in the dog's face because, OH MY GOD, IT BARKED!!! is not at all for it's own safety. Get a friggin' clue.

04-13-2003, 03:56 PM
JR, i agree with you, spraying water on dogs, esspecially in their face, is wrong, u said that when u pick the bottle up, the dogs stop barking, well, in my opinion that must mean u sprayed them quite alot in order for them to be scared like that! When my collie barks, i tell her a firm NO, and yes, i might spray her wth a little bit of water, but certainly not enough to make hr scared of it!, and esspecialy not on ther face! people r not trying to gangup on u, we r just speaking what we think!:rolleyes:

Byakko's Mom
04-13-2003, 06:12 PM
As far as using water I don't but I have taken different classes where it was a method taught for dogs with a problem and worked well for some.I did rescue a dog once who was terriefied of water and it would have made him cower and I have a rescue now who would just play in it so we can't judge on a specific experience all are different and in some instances it may help.It sure beats hitting.I also wish that we could use constructive and educational criticism as we are all here to learn and share our experiences not to beat each other up.I for one, love my furbabies with all my heart and soul and I spend much of my time reading/ researching and going to different puppy training classes.I like positive training techniques and for some of my dogs I use treats some.I know many are opposed to that too.I think different dogs require different methods and that is what I do.I use what works best for the dog and trainer.

04-13-2003, 06:27 PM
to save your own ass.

We are saving my dog! If my stepmom gets the ultimadem of having to move out, or getting rid of Leather, either way she won't be able to keep her. So you are telling me that you would rather see my dog dead. She has nowhere else to go. My stepmom takes really good care of her. If Leather goes to the Spca, no one would want her, and she would be put down. So the minute you tell me that killing a dog is a good thing, I will believe that the only method that keeps her from barking is a bad one.
We didn't constantly use that method, it only need to be reinforced a few times before she understood what the water bottle meant.
My other dog is afraid of vacuums, would you like me to stop vacuuming? My point is, as long as it's not hurting her or causing severe psychological trauma, she is perfectly fine. She's alive. She's happy. It's better being alive and happy and having to look at a water bottle once in a while than to suddenly have to change environments and get killed.

I agree with Byakko's mom, that different dogs need different training, and we should all be open to others opinions and methods, and there will always be some that we are opposed to.

04-13-2003, 06:43 PM
y would nobody want the dog?????, u dont know that! there r many caring people that adopt dogs people think "will b put to sleep!" so, your already sayin u have to this and that otherwise your dog will b killed!:confused: :(

04-13-2003, 06:55 PM
Because most people in Kelowna are worthless when it comes to adopting animals that are old or sick or aggressive. Leather is almost ten years old, she has malignant cancer, a high chance of getting more tumors, needs medication for her boredom disorder/compulsive biting disorder, she needs to have her special $50 dog food that copes with her allergies and weight, she has a bad leg so she limps quite bit (I've been working with it, it's getting better :D!!!) She doesn't get along with other dogs (unless they are the dogs she's grown up with) she bites people, she was recently abused by children in the home that I used to call mine and so now she's less tolerant of them and has bitten them, she barks which can be a problem to some, she knows how to open door handles, she can open cupboards, she eats from the garbage can and scatters garbage throughout the house, she needs atleast a seven foot high fence, she needs a fridge with a lock otherwise she will open it and help herself litterally to everything, she only listens to commands from myself or my stepmom, and I think that about rounds it up. She's only got a couple more years left, maybe less since she has cancer, I want her to be happy in the home that she loves and carries the people that she loves in it. She's my baby, and if my stepmom ever had to give her up because if her barking habit, I would just die. And so would she. But we don't have to worry about that if we have the water bottle. That is my whole point. It saves her more than anything. Some here my call showing a dog a water bottle abuse, I call it showing her love in a way she wouldn't comprehend.

04-13-2003, 07:02 PM
It saves her more than anything.

How does it save her??, a firm NO could do the exact same thing!, also, its good you care about her, but i think the spraying water IN THE FACE has got to stop, also, maybe try obidiance class???, i worked wonders for my collie!, and she was a nuisance barker too!:p

04-13-2003, 07:12 PM
I already said, I don't spray her! It was done when she was a puppy, and the idea stuck. I haven't sprayed her since I was a kid! We only show her the bottle when she is barking. We say no, and like I said, it usually works, but when she's having one of those off-days where she decides she doesn't want to listen, we just pick up the bottle and she quits. It's healthier than smacking her, and I atleast made my stepmom get rid of that ridiculous muzzle, so everyone should be happy!

Obedience classes are majorly expensive. If my stepmom can't afford another house, or afford to keep Leather if she gets kicked out, how is she supposed to pay for obedience? I like the method we use. It doesn't hurt my dog, it doesn't make her yelp or cry, it's inexpensive, and it works! We rarely need to enforce it, it's only a just-incase sort of a thing. And it works when she doesn't listen to our voices, or can't hear because she's barking too loud. As long as we are using it, we don't have to worry about her having to be given up. I've had enough of that for one lifetime, and I've barely had any at all.

04-13-2003, 07:27 PM
i think she is scared of the water bottle, u said she stops when u pick it up, that means, u must have sprayed her an awful lot when she was a puppy, and now shes scared of it:(

04-13-2003, 08:03 PM
I sprey my dog in the face when she screams. it is soo loud and annoying. She does it when she sees another dog, cat or whatever. I dont thin it is bad. it controlls the barking doesnt it?

04-13-2003, 08:06 PM
how would u like to sprayed in the face, while u were talking?, its just a dogs nature!, it may be annoying, but y not just a firm NO?:confused:

04-13-2003, 08:11 PM
how would u like o sprayed in the face, while u wre talking?, its just a dogs nature!, it may be annoying, but y not just a firm NO?

Because some dogs dont stop when you say a simple firm "NO". some dogs need some kind of painless punishment, that makes them stop. When Tikeya sees a dog being walked on the street or wonder into our yard, she freaks out. She whines soo loud she sounds like she is being beaten. *We have gotten calls from the pound because ppl would complaining that they herd a dog in distress.* That isnt something we want them to think. Tikeya is just very verble, shes a husky, lol. But there is a kind of whine or bark we dont mind with her. a nice awoo woo bark is ok, not a high pitch screaming bark that sound like a dieing donkey.

04-13-2003, 08:14 PM
ok, i c, thanx for explaining!:D

04-13-2003, 08:15 PM
but, i still believe spraying in the face is a big no no!, the dog could get hurt!

04-13-2003, 08:17 PM
Explain how it hurts the dog though? I dont understand how the dog can get hurt. I sprey mine with luk warm water. it is perfectly safe, I also sprey with Cheeko, Spankys, and Spring mist spreyer, not a hose. So whats the big deal ??? :confused:.

04-13-2003, 08:21 PM
what if it gets in there eyes?, y cant u spray it on their back?? they would still feel it, and u would get the same reaction! :p

04-13-2003, 08:29 PM
what if it gets in there eyes?, y cant u spray it on their back?? they would still feel it, and u would get the same reaction! '

it doesnt hurt there eyes, it is just annoying to feel. It wouldent even bother my dogs back, have you seen her? she is a siberian husky. She has 3 layers of thick fur. AND it is spring so She is abotu to start shedding. It would not effect her at all.

04-13-2003, 08:33 PM
how do know it doesnt hurt there eyes?? it could! and yes it would be annoying too, and i have a collie. she was a nuisiance barker too, a firm no made her stop.....no water involved....and even if i did use water, i bet she could fell it on her back, and she has TONS of hair too!:eek:

04-13-2003, 08:52 PM
my dog has WAYY more hair then a collie sorry to say.

And a simple NO doesnt work for most dogs.

and A mist sprey doesnt hurt Cheekos eyes or mine so I dought they hurt a dogs. :rolleyes:

04-13-2003, 08:54 PM
I just wanted to apoligize for things i said, or replied too, about the barking and spraying water issue. Im just speaking what i think, and i hope i didnt offened anybody!, Once again sorry!:)

04-13-2003, 08:58 PM
LOL, just wanted to say, my collie has LOTS of hair! Ive had huskies before, and my collie has way more hair then they do!, from my experience!:D

04-13-2003, 09:32 PM

04-13-2003, 11:54 PM
Thanks for sticking up for me Jynnelle, and thatnks for apoligizing GoldRetrLuver :) I get too worked up lol

04-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Wolfsoul, your welcome! Sometimes i can get too worked up too!:)

04-14-2003, 12:11 AM
lol, if you want to see Leather, I just put some pics of her in dog general. My first pics of her! I also have my dog Timber in there :D

04-14-2003, 09:59 AM
Mick's got hair flying as he runs...:rolleyes:

Anyways, this isn't a contest on who's dog has the most hair :p (Mine does...JK;))

04-14-2003, 10:01 AM
Wolfsoul, leather is adorable! Thanx for sharing those pics!:)

04-14-2003, 10:10 AM
Thanks! :) I'm so happy to finally have pics of her! :D

04-14-2003, 10:15 AM
Your very welcome! Ill have to put up some pics of Molly and Daisy!:D :)

04-14-2003, 10:18 AM
Oooh, I can't wait to see! :D

04-14-2003, 06:42 PM
This is the most ridicules argument I've ever heard!
We used a small water bottle for Millie because she wouldn't stop jumping. She jumps up into your face and nips and screams BLOODY murder when we come home. The FINE MIST from the water bottle calms her down. She will LISTEN to me if she sees the bottle. She'll SIT and be petted. Much more pleasant for everyone. She has been to obedience and is a very good girl; she just gets over stimulated. Our trainers agree that this is about the only way to settle her down enough to LISTEN to us. We can usually come in the door and tell her to sit for a pet and she’ll do it now.

Now if someone were turning on the hose full force and spraying the dog in the face, that would be entirely different. Obviously, that’s not the case here.

04-14-2003, 06:47 PM
Actually, when we got Abbey, they man who runs the beagle rescue uses a spray bottle--he had 15 dogs in the house, and some of them get a little more excited than others. He only has them temporarily, and cares for them a lot more than their previous owners have, so I would hardly call a little mist on them abuse.
I don't see anything wrong with a little mist, like Micki said, some dogs get soooooo excited, sometimes it's used to just get their attention.

04-27-2003, 03:11 PM
wolfsoul has the right to have a dog, and if she loves the dog, then yes she SHOULD too have her dog:)

why does the dog bark? maybe it needs attention at those times?
Im not saying you don't pay attention to the dog, but I would think if a dog is barking, it is in pain, lonely or hears a noise...right? maybe just a little more tlc at the time it is barking?

04-28-2003, 07:43 AM
I have to ad my 2 cents into this thread.. I agree that a little water never hurt any dog. Furthermore I am sorry that you are so closed minded about your ideas. Regardless of your opinion, many of us do have to consider neighbors. Maybe you don't, but lots of us do and it is unfair and unreasonable to say we should not have pets, just because we have neighbors. You do not have the right to tell wolfsoul or any of us that we shouldn't. Attitudes like yours will only keep the great people on here from even wanting to give any advice for fear of being judged, and I for one happen to appreciate their advice a great deal.. Is why I am here. Have you ever heard the phrase "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all" ..Evidently not.


04-28-2003, 10:55 AM
cfuh, I'll bet you didn't expect to start a huge debate, did you?

I have stopped my dogs from barking excessively simply by removing them from the area where they're barking. For example, when I take Jake outside I'll leave him out until he starts barking, then bring him back inside immediately. Now he knows that if he barks he has to come in.

If he's barking at the front door, I move him away from the door.

My neighbor has helped, too, by yelling "Lay off, Jake!" if he starts barking. My neighbor loves Jake, and she's pretty proud of herself for helping to stop his barking.

Jake's a Sheltie - they're notoriiously barky, but we haven't had any complaints about Jake.

Good luck!

05-01-2003, 09:18 PM
I know how you feel. At 6:00 am this lady with two black poodles comes by and makes my dogs bark. So now we have to keep our dogs in til 6:30am.

05-01-2003, 09:23 PM
My dog Meika is a Golden Retriever. Last summer she had 14 puppies but the runt died the next day.One of her puppies we kept.She is mine.Her name is Trouper. She's the one who starts barking.

05-02-2003, 03:06 PM
I am new to this pet talk forum and it makes me very uneasy to post any questions or need for advice, I would never want anyone to tell me that I shouldn't have dogs. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but a line must be drawn, before things get too personal. Afterall, we are all here to gain more knowledge so that we can take care of our dogs and communicate with them better so they live longer/healthier lives!

Wolfsoul has been very helpful in giving me advice on taking care of my new yellow lab puppy, if it wasn't for her, I would still be wondering how to handle certain situations! :)

Just had to add my 2 cents I guess!


05-02-2003, 03:13 PM
Thanks everyone :)

05-06-2003, 08:05 AM
jaquetta, well said!

:D :D :D