View Full Version : corny!

03-29-2003, 10:24 AM
I don't know how many of you saw the last page or 2 of the thread, "could use some cheer" but it got kind of corny at the end! it was fun, I thought maybe we could continue this in a new thread, with another product? Kohala was very good at it!
anyone? here's some examples...

....you wanted 'cheer' i was going to offer TIDE....
.but i changed my mind......soap is so expensive..

quote:that's ok, I "gain"ed "all" the soap I need today!

quote:Ok, enough of that....if you don't stop I'll have to SHOUT it out!

well I guess I was "wisk"ed away!! this is a new "ERA" we're in, catch the "dreft"?

ok, goodnight...Ivory tired!

Time to "snuggle" up in your blankies, eh?
:D :D :D

03-29-2003, 10:32 AM
I tried to snuggle in my blankies, but the dogs "bounced" me right off the bed!!!

(Is that what you are going for???)

03-29-2003, 06:28 PM
yep, that was pretty good!
but I think we are running out of products, need some new ones...