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View Full Version : I have to send Jetty to TX *tears*

03-28-2003, 05:34 PM
OK, I'll try to make this quick..Jetty is technically my mom's dog..we gave her to my mom as a pup. My mom had her for two winters at the beach where she was living at the time. BUT she has lived with me (Jetty) for longer than she has lived w/ my mom. For every summer and all holidays and more some. Jetty (black lab mix who's mom is one of my sons dogs and Dad is my Badger, blue Aussie mix) has been living here now steady for over two years. Now my mom is living in TX and NOW wants her dog. My mom became quite sick after moving to TX w/ my daughter (after living here for a year) but now insisted she wants her dog..(my adopted dog i feel). So..tomorrow morning I have to put her in a kennel and drive to the airport and send her to TX. Jetty will be living w/ some 9 yr old boy in the neighborhood most of time and visiting my mom - who became ill and is now in a walker. My mom is 84 yrs old and yes, I should be thinking of what she wants but DANG..can't help thinking of what is best for Jetty. She loves it here w/ her 7 buddies...her momdog, daddydog, and seven brothers & sisters. She sleeps w/ me every night w/ her cat best friend and ... and I love her. Oh dang... my eyes are starting to leak and I'm so upset.. nothing I can do now except cry... sorry to bring anybody down but don't know who else would understand...
with great sadness
Jettys' Auntie Laurie:(

03-28-2003, 05:37 PM
I understand that you're trying to do what your mom wants, but I really think Jetty would be better off staying with you.
Have you tried really hard to convince her??
Poor Jetty:(

03-28-2003, 05:42 PM
What a difficult situation to be in. I think I would feel exactly the same way you do in this situation. I agree with lovemyshiba about it being better for Jetty to stay with you, but I can understand your feelings about your mom too. Maybe you could talk with her about it, and about Jetty's welfare? If she isn't going to be living with your mom, but someone else (a neighbor?) maybe it would be better if you could bring her down for a visit. What a tough situation! :( Please know that we understand and are here for support!:)

03-28-2003, 05:43 PM
I feel sorry for you.Can't you get another dog for your Mom.where she lives at.

03-28-2003, 05:47 PM
oh Karen & lovemyshiba...now you are making my eyes leak even harder.... if I refuse to send her down it would make a HUGE rift (sp?) with my daughter & mom - and we are not in the best terms right now anyway...my dog or my mom, What the hell is this? Sophie's choice??

03-28-2003, 05:51 PM
That is so heart-breaking. You are caught between a rock and a hard place. Since it is her dog she has the right to ask for it back, but on the other hand I have to agree that she's better off with you. I do hope you can speak with her one more time and explain that Jetty is happy and settled. Good luck.

03-28-2003, 06:03 PM
Good luck. It sounds like you're in a real tough situation. I hope you can figure out a way to keep Jetty without upsetting anyone.

03-28-2003, 06:32 PM
Oh Laurie... my eyes are leakin' too... :( :( :(


03-28-2003, 06:45 PM
Oh, Laurie, how hard! Perhaps you can send her with a note that says, "Should you ever become unable to care for Jetty, she is more than welcome back in Maryland!" Send her there with love and biscuits, and the thought that she's gonna be a pet-therapy dog, because although that's not her official purpose, there's nothing like a pet to bring a person out of their self-pity/troubles!

And remember,
"Love is something if you give it away (sing along folks) give it away, give it away, love is something if you give it away, you end up having more!"

You're sending love in a wagging package!

03-28-2003, 06:45 PM
Such a sad choice.:(

03-28-2003, 06:50 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about this. What a hard choice. I wish you the best of luck. :(

03-28-2003, 07:24 PM
If I were you I would flat out not send the dog. It seems that dogs and walkers are certainly not a good combination. I know that everyone has a different deal/relationship with their parents, but there is a time when you have to "think" for them and for their safety. Just because she is your mother it doesn't mean that she is thinking clearly. I hate to be so harsh, but older folks sometimes make really bad decisions.

I feel sorry for the dog.

Keep us posted.


03-28-2003, 07:38 PM
Ditto SAS's thoughts on this. I would stall & try to convince
your Daughter first & then your Mom, that you don't think this
is in the best interest of the dog. Good Luck with this.How sad
for the dog to lose the only real home it's known on a whim.:(

03-28-2003, 08:52 PM
Laurie, this made my heart hurt. :( Do you feel good that your daughter will keep a good eye on him? If so, you can feel better about what you have to do. But what a tough morning you have ahead of you.

My head says that you should do as SAS and Liz say, but I know if it were my mom, that would be a difficult thing to do.

My heart and prayers are with you and Jetty.


03-28-2003, 10:34 PM
That sucks, but I guess it is best for your mom. It will bring her spirits up a little and it'll make her better. It must be sad 4 you, I would cry too, don't worry!

03-29-2003, 02:59 AM
Well friends, here it is at quarter to four in the a.m. and I have to do it:( I tried last night to talk to my daughter & mom and NO GO.. daughter said I was just trying to, once again, think only of "myself" But I will do what Mayor Karen said and let them know if it doesn't work out Jetty can come back "home" at any time. Don't have access to my email right now so don't know if I have any PM's so please understand. Thank Dog my daughter-in-law is driving us because my eyes are all swollen and I'm breaking out in hives. I'm a mess but have to control myself because poor Jetty knows something is WRONG. Yeah Slick, a rock & a hard place is just how it feels. Yes, Jetty is a CARE DOG. She cares a lot and my mom will feel good having her near. Drat. What's a mother to do Logan?? It's my mom and she needs happiness now in her failing health.. she, as we all, needs the love of a good dog. Bye Jetty... oh Dog, I'm crying again......
Karen (wolflady) from SF, can't tell you enough how much your phone call meant to me last night... thank you friend.

03-29-2003, 01:26 PM
I'm so sad for you and the position that you have been put in. We are all here for you. Jetty is a special girl and will really be missed by her family(and her kitty friend). At least your daughter will know that if things don't work out that she can come home at any time. Take comfort in the fact that Jetty will bring some joy and comfort to your mom.

P.S. I think we're in for some shopping(and flowers!) when I'm in town next week! :)

03-30-2003, 07:56 AM
If you have shipped Jetty, I can only hope that she arrived safely and is busy doing the work to be done once she arrives with your Mom.

Laurie, what a difficult thing for you to do. I am not sure I could have done it myself!

Big hugs to you and I feel that you and Jetty will be together once again.

03-30-2003, 08:12 AM
I can't begin to imagine how hard this is for you. I hope that it all works out for the best. (((HUGS))) Anna

03-30-2003, 09:30 AM
I am apparently too late on replying to this...sorry about the decision you have been forced to make.

In my opinion, I would not send the dog though. I'm not trying to make more tears flow, but I kinda know what the situation feels like.

If Jetty is going there because your mom wants it, then it should live with her. If she is unable to take care of Jetty because of her age and the fact that she is in a walker, then she shouldn't have Jetty. I also think that since Jetty has grown so use to you and your family that he could possibly have a hard time with the seperation and being around not so familiar people. It would all be so confusing to him. Then once he gets there, he might not even enjoy it there and just mope around rather than be a "therapy dog" or be a happy dog which your mom wants. I don't know, it all seems kind of selfish on their part to me. Because they don't seems to be looking out for the best for Jetty. You on the other hand do seem to look out for Jetty's best intrest. I strongly believe Jetty should be staying with you and your family.

Best of luck with all that happens.

Lauren, Honey, & Orion