View Full Version : Where Do You Keep A Baby Duck?!?!?

03-28-2003, 04:22 PM
we have a hampster cage and some chicken wire> wild raccoons and other nanimals where can i keep my duckie safe>>INSIDE NOT AN OPTION stupid allergies!!:rolleyes:

03-28-2003, 04:27 PM
Could you re-post and clear up the above?

Do you a duck now?
Where are you keeping him now?
What's that part about wild raccoons?
A hamster cage? What does that have to do with it? What kind of hamster cage?

Desert Arabian
03-28-2003, 05:25 PM
A hamster cage is **way** too small. They need a large area to run around, such as a dog kennel run. With a little kiddy pool for it to wash its self and swim around in. Raccoons will eat a baby duck, along with many other wild animals. I hope you have no intention of setting it loose after raising it, what type of duck is it? If it is rather cold outside at night where you live, it is a good idea to have a small heat/incubation light to keep it warm. Or, you could get a big bird-like house and fill it up with hay for it to nestle in. Make sure they have somekind of ramp for getting in and out of the pool, otherwise they can get stick in the pool (and it is possible for them to drown). Do not put more than 2 inches of water in the pool, because they can get cold easily since they don't have oily feathers.

This is a pretty nice website, click here (http://www.geocities.com/fluffy_ducky28/Duckling1.html)

Desert Arabian
03-28-2003, 05:36 PM
Oh yes, one other question, when do you plan on getting this ducky??

Desert Arabian
03-28-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO,NO DO NOT DO THIS!!! Your duck will end up dying. It will have no clue how to fend for itself on its own, there are too many predators that will want to taste it for lunch. It won't know how to migrate, it won't know where to find good food. Is this a barn duck or a wild breed duck?? Barn ducks DO NOT get set free. If you want this duck, you have to keep it, or find a house/farm where it can live out the rest of its life. Since you will be having it as a baby, it will imprint the human-kind, that's why it can't be released.

Please, do some more research on ducks before you consider brining one into your home. For the sake of the duck.

03-28-2003, 06:09 PM
my sister has a biology teacher that is doing a duck project... we will get the ducks from her i dont have it yet it will be another 2 or3 weeks before we het them... the hampster cage isnt really that big and it will have to live outside b/c of allergies in the family i am afriad something will eat cuz s/he has to live outside

all questions answered?:confused:

03-28-2003, 06:12 PM
i didnt realize my typing was such a mess at the top>> sorry i was ina hurry........any advice would be greatly appreciated and we dont have a kiddie pool and i dont think my mom plans on getting on..not for a duck at least maybe i could find something else??:confused: we have a pond down in the woods a ways where i could teach it to swim......:( :confused:

03-28-2003, 06:58 PM
Even a big tupperware-type container for it to swim in would be okay.

A hamster cage will absolutely not work. A secure, fenced in area, with space to wander and water to paddle about it would be minimal. Protection from the rain ... okay - see
here (http://www.liveducks.com/care.html) for a lot of info on duckling care. At least you've got a little time to educate yourselves and prepare a place!

Desert Arabian
03-28-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by iwuvsmypuppy
we have a pond down in the woods a ways where i could teach it to swim......:( :confused:

No...that would not work. What if it were to swim away? Let's see, if it is a pond...in the woods- it is guaranteed that snapping turtles, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, possums, hawks, stray cats, etc reside in/near the pond. All would love to dine on a run-away duckling.

You have to provide some kind of container of water, they are ducks, they live for water-that's where they get all their food from. Karens idea is really smart- a tupperware container is a good idea, just make sure its a little bit bigger than the ducky.

03-28-2003, 07:19 PM
OK, after some thinking, I decided to post it:
Try this site:
here (http://www.huntersponyfarm.com/poultry/caring4babyducks.html)
When I posted this I was not aware of the hunting section. It does have nice info on ducks though. :)

Desert Arabian
03-28-2003, 07:21 PM
Britt, HEY! LOL! I was just looking at that webpage, freaky!! :p :D

03-28-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Britt, HEY! LOL! I was just looking at that webpage, freaky!! :p :D

Weird... LOL! :D

03-28-2003, 08:18 PM
Ducks are illegal to own here, You should not get this duck, you know nothing about it. Why are you even considering without doing any research, a hamster cage?? HA, that will be WAYYYY to small for a duckling. My hamsters barely fit in mine let alone a duck. Geeze, have you dont ne research?? You should not keep a duckling out side because it is to cold for them, they need warmth. do you have a garage? with a heater?? do you have a dog kenal? a kiddy pool? if you dont, then you shouldent get a duck.. :mad:

03-28-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
Ducks are illegal to own here, You should not get this duck, you know nothing about it. Why are you even considering without doing any research, a hamster cage?? HA, that will be WAYYYY to small for a duckling. My hamsters barely fit in mine let alone a duck. Geeze, have you dont ne research?? You should not keep a duckling out side because it is to cold for them, they need warmth. do you have a garage? with a heater?? do you have a dog kenal? a kiddy pool? if you dont, then you shouldent get a duck.. :mad:

what do you think i am doing asking the ppl on PT??:mad: i am researching the topic rite now>> the garage is too crowded for two ducks and all their stuff>> so if ur not happy with what i am doing fine, But you don’t know me or what I am going to do or how much I am going to love this little duckie!!! :mad:

03-28-2003, 10:23 PM
Calm down both of you. Tikeya's mom, it is not your place to tell her whether or not she should get a duckling in such an unfreindly tone. She IS doing research, and part of it is asking questions here! Read the whole story, and give her the benefit of the doubt!

Iwuvsmypuppy, no shouting, either. Please go back and edit out your shouting.

This is Pet Talk, both of you! Where we know every pet - and every person is special! So no yelling, okay?

Hopefully by the time the duckling comes home, you will have a place prepared for it. Did you go to that site I put the link to?

03-28-2003, 10:35 PM
i really am sorry i just got so aggrivated:(

03-28-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by iwuvsmypuppy
i really am sorry i just got so aggrivated:(
We all have these nights, Im haveing mine now. I'll try and find you some good duck sites, ok.

03-28-2003, 10:45 PM

03-28-2003, 10:47 PM
Ok, heres kinda a cool site I found.

Ducks (http://www.rmsg.us/farm/ducks.htm)

I think if you have some wire, like chicken wire or somthing. If you dont have any its not that expensive to pick some up.....

03-29-2003, 07:33 AM
i forget to answer your question Karen.... yes i did go to the site you posted>> along with all the other ones ( although i havent looked at iceyshivers YET !! but i just did !!) they are great i copied and pasted and then copied and pasted and now have 7 and a half pages of duck info. on my WordPad!!!! but the duck will be glad i did!!;)

03-29-2003, 04:55 PM
My grandma raises ducks and geese and she just told me that if you get a duck when it's a baby and raise it then it will think that you are it's mother....she says that not only will it not run away, but you will have trouble getting it out from under your feet.
She wants to know if the ducks are wild or barn ducks.
She says that wild ducks know when it is the right time to have babies so it will not be cold, but if they are just bred from barn ducks, it may be the wrong time and they may need some heat.

Her ducks are in a henhouse but the door is usually open and they come and go as they please, but never run away. The dogs and cats keep any predators away. :)

03-29-2003, 05:08 PM
I've never heard of ducks running away.....I have owned and been around plenty the go down to the pond, back up to there pools, in to the brooder barn. They eat and poke around at the ground come up pick at the flowers!! They're great!! I think you ducky will be great as long as you keep up your great work!! :D

Desert Arabian
03-29-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
My grandma raises ducks and geese and she just told me that if you get a duck when it's a baby and raise it then it will think that you are it's mother....she says that not only will it not run away, but you will have trouble getting it out from under your feet.
She wants to know if the ducks are wild or barn ducks.
She says that wild ducks know when it is the right time to have babies so it will not be cold, but if they are just bred from barn ducks, it may be the wrong time and they may need some heat.

Her ducks are in a henhouse but the door is usually open and they come and go as they please, but never run away. The dogs and cats keep any predators away. :)

Wolfsoul- I asked her all of these questions already, and she never answered them. Wild ducks should not be raised by people then set free, and barn ducks should not be set free either, period! It's called imprinting when they think the human is its mother.


P.S. Iceyshiver- ducks to run away, that happened to my friend, the accidently got loose, and flew away. :(

03-29-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover

P.S. Iceyshiver- ducks to run away, that happened to my friend, the accidently got loose, and flew away. :(

hmm... Learn somthin new every day!! That would really stink though. Its never happened to me.

Desert Arabian
03-29-2003, 07:30 PM
Yea, if felt kind bad for her. She'll be getting some new ducks this summer, she said she'd make sure they wouldn't get out. lol. :D

03-29-2003, 07:35 PM
This is a very informative site :

Also, are you clipping the ducks wings? This would keep it from flying away, and maybe discourage it from leaving at all.

Desert Arabian
03-29-2003, 07:40 PM
I don't think she is clipping the wings. She said she was going to set them free, which is a big no-no, espeically with clipped wings!!!!!

03-29-2003, 09:53 PM
Oh right...hmmm...do you think if she set it free in a duck-crowded place that the ducks would accept it into the flock? :confused:

Desert Arabian
03-29-2003, 10:31 PM
That's not the thing Wolfsoul, the duck most likely would not surive after being set free. It is way too risky!!!!!!!!

It is a good thing my dad's friend Jim doesn't come on this site! OI! He'd blow a fuse, he'd scream, he'd blow up. He is a duck breeder, and could kill himself if he read this thread. lol. Oh yes, it is a good thing he doesn't come on here, hehehehe.

03-29-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
That's not the thing Wolfsoul, the duck most likely would not surive after being set free. It is way too risky!!!!!!!!

It is a good thing my dad's friend Jim doesn't come on this site! OI! He'd blow a fuse, he'd scream, he'd blow up. He is a duck breeder, and could kill himself if he read this thread. lol. Oh yes, it is a good thing he doesn't come on here, hehehehe.

I have two Uncle Jim's one on my moms side and the other on my dads side.

One doesnt like ducks and the other Likes hunting ducks yet he keeps some on his farm.........

Desert Arabian
03-30-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
I have two Uncle Jim's one on my moms side and the other on my dads side.

One doesnt like ducks and the other Likes hunting ducks yet he keeps some on his farm.........

That is exactly like my dad's friend Jim. He hunts ducks, and raises ducks.

I hunt ducks too, and if I lived on a farm-in the future I shall- I would own duckies too!


03-30-2003, 08:38 AM
hey you guys>> i am over at my friends house and cant figure out how to log out so here goes>> (my friend sed i could use hers) YellowLabLover i am sorry i havent answered ur questions I AM ON SPRING BREAK WAH HOOOO!!:D ;) umm i really do not kno what kind of ducks they are>> but i do know that the teacher sez the class watched enough eggs and so she is bringing the actual ducks so they will have been with their mommy for a little while:) i will post more when i get home!:D

and by the way>> how did this go from ducks to jim????lol:p

Desert Arabian
03-30-2003, 10:42 AM
It never did, what are you talking about? Jim has to deal with ducks, because he is a duck breeder. Last I checked, it never got off topic- even if it did, so what, it can get back on track.

03-30-2003, 08:26 PM
exactly it sure can >> i am home now!!! lol since i am on SB my sis wont get the ducks for awhile nor the information about them> they may be 3 weeks old when i get them i just dont know.... soory you guys

more later!!:D

03-31-2003, 12:36 PM
i do have some good news my brother looked at all the info on the duck that i got and he sed he would help me build the ducks house>> he sed it would be best for us to keep them in the basement in a cardboard box w/ newspaper and hay(timothy hay) with a lamp over them and i suggested we put a yard of chicken wire on it for them to wander around. we have a shallow dog dish that we are gonna use for their "pond", a coolwhip bowl for their food,and a old dog food dish for their food:D i am going to take them out every day if i can unles it is too cold or sumthin>> so they can get theri excercise:cool:

Desert Arabian
03-31-2003, 02:54 PM
Sounds very nice! And, if you supervise them, maybe you could let them run around in the kitchen or bathroom (where there is tiling).

Definatly need to see some pictures. :D :D

03-31-2003, 11:34 PM
Sounds good! :) You know, you can even take showers with them!:eek: (as long as you don't use harmful soaps ;) )

04-01-2003, 09:11 AM
aawww awesome!!! BATH TIME!! sweet we dont own a digital camera BUT!! my dad can geta camera from his work if i ask him>> he has brought it home before>> oh and yellowlablover>> if i took the duck in the kitchen my mom would HAVE A COW:rolleyes: so that aint an option!!;) LoL thanks so much you guys!!:D NOW DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY NAMES I LIKE THE NAME PUDGE I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I GOT IT!:rolleyes: :p :D