View Full Version : Dropped Toby off to the vet ...

03-28-2003, 09:56 AM
...and I went to the dentist with bad results...then i go back to work and get a call from the vet .. they couldn't operate on Toby. ..they did blood work and there is some sort of deficiency in his blood. I have no idea what that will mean.. but I'm horribly worried .. :(

03-28-2003, 10:27 AM
I am sorry that Toby couldn't have his surgery today. Maybe it is just a temporary thing (like anemia) and after some treatment he will be just fine...:confused:

Our fingers and paws are crossed for you

Cheryl, Emily and Tanner

03-28-2003, 10:28 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that. Please update us on his condition. I hope its nothing too serious. I'm sending you a PM.

03-28-2003, 10:35 AM
i'm so worried because this is a sign of luekemia .. my god i hope thats not the case, and I don't know what to do if it is... not to mention the fact that it could be something that costs a lot of money to treat, and I'm just afraid that I might not be able to afford it :(

they are doing tests on him .. i guess we just have to wait for the results.

03-28-2003, 10:39 AM
anyone know of any signs of a serious disease? I was really surprised because toby is such a healthy looking cat...and now this happens all of a sudden. :(

03-28-2003, 10:44 AM
Did the vet tell you that it was leukemia? If they didn't actually say that, it might not be as serious as you are thinking... I hope that it isn't leukemia...

03-28-2003, 10:50 AM
no no they said, according to my fiance, that this blood deficiency that toby has is a "sign" of luekemia...

03-28-2003, 10:55 AM
Okay, maybe it isn't as bad you are imagining... Until you have an opportunity to talk with the vet try not to imagine the worst case scenario (I know that it easier said than done). I hope hat there is something that they can do or recommend for Toby ...


03-28-2003, 11:00 AM
yes, it is hard :( Seeing it is Friday, I'm afraid we might not hear the results until Monday.

what does it take for them not to be able to perform a surgery on cats? I mean it has to be something ... or are they just being cautious?

03-28-2003, 11:04 AM
I know it's hard, but try not to worry and let your imagination get ahead of you. It must be really scary not knowing. I pray you get the results today and it's nothing serious. Keep us posted please.

03-28-2003, 11:16 AM
Toby's back home .... the doctor was out to lunch so we don't know anything yet.. he's going to call sometime today with the results! :( :confused:

03-28-2003, 11:19 AM
Give Toby some scritchies from me, Hayley and Mandy.

03-28-2003, 11:24 AM
:) will do, and thanks.

03-28-2003, 02:10 PM
WOW. the waiting is the hardest part. They should have been a little more specific when they called you in the first place. Didn't they KNOW it would worry you to not have the whole story? We'll be thinking of you and praying for a swift and simple answer. Hang in there Toby, we'll get to the bottom of this.

03-28-2003, 02:19 PM
Well its almost supper time and the doctor is still busy .. my god you think he would call right away and let us know whats wrong with our cat ....

03-28-2003, 02:54 PM
He tested negative for both FIV and Felv tests!!! WHAT A RELIEF!!! :D However, we still don't know what the problem is. The doctor said he is perfectly healthy aside from the immune deficicency in his blood. She suggested it might be an infection maybe in his bladder or something they can't easily detect. So we have to bring him back next Friday to get him tested again and if everything is fine they will do the surgery. If not .. they have to send his blood away for further testing.

At least we have some good news!!

03-28-2003, 02:58 PM
What a relief!! Here's hoping the next test comes out clean. At least the waiting is over...for now anyway.

03-28-2003, 03:01 PM
I remember that around the time Filou was fixed they also were not happy with his blood work. Sorry I do not remember what it was because they tested later again and it was ok. So I hope it will turn out like that with Toby:) :)

03-28-2003, 03:13 PM
Congratulations ... I am so glad that it wasn't leukemia. Maybe by next Friday he will be just fine.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-28-2003, 03:36 PM
Whew! I'm so glad it's not FIV or Felv. Hopefully by next week he'll be all normal and everything will be fine. Poor you for having to worry all afternoon.

Hugs and scritchies to Toby. I'm so glad he's ok. :)

03-28-2003, 03:54 PM
thanks, we're also very glad. Toby appreciates all your support! :D

03-28-2003, 06:37 PM
Even if you don't quite have the answer yet, the negative tests ai GREAT news. What a relief!!!

03-28-2003, 11:51 PM
Whew! I'm so glad to hear that Toby is FIP and FELV negative. :) I sure hope it's nothing serious and that it can be easily treated. Prayers are on the way for your sweet Toby. Please keep us updated.

03-29-2003, 06:34 AM
Glad to hear Toby is ok. I'm sure it's just an infection or something and can be treated so he can have his surgery. I'm glad the vet did pre op bloodwork too. Some vets don't and I hate that. You would never want to put an animal under if they had some sort of problem. Anesthesia is not something to be messed around with!
did you get any medication to treat this?

03-31-2003, 06:03 AM
I'm so happy to hear that both tests came back negative. Toby was on my mind all weekend.

03-31-2003, 06:08 AM
So how is Toby doing now?

03-31-2003, 08:52 AM
Toby was not himself once he got home from the vet on Friday .. we were a little worried, guess he just got scared after being there all morning! He was purring on my pillow the next morning! =D He seems healthy..I'm kinda thinking he might have the flu or something...they said he had immune deficiency .. maybe it could be because of the flu? I dunno..but lately he's been sneezing and he's breathing hard through his nose sometimes. Other than that he's eating fine, playing as usual..nothing alarming.


03-31-2003, 08:54 AM
I'm just now reading this the first time, but I wanted to say I sure am happy that Toby's FIV and Felv tests were normal! That is a great relief!!!! Please keep us posted on anything else you find out, and give Toby a big cuddle for me!!!:)

03-31-2003, 08:56 AM
thanks, I will as soon as i get home!! :p