View Full Version : Wrinkles the Toy Tester! - Cute ratty pics! :D

03-26-2003, 07:40 PM
Well as a lot of you know we went ratty and kitty shopping yesterday and I took some pics of the girls and their new toys etc. :D Here is there new goods:


Wrinkles and the toys

Wrinkles being curious
hehe She's so wrinkly. :p

Cotton- She will be going to OFR in Tacoma Washington on the 12th.

One of Cottons three babies. She'll lay like this for the longest time lol. I am teaching her other tricks as well and she is getting really good at agility! :D

03-26-2003, 07:45 PM
The Toob Snax was a BIG hit with the girls....the stuff looks like blood a lot though. :eek:


They liked the funnel too.


Just a cute pic. :)

A beautiful picture of my OFR siamese doe, what a beauty she is!


03-26-2003, 07:45 PM
*GRINS* I LOVE Wrinkles! He's soo darling!! Looks like he had a blast with those toys too!!

Gods, I wish I could get any of my ratties to sit in my hand like the baby in the last picture long enough for me to take a picture! Chloe has such a beautiful belly marking, it would make a great picture!

03-26-2003, 07:56 PM
I don't normaly visit here but I'm glad I stopped by. Your ratties are adorable. I've always liked rats. They have the softest little tongues when they lick you. Any problems with your rats and your cats or do they have no interaction.

03-26-2003, 07:59 PM
I know your question was directed at Luckies, but I'll give my answer too. ^_^ My cat is not under any circumstances allowed into my room. She once managed to get ahold of one of my small pets, and he had to be PTS, so even though she seems generally all right with them I don't take any chances. ^_^

03-26-2003, 08:12 PM
Thanks WolfChan...but Wrinkles is a girl lol. :p Isn't she so Wrinkly? I want to see your ratties tummy, is she a berk? If you work with them everyday I am sure she would do it too. :)

Have you seen this pic of Wrinkles yet?

lailamara, my adult ratties and the cats always hang out together. :) My cats have been around all sorts of small critters since they were young. Houdini LOVES ratties and she "babysits" the young ratties with me while momma gets a break. However they are never alone.

Here is a picture I think you will like. :) It's of River and Bandit.


Cheetah and Sunny:


I wouldn't trust Mystic or Cheetah with kittens (baby rats) but they get along with the older ones. Houdini just has a softer side to her. She's mommas girl. :)

03-26-2003, 08:21 PM
My apologies to Wrinkles, and I hadn't seen that picture yet!! How funny!!

Here's Chloe's belly, I don't know what the marking is called. Would it be berk?


The pics of your kitty with the rats are amazing! Cupcake will sit with them okay but her tail gets to twitching and I get the feeling she's just waiting for me to turn around..... ^.^

03-26-2003, 08:21 PM
I love them! I just want to take them home with me!

I have the exact same water bottle as you lol

03-26-2003, 08:22 PM
I love the pic of River and Bandit. I suppose if they are exposed to each other early then they can get along. One day I'd love to have some rats. How to convince my husband though. I don't know where people get their dislike of rats from ? If only they would give them a chance and get to know them as pets.:confused:

03-26-2003, 08:29 PM
Wonder if this would work..........

03-26-2003, 08:34 PM
WolfChan, she would be an irish..she only has white on her toes right?

I think most of the negative stigma comes from movies like Willard.....also because of the plague and all that. Most people dislike their tails as well.

I don't now why people think they make bad pets. They are the smartest friendliest small animal, besides buns, around! My rats are awesome! :D

Wolfsoul, LOL about the water bottle. I am actually fazing out of all the regulars and going with the Critter Canteens, they are spring loaded so they never leak! What a joy they are. :)

Aspen and Misty
03-26-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me

Wrinkles being curious
hehe She's so wrinkly. :p

uggh did I ever tell you how much I really really really am jelouse of you! I want a hairless so bad. Ever since I saw one at the Pet land in Elwood I've been dieing to own one. If you ever find Wrinkles missing it wasnt' me :D . Ugghh, this is soooo un-fare.


03-26-2003, 08:53 PM
LOL I have three hairless ratties right now. :) Wrinkles and her two sons. I just placed Wrinkles daughter two days ago into a loving home..her new owner may join Pet Talk too! :D

Hey if you ever make it to OR you can have a baby hairless. :)

Aspen and Misty
03-26-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
LOL I have three hairless ratties right now. :) Wrinkles and her two sons. I just placed Wrinkles daughter two days ago into a loving home..her new owner may join Pet Talk too! :D

Hey if you ever make it to OR you can have a baby hairless. :)

ughh give me 2 hours! I'll be there ;) My dad says he would LOVE to come there! He said he's akwasy wanted to go oregon, so hey give us some time, we'll be there :D . I havn't told him its to visit a special pet talker who is giving me a hairless rattie, but thats ok ;) once he sees your rats he will fall in love and we'll bring one home O what the heck well take umm all, who cna resist babies? :D


03-27-2003, 06:26 AM

Aspen and Misty
03-27-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me

Wrinkles and the toys


UGHHH. I'm never comeing back to this thread! She is just tooo cute! I want a hairless rattie :: pouts::

03-28-2003, 01:57 PM
Such cute ratties! I luv em!

03-29-2003, 09:01 PM
awww.the most important members of our families deserve those little extra special treats and stuff.:D