View Full Version : Annoying siblings

03-26-2003, 06:54 PM
How many of you have annoying siblings? I DO! Tell me what u think of em!

03-26-2003, 07:05 PM
My brothers are great. I have three of them and they're all so funny and smart that my life would be very dull without them.

03-26-2003, 07:08 PM
My family and I are all pretty close so no, I don't want them to vanish :p But they get me nervous sometimes.

We are 4 kids so there is always noise in the house. But, my brother will be whistling while I'm trying to study or my sister will get into these "telling people off" moods and then my other sister will be singing and the birds are chirping and I'm like http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/banghead.gif.

But we're all pretty close the rest of the time :p

03-26-2003, 07:10 PM
I have an 8 year old brother whom I really hate right now, and a 22 year old sis who is having a baby! Yay!

03-26-2003, 07:13 PM
I have a little sister (who is just a year younger than me) named Kaitlyn. Sometimes she can be sooo annoying, but other times, like on vacations, we get along pretty well. I'm glad I have her to keep me company. I wonder what it would be like not to have a sibling.

03-26-2003, 07:26 PM
I have two older brothers. Growing up, all I could do was DREAM of being an only child!!! :eek: But now, I love them both dearly. My oldest brother is married to my best friend, and they are expecting a baby. And I had lost touch with my other brother for several years; but he has now moved back, and we are re-aquainted!! :)

03-26-2003, 07:29 PM
my siblings are spread out in age and we are all adults now, but we were never close and we still aren't.

03-26-2003, 07:32 PM
I have two older siblings. My brother Kenny, 22, and my sister Cathie, 23.
I'm not sure. Sometimes they're allright, i guess. lol

03-26-2003, 08:26 PM
My brother is sometimes the nicest thing, other times so annoying I want to bang my head against the wall! :eek: But that's how brothers are. I can't imagine not having a brother, and I do love him, but sometimes he does get annoying. lol

We are a very close family though. Its just that every now and then, he gets annoying, but most of the time he's great company. :p

03-26-2003, 08:31 PM
Erm, well....My brother and I get along great. My sister and I go from okay to homicidal.

03-27-2003, 07:42 AM
I love my sister, she is like a best friend to me.

I also love my brother though he has some growing up to do.

03-27-2003, 07:59 AM
I was the youngest of four. My oldest brother died at the age of 3, so I never met him. I also have a sister who is 7 years older, and a brother of 4 years older. We never were very close;we also don't live very close to each other either. We all have our own family now, so we usually meet at my parents house.
My husband is also the youngest if 5 children. His family is very close; so, when something happens to anyone, everybody is very concerned.

the attached picture is of my brother Hendrik. He is 50

03-27-2003, 08:02 AM
And this is my sister Lieve(red sweater); she is 53 and grandmother of 4 kids!!

03-27-2003, 08:03 AM
I have a sister who is 22, who I am not very close with. We talk occasionally, but we just are not close.
On the other hand, I have a 15 year old sister (half-sister) who I am very close with. She calls me a lot with all of those high school traumas, and we just have so much fun together. I also have an 11-year old brother, who I love to death--he is so much fun!!!!

03-27-2003, 08:07 AM
I have one sister who I adore very much. She is four years older than me and a great friend. We are living in different provinces now but we are closer than ever!

03-27-2003, 08:18 AM
I have a brother 2 years younger than me. We have ALWAYS been close :D Two years after I moved out of my parents house, my brother came and lived with me. We were roommates until I got married :eek: We are a very close family. We're also very fortunate that my brother's wife and my husband fit in very well :D

Dakota's Mommy
03-27-2003, 02:30 PM
Well, while living in the same house, my sister, brother and I used to always fight. Now that we all have moved out, we get along a lot better. As you guys may have realized, I feel very close to Amy, especially ever since she moved away to go to college, I litterally cried at the thought that she would no longer be in the same bedroom at night. Then, once she moved to Ohio and we both matured, now I feel like she's one of my bestfriends. Rob and I are closer, but not bestfriends:

Here's Amy and I at my Wedding:

Here's Rob and I at my Wedding:

03-27-2003, 02:40 PM
Sometimes my bro really pisses me off, but other then that hes great, my sis doesn't live at home and I don't see her much lol. I get along really well with both

03-27-2003, 07:46 PM
I AM the annoying sibling!!!! ;)

I have an older sister. We weren't raised together, and we just found each other a few years ago. I do not know how I ever made it this far in life without her. I am glad she's here now and I love her to pieces.
She'll be the first to tell y'all though I'm HER baby sister and therefor I AM the pest.:D ;) ...She wouldn't trade me though.... at least I don't think she would... well, maybe try and sell me on E-bay? Didn't Shel Silverstein write a poem about that?;)

03-27-2003, 08:05 PM
Oh boy, where to start :eek:

I have only 1 sibling, a brother 2 years older and we have very different views on life. My goal in life to help animals and other people as much as possible. Material possessions mean nothing to me.

My brother on the other hand, makes 6 figures and his goal in life to is make as much money and accumulate as many toys as possible before retirement.

I wouldn't necessarily say that my brother and family are annoying but it really bothers me when they just assume I can go out for an expensive dinner whenever I want and since I don't preach proverty I simply reply with something like "sorry I'm busy that night". My priorities are different and they just don't get it :mad: