View Full Version : Videos

03-26-2003, 04:37 PM
Does anyone know an easy way I can get Video's on my website?? I have two or three cute ones that I'd like to share with you guys.

03-26-2003, 04:40 PM
   Do you have the videos on your computer or are they on video tape or in a camera? Which operating system do you use? Is it Windows XP or a Mac, etc.?


03-26-2003, 04:50 PM
I have them on my computer, im not sure what program but I'll check.

03-26-2003, 04:55 PM
It opens with Windows media player, when I click on it.

03-26-2003, 05:27 PM
   Since it already opens as a file you could put it on your website as is. How large is it? Microsoft has a free encoder the "windows media encoder" that will take a file and make it smaller so that it is easier for people to download. http://windowsmedia.com has the free encoder. Microsoft also gives away the "Microsoft Movie Maker" to some users perhaps Windows XP users.
