View Full Version : Does your pet hide when it has done something wrong?

03-26-2003, 06:21 AM
I had to vote no on this one. Bella is shameless when she is naughty. In fact sometimes I think she is proud of her little deeds. She has improved since puppyhood but will still, if given the chance, steal a tissue from the trash can or grab a dish towel and run off with them. She only runs because she doesn't want to give these items up, but I really do think I see a look on her face that says "See, Mom I got it....hehe!" :rolleyes: So far Ripley hasn't done anything naughty except chew up a book about cats. Since I didn't catch him red-handed I don't know how he would have acted. The kitties of course don't care enough to hide if they are naughty. They look at me as if to say "I'm a cat. I do want I want and you will always love me anyway." They are right too. :)

Dakota's Mommy
03-26-2003, 10:16 AM
Oh yeah! Our girls go running, especially if their daddy comes home to find the mess. If it's me, they still run in opposite directions, but I think I've let them get away with too much because they seem to figure that mommy will just cover it up as long as it's not big and daddy won't be able to get mad at us because he doesn't know! That's going to change though. They need to behave for both of us, no matter who they think will get home from work first. Especially with him about to deploy!

04-03-2003, 12:17 AM
Well i won't say hide. When he knows that he's done something wrong he usually doesn't come when you call him and just runs away at the side of the house.

04-05-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by gkristian
Well i won't say hide. When he knows that he's done something wrong he usually doesn't come when you call him and just runs away at the side of the house.

Mickey does the same thing :rolleyes: If he's done bad, then he'll hide under the table and won't listen when we call him. Sometimes, he tries to avoid us by running away *sigh*

But, other times, he'll feel bad and put his head on our lap or just look at you with those eyes.

04-12-2003, 10:40 PM
Oscar hides uder tables, beds ANYTHING when he doesnt want to go out side. it is funny.

tikeya hides behind me when my dad gets mad though.

04-14-2003, 10:13 AM
I'm actually surprised because I have been teaching Mickey to come when called no matter what and he's doing so well. He'll actually come out from under the table. Yaay :D

04-15-2003, 06:15 PM
This made me laugh... this is actually how i FIND OUT owen did something wrong. He normally greets me at the door when I come home. If he doesn't then i go looking for whatever he did. Its rare, and its usually the trash can in my office. But yeah, he wont greet me after he's done that.... which is funny, because I don't go in my office every day, I might not notice for a day or two otherwise. He tattles on himself!

04-15-2003, 08:50 PM
Leather doesn't bark when you get to the door or greet you. So you always know when something's wrong :rolleyes: She will sit with her head bowed, and when you approach her she will lay on the floor and squint. :rolleyes:

Timber isn't as smart as Leather. She doesn't even know when she does something wrong, until you point it out to her. Then she will run away with her tail between her legs and won't come to you when you call her. She will also run away when you try and catch her :rolleyes: She opens her mouth and makes a big grin and her lips quiver when she feels guilty :p

As far as hiding goes though, they don't do that ;)

04-15-2003, 09:11 PM
One time Tikeya had to poo soo bad ;).. and she was in the house and no one let her out so she went in my moms friends room. their was 5 dogs there at the timw when it happend. Tikeya just came calmly over to me and layed down and cowered. I knew something was up.

Then I went surching aaround and smelt it, *yuk*.. She was the only dog that refused to enter the room, thats how we knew it was her.

04-15-2003, 10:12 PM
When I come home and Lolly is hiding, I know REECE has done something wrong! Reece sometimes will hide too. I don't know why they hide because I never yell or raise my voice at all. It must be something in their past. Sometimes if it catches me by surprise though, I will GASP. Whenever they hear gasping, they go under the coffee table :)

04-15-2003, 11:58 PM
Chester will sit and shake by the pet door like he's ready to make his getaway. :) Don't know why as he's virtually never been punished :rolleyes:

Millie has absolutely no idea that she's done anything wrong, and if you do punish her she doesn't know (or care) that she's being punished!

My Westie (RB) used to greet me at the door panting when he'd done something wrong. Then he'd go to his room. :)

04-16-2003, 02:49 AM
Star doesn't hide, but she tucks her tail between her legs and sinks down onto her belly.

As for the rest of my animals.....They can do no wrong!! *chuckles* Well, I can't think of anything a snake COULD do wrong....

04-16-2003, 12:21 PM
Oz and Maddie wag their tail at me, when they're in trouble, so
I don't think they fall for my bluff of being angry at them.

Murph doesn't hide, but he does go give himself a time out on the


04-16-2003, 04:26 PM
Buck just lowers his head and wont look at you.

04-16-2003, 06:56 PM
My spotty dogs ....... well, totally opposite to Dakota's Mummy - when I get home, and they have done something naughty, they hide from me!!!
Dad is just a big softie - they run and hide behind him, peering between his legs.

Captain is good though - if I call him, and say "come here, I want to talk to you about this naughty thing you did" - he comes, and sits and shakes infront of me.
I feel terrible, but I point at the offending naughty thing, and tell him he is bad ............ and then tell him to go away and think about what he did (YEH - like he will really!). He comes "bouncy" back about 10 minutes later and puts his head on my lap and looks with "pathetic" eyes - "Sorry Mum". :rolleyes:

Ruby on the otherhand - she hides, won't come, but 5 seconds later - out she pops, thinking she is just such a saint, and she has forgotten all about it ............ :p

04-24-2003, 08:16 AM
When Midnight goes to pee on the bathmat,he just sneaks up behind me and looks at me as if to say"you cant see me so stop looking at me!"lol hes so funny.

05-18-2003, 12:15 PM
No none of them hide. Usually Ginger and Ruff will put their tails between their legs and lower their heads then they start to walk away from me.

Oscar- Well he could care less he looks at me like "What did I do?":rolleyes:

Gone Doggin'
06-12-2003, 12:47 AM
when my dog accidently pees on the carpet, she knows she's done something wrong and she hides under the table, and when i tell her to come out she doesn't because she knows i'm mad lol

Also when i have a fight with my mom, she goes away, like she knows that she shouldn't be there

06-12-2003, 11:56 AM
Kai doesn't do anything lol. He tries to act normal I guess..so I won't notice. But if I catch him peeing or something. He sees me staring at him with wide open angry eyes and he'll stop and shamefully walk away with his head low lol.

06-17-2003, 11:04 PM
Bailey will bluff it out and fuss around us even more but when we discover the mess she's left and call her she'll run off and hide. She also has a way of looking very sheepish and guilty! Then she will come out and be all over us again, almost begging for forgiveness!

07-02-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by primabella
Mickey does the same thing :rolleyes: If he's done bad, then he'll hide under the table and won't listen when we call him. Sometimes, he tries to avoid us by running away *sigh*

But, other times, he'll feel bad and put his head on our lap or just look at you with those eyes.

Same with cami.. lol then i feel bad... lol... She knows we cant get her from under the table so thats where she stays until we clean it up.. :rolleyes:

07-31-2003, 01:30 PM
Windsor will not act ashamed if he has done wrong. But if you yell, even if Cally has been good, she will get really low to the ground, acting like she has been bad.

07-31-2003, 02:55 PM
oh yea. when we come home and Jesse is nowhere to be found, we're all thinkin "now what did she do?" :rolleyes: but then when we do find her and call her to us, she is sometimes alittle brave and will come out of hiding. :rolleyes: :p ;)

07-31-2003, 07:17 PM
Neither of mine go to the bathroom in the hous ever, but boy oh boy do they chew stuff up!! Socks, coffee tables, couches, blankets, cell phones, pillows.... and when I walk into the room, they both run out of the room and won't come when I call them!
But then I get 4 sad puppy eyes looking at me and I know there sorry!!!:D

07-31-2003, 07:53 PM
Leonardo, Luke, and Chester never think they do anything wrong so feel no need to hide. They are mistaken!:D

08-05-2003, 02:00 AM
Ted puts his ears back and wags his tail. Roxy rolls on her back. Dusty hides in his dog house.

08-05-2003, 02:47 PM
When Griz does something wrong he's all nice to you until you enter the room that has the mess, then he runs away. Puff only runs away if you blame him for something.

08-06-2003, 07:13 PM
If Prince does anything wrong, especially when he was a puppy and had accidents on the floor, he would run and hide in my room.;)