View Full Version : I thought she would hate me forever

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2003, 05:26 PM
I decided to give Peanut a bath on Saturday. She has these "lumps" (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23293) that make her skin really oily. Evidently Tubby can smell this on her and tries to lick her (he's such a good brother) which she hates so she whacks him one which he hates.....:rolleyes: :( So I thought I'd try giving her a bath because then she wouldn't smell, he wouldn't lick her, she wouldn't whack him....you get the idea. ;) So anyway, in all of her 14 1/2 years, she has never been given a bath, so I was kinda skeptical as to how she was going to take it. I got the bathtub ready, got all my protective gear on, picked her up and gave her lots of smoochies, closed the bathroom door (with Tubby on the outside) and went to it.

After all was said and done, the hardest part was getting her wet. Her hair was so oily that the water just ran off her. Here she is after about 5 minutes of dousing her with water and trying to rub it in. (notice how I remembered the camera because I knew pictures would be demanded.) :)

And here she is after about 10 minutes of dousing her with water and trying to rub it in - we're finally getting someplace. You can see that she is still a little fluffy in the first pic, and her hair is much wetter in the second 'cause you can see her ribs.

And here we're all done and she says "Mom! Will you puh-leeze let me out of here already!!!"

And here she is all wrapped up in a towel. I had another one heating up in the dryer. I knew this one would get soaked pretty quick, and when it was all wet I swapped for the nice warm one right out of the dryer. Now, the thing I'm most proud of is the fact that I got a picture of her wrapped in the towel. She was not a happy camper and just wanted to get away. ;)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2003, 05:33 PM
Here she is after I finally let her go. I was worried she'd be cold and possibly get sick, so I tried to dry her as much as I could - although she hated that too. All she wanted to do was get away from me. :( :)

And here's another one of her trying to dry off.

And here she is looking a bit ruffled around the edges. ;) :D

Of course the first thing Tubby did was come over and sniff her. :rolleyes: But she must have smelled like shampoo so he just sat down and looked at her instead of starting to lick her. He was probably wondering what happened to her. I thought of doing him next, but that thought was abandoned quite quickly. She is so meek that she didn't really put up a fight - which I was surprised at. She acted like she does at the vet - too scared to fight. :( Tubby on the other hand, is not afraid of fighting and I would have been in the emergency room before his bath had really even gotten underway, so I say nah, not today. ;) :D


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2003, 05:37 PM
When I was at Petco buying the shampoo, I also bought some of those little micies. T & P hadn't had micies forever. I thought I was wasting my money, but they were 2 for $1.00, so I thought what the heck. Turns out they loved them, and I gave Peanut hers as a reward for being such a good girl with the bath.

Here she is enjoying her mousie (she still looks a little ruffled).
The mousie is the little gray spot by her bottom ear.

And here she is Sunday morning. All nice and clean and fluffy, and finally completely dry too. And best of all, she didn't hate me! :D

03-25-2003, 06:12 PM
LOL grrreeat picutres! I"m so happy you got them during bathtime!

I use kitty bath wipes on mine, because well....... none of them cooperate in the bathtub department...Mozart jump around unless i get in the tub too..so that means I GET SOAKED, and I know he just laughs and laughs about that, thinking "ha ha ha payback"..Eliza makes it seem like you are going to kill her or something.. we only bathed her once in the tub, right after we got her from my husbands parents (they always let her outside, so we had to clean her that way)...and my husband had to help hold her, and she almost knocked him over!! Bach.. he isn't so bad, but after the third time, he learned what his back claws were for and decided to use them lol.

I love those photos!!! I think the mousey helped her forget the humiliating ordeal! ;)

03-25-2003, 06:13 PM
Aww....poor Peanut. The indignities she has to put up with!!! Hope you find out about and solve her skin problem soon.

03-25-2003, 06:26 PM
Love the burrito wrap picture!!:D In fact all of them are very well taken. How did you manage to hold the camera and have Peanut stay still like that?? She must have known the pics were for her extended family. All kitties look soooo pathetic when they are wet.

03-25-2003, 06:26 PM
this picture with the skinny scrawny tail gave me a good laugh.:D

Steffi N
03-25-2003, 08:08 PM
Oh Peanut, you look so pretty clean and fluffy


Yes, I did laugh at the pictures of you soaking wet. Please forgive me. I hope the vet can take care of whatever is making your skin so oily.

03-26-2003, 01:27 AM
I have given Kylie more baths since Christmas then she has ever had in her short 2.5 years. Fleas will do that to you!
And she looks just like Peanut!!
But the end result is the best when they are all soft, fluffy and smell good!!mmmmmmmmmmm
Maybe the vet will suggest you bathe her more often with baby shampoo? It works on baby's cradle cap. Maybe on oily kitty skin!??

03-26-2003, 02:05 AM
You have a very brave mommy, Peanut! And you are a brave kitty too!:D !
You look so soft on that last picture!

I also love that pic with your tiny wet tail!!:D :D

03-26-2003, 02:59 AM
Poor peanut. You are a very brave kitty. I would have been sliced if I did that with Tigris. And we now can see for sure that you are a very slim lady with a splendid fluff coat:)

03-26-2003, 06:21 AM
Peanut, you are a very beautiful cat. I just realized you look a lot like my friends cat Kelli. Kelli is a very small cat. She is 7 years old and only 4 pounds!

I think your mom is very brave to give you a bath. I loved looking at the pictures so thank your mom for posting those.

03-26-2003, 06:29 AM
I am amazed that you got pictures of Peanut in the bath.

The one and only time we bathed George it took two of us to hold him down and wash him. No way could we have took pictures as well.

I love the picture of Peanut slinking off with a thin wet tail.
She looks so cross but she soon forgave you, though the mousie seemed to help. :D

03-26-2003, 08:09 AM
What a GOOD GIRL you were Peanut!!! You are such a pretty kitty cat, and now you smell good too! I love your mousie playing picture .... big hugs and snuggles from me to you!!! :D

03-26-2003, 08:59 AM
GREAT pictures!

03-26-2003, 09:36 AM
Great pictures! Peanut, you are adorable, even when wet. :D

03-26-2003, 09:53 AM
The only time that I have had to bath a cat was the late Mr. Fluffy , who was very long haired , ans some of his waste was gathering on the fur undr his tail.PU! So I put him inthe launrry tub , washed him off and had him groomed the next day. I wish I had shots of him , so Jen could post them , but alas no film that day!

03-26-2003, 10:15 AM
I'm very impressed! :eek: I would never be able to do that to Fister! Peanut looks really sweet and fluffy on the "after" picture - and so funny with the vet tail. A good idea with the hot towel! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-26-2003, 12:41 PM
Thanks everybody. I loved the "rat" tail too. Not only is it really skinny, but it's so dark compared to the rest of her too. ;) :)

She was actually very meek and didn't move around a whole lot, just kept trying to push the sliding doors open from the other side. Had we had a shower curtain instead of those doors, it might not have been as easy as it was. And she didn't say a word the whole time either - which I was surprised at. She really is a good kitty. :)

Some parts of her, like her tummy and parts underneath her tail, are still nice and fluffy, but most of those "spots" are on her hind quarters and the oil is spreading fast to the rest of her top half. I think next time I will try and get closer to her face - like her neck. I was trying to be careful to not get water or soap in her eyes so I didn't get too close, but I will next time.

I had gotten some oatmeal & aloe vera shampoo which is supposed to help itchy skin. I'm thinking it's working because her tummy is still nice and fluffy. :)

03-26-2003, 01:04 PM
Awwwww....bless her little kitty heart!! Isn't it amazing how "big as saucers" kitty eyes can become during bathtime??!! LOL Marius and Scooter both need one too...definitely NOT their favorite thing in the world! :rolleyes: So glad she was such a good sport through it all. The pics are priceless! :D

03-27-2003, 03:20 PM
She's even cuter WET!!!! How can that be???? Don't tell her I said that. ;)

Glad its all over....for you both. We've resorted to taking Noah to the groomers, where he can hate them instead. ;) No...just kidding, he always bounced back quickly, just like I'm sure Peanut did.

Great pictures! :D

03-27-2003, 03:21 PM
poor little peanut!! Hee hee. I love wet kitties. And after they dry, don't they smell wonderful!