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View Full Version : Tonic Sol-Fa

03-25-2003, 03:51 PM
YAH!! My favorite band Tonic Sol-Fa is haveing a concert at MY HIGH SCHOOL and guess of course who is selling tickets?? Me?? YEP I AM!! Me and about five of my friends are going! Im so excited!! Has anyone else heard of this band?!?

Heres a website-
Tonic Sol-Fa (http://www.tonicsolfa.com)

03-25-2003, 05:03 PM
OHH OHH ME!! haha, it's because I'm going with you Katie! It's going to be fun!:D :) :p ;)

Dakota's Mommy
03-26-2003, 08:00 AM
Nope, never heard of them! Are they like a local band or what? What kind of music do they play?

03-26-2003, 04:16 PM
They sing alittle bit of every thing, I wasnt sure who would have all heard of them but ya they are becomming quite famous, They only show in about four states surrunding Minnesota.

**They sing alittle bit of everything and are an accuapella(sp?) group which means they sing with out music.