View Full Version : Why is he doing this?!!!???!!!

03-25-2003, 12:32 PM
For the past few days Mystic keeps picking on Cheetah and chasing her around the house, biting her andripping out her fur. He took a chunk of fur out of her yesterday, and he won't leave her alone! :mad: He's not trying tohurt her, just picking on her, so it'snot fighting...I wouldn't know how to describe it any better than I just did.

He also looked, although not sure, that he was trying to mount her. Cheetah and Mystic are both fixed. Anyway, there has never been any dominace issues, and since they are brother and sister they get a long very well. They ALWAYS cuddle with eachother, they are pretty much attached to the hip. :rolleyes: Sowhat on earth could be happening to them? Why is he all of a sudden terrorizing her? He's done this twice before and it doesn't last long, I just think it is so weird. Any ideas?:confused:

03-25-2003, 01:30 PM
Ahem...spring is in the air and tho my two are fixed, this chasing and mounting behaviour is happening here too.;) Maya is totally bored by this and Bodhi isn't quite sure what he's doing :confused: Pretty funny to watch.

03-25-2003, 01:32 PM
Yes I know, but he's ripping out her fur, even when she was in heat he didn't do that to her. :confused:

03-25-2003, 01:43 PM
Since we are dealing with Oliver attacking our cats, I'm an advocate of Feliway....it really calms him down.

Rescue Remedy has also been suggested and we are going to try that. You put a few drops in their water...it basically calms aggressive behavior in a natural way.

03-25-2003, 02:43 PM
Well he's not really being agressive,just kinda acting like a big brother if you know what I mean. Do you think it would help him really? I don't want to give him something if it is not needed, and he's only pulled hairout of her twice and then chases her around the room. They are friendly together, always cuddling eating, making head bumpies etc. So this was really strang to have witnessed this.

What exactly is in this stuff anyway? :)

03-25-2003, 02:45 PM
Also since they are related, although from seperate litters, Cheetah has been with Mystic since she was born, he would even go "babysit" his little sister and brothers when he was younger, and keep them out of trouble while Houdini would get up to eat etc. :D

But you know, come to think of it, Cheetah does this to her mom Houdini as well. She'll start chasing her around the house and Houdini will get mad. hehe

03-25-2003, 04:15 PM
It may also be because they are bengals. I've heard they are more lively.

The Feliway is the same pharamone cats excude when they rub their heads on things. It's a calming pharamone they create...

We have the plug in, so there is always "calm" in the air. We also got the spray, so we could spray his closet, or new items...and, the cats! :)

The Rescue Remedy is just a mix of herbs and stuff you add to their water. I would imagine it works like camomile tea.

I guess I used the wrong word above, not agressive, just "excited"? Does that fit better?

03-25-2003, 04:27 PM
Yes lol. Thank you for the info, can you buy that stuff at Petsmart? I have to go buy them some more food today so I could pick it up while were out. :)

03-25-2003, 07:12 PM
Rescue Remedy can be found in any health food store. You can either put it in their water or just put it directly in their mouth.

Good luck. If it's any consolation, MooShoo, who is neutered tries to mount my girls all the time. They just turn around and smack him silly. He's such a goof.