View Full Version : I met Sonya Henderson, the pet psychic!

03-25-2003, 09:12 AM
Lillycat and I went to the local Barnes and Noble for a booksigning/discussion with Animal Planet's Sonya Henderson. We got our books, and had them signed, then she did a lottery system for personal readings, and out of about 60 people, I was one of 9 that got selected!!! Oh my gosh! What a woman she is...so warm, caring, sensitive. I asked her about Minnie, and she told me some of Minnie's secrets! Then she went on to talk about my other kitties!!! She was unbelievably accurate, especially with Tex...for instance, he is the only one to eat on the counter, eat off my plate, eat butter, eat anything I put in front of him. WOW! I was soooo honored to have met her, and have her connect with my furkids!!!

03-25-2003, 09:44 AM
Wow! It would be great if she could help Minnie ovrcome some of her shyness ,poor Princess jumped on the bed , joseph socked her , then Rascal chased her down the stairs , poor princess!

03-25-2003, 10:07 AM
I love watching her. I think you were very lucky to get to meet her:D

03-25-2003, 10:08 AM
On the basis of what did she know these things. From a picture?

Sounds fantastic.

03-25-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
On the basis of what did she know these things. From a picture?

Sounds fantastic.

No, silly me, didn't bring a picture..thinking I would never get the chance to see her, personally. She did this from my description of Minnie, and then, she took off from that! Kinda strange, but, she was so darn on target with Tex, and Minnie....very strange. And, since these are the two that take up so much of my mental energy, I am not suprised she targeted in on these two. If I am not worrying about Tex, I am worrying about Minnie, and vice versa.

03-25-2003, 10:43 AM
wow that must have been great to meet her! I wish she could help me with Louise!

03-25-2003, 10:47 AM
Wow! I would love to meet her.

03-25-2003, 11:11 AM
How cool! I am one of those "gotta see it, to believe it" kinda gals... sure wish I had been there!!! :rolleyes:

03-25-2003, 11:24 AM
Very cool Cataholic!

I didn't know she had a book out or that she was signing. I wonder if she'll come up to my neck of the woods. :D

03-25-2003, 12:42 PM
OMG! That is so cool! So, what were some of Minnie's secrets?? :D

03-25-2003, 01:50 PM
That is so neat!! She was on one of the radio stations last week and she was AMAZING! I am very skeptical when it comes to psychics and I was totally floored. She was talking about peoples pets....on the phone. People would call in and say, I want to know why Rufus ran away and came back two weeks later...from there, she'd tell them, in great detail all the personality traits of Rufus....


What did she say about Minnie? Is she going to come out and play soon?

03-25-2003, 02:40 PM
Oh man !!! I am so jealous!!! I'd do anything for her to do a reading on a few of my cats. What did she say about Minnie?

03-25-2003, 03:16 PM
Wow! That must have been so cool! I would love to meet her, how lucky you are! ;)

03-25-2003, 03:18 PM
Well, I told her that Minnie was my semi-feral baby, and that she hid all the time. She explained that Minnie has a nervous system that is very close to the edge, and everything makes her nervous...noise, change, people she doesn't know. Now, that isn't really that 'psychic' admittably, but she was explaining that Minnie is different from other cats. I compare it to people that we used to say had a case of the nerves. We all prolly know someone that gets flustered easily...shy, withdrawn... Then she said Minnie comes out at night! And plays! And, I can't remember if I told you guys or not, but on Saturday night, I heard loud cat noises, and discovered four on the bed sawing logs, and I quietly went out to the living room, and found Allie sound asleep. So, I KNEW it was Minnie. I opened the door, and saw her tail flash in the closet...but, LOL, the long dresses were still swinging from her running past them! And, she told me that Minnie lliked the new location of the litterbox, which I moved two weeks ago!!! It is more private. Also, that Minnie likes the smells of my closet...the smell of my shoes!!!! She didn't know Minnie was hiding in the closet~ And that is the ONLY closet I keep my shoes in!! (and, it does stink..he he he). She asked who was the boy that was bold with Minnie....it is Dakky. He is the only one. She said Dakky was trying to play with Minnie. She said Minnie liked her new hiding place better than the old one- remember she was in my basement til October/November....She said Minnie was happy, that all my cats were, and that a strong sense of 'rescue' was coming through...and who had I recently rescued? I said, 'oh, which of my six?' and she said that explained the strong sense she felt. She was soooo right about Tex, too, and whether it is true or not, I feel so great about it!

03-25-2003, 04:10 PM
now I am even more jealous!! You are so lucky!!!!!!!!!!! I got goose bumps just reading your post.

03-25-2003, 06:57 PM
What an exciting experience. I have watched her on TV &
she does seem to be a very caring & intuitive person. You
were lucky to get a personal meeting. :) Very Cool.

03-25-2003, 07:07 PM

I am SO jealous! I love watching her on Animal Planet. What an opportunity for you! I wish I could talk to her about Casey. I want to know if he's happy and if he thinks I did the right thing. I think about him everyday and still wonder if I made the right decision, rather than bring him home and see if the problem he had breathing would clear up by itself. I guess I live in a world of what-ifs.

You are so lucky!

03-26-2003, 12:28 AM
Wow!!!:eek: Johanna you were so lucky to meet her. I also love to watch her show on Animal Planet. One time I caught Storm watching her show and it seemed like he was mezmerized by her voice. :) I'm so glad to here that Minnie is happy in your home. :)

03-26-2003, 12:43 AM
Oh I am so jealous!!
I will have to bend your ear on Sunday!
Tooo cool!!
I also got goosebumps!