View Full Version : Paula's Birthday!

07-31-2001, 11:13 AM
Seeing little Fritz's 3-month picture made me want to tell everyone that today is my Paula's third birthday! And here is what she will most want to do (RUN!) to celebrate:

P.S. Is it just me, or does anyone else dread their pets birthdays? It makes me so sad - I want her to be two forever! :(

[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: 3-greys-and-a-mutt ]

07-31-2001, 11:27 AM
Happy Birthday Paula! Did you wear a silly party hat while you went for your birthday run? :D

Yes, the clock runs much faster for our pets, and the milestones are sure a reminder. I recently found some "silver threads among the gold" on my orange tabby cat. He's about 13 years old...how can time have flown so quickly? Of course, *I* don't have any gray hair... *cough cough*

Best Wishes to one beautiful birthday girl!!

07-31-2001, 11:27 AM
Happy Birthday, Paula! Although I have no idea when Graham was born, I do dread him getting older too. It hurts to see that he is getting some grey whiskers. I absolutely can't imagine life without him. That's why I am made up my mind yesterday to get him certified as a pet therapy dog, and get his CGC because he's not getting any younger and he has a true healers heart and soul. Yes it is hard seeing them age.

07-31-2001, 11:30 AM
Happy Birthday, Paula girl. http://plauder-smilies.de/party/torte.gif http://plauder-smilies.de/birthday.gif

With Hannah, I was kind of appreciative to see the relief of the maturation process. No, I don't want to live through the twos again.

07-31-2001, 11:32 AM

I agree with you, I dread my pets getting older. I was just thinking about that last night. It's so sad...especially when you bust out the puppy pics and remember them being that wee size.... :(

07-31-2001, 11:39 AM
What is a birthday without a cake, Happy Birthday Paula.

Miss Daisy and Perry

07-31-2001, 12:18 PM
Grey hairs on dogs doesn't necessarily signal the end! Our beloved Gracie, a Great Dane mix, was a shiny black dog with white toes and a white Taj Mahal on her chest. She started going grey at about 4 1/2, and we were sad because we knew Danes have a fairly short life-expectancy (7-10 years). Well, she live to 7, to ten, and beyond - all the way to 14 1/2, and all her grey did was make her look silly, like athe silly girl she was!

07-31-2001, 12:18 PM
Happy birthday Paula!

07-31-2001, 02:12 PM
Karen, that was a long life for a Dane. Is that a record? The three that I knew didn't live that long.

Happy Birthday, Paula, and many, many more!! Whoooo-hoooo.

07-31-2001, 03:49 PM
Happy Birthday, Paula!!! :)

07-31-2001, 03:51 PM
:) :) :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULA :) :) :)

07-31-2001, 03:58 PM
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happpy birthday dear Paula, happy birthday to you! :) :) :) Have a great day Paula! You don't look a day over two!! ;)

I dread their birthday's too! I was just looking through my Star's puppy pics. Oh, how precious! And how times flies. She will be three on Sept. 5 and I want her to be 2 again; and always!

07-31-2001, 05:53 PM

07-31-2001, 06:06 PM
Paula says "Thanks!" to all the birthday well-wishers! She is napping next to a new chew bone, and later she will get a plush goose that honks! (My nickname for Paula is "Goose.")
Karen - Thanks; you have brought a smile to my face with the story of your dane. Our Paula had so much black on her face when we got her 1 1/2 years ago - now the black on her muzzle is quickly turning to white (people always ask us if she is older). Your uplifting tale has let me see that Paula still has many youthful years ahead! :D

08-01-2001, 12:11 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my fellow greyhound BUDDY!!
I got onw of those toys too, but I gots bitmarks in mine!!! Enjoy your day!! Nos here is a note from my mom!!
I too wonder what I would do w/o Shaianne and now Kylie.
I am with Leslie, I have no idea when her birthday is, but I do remember the day I got her. I dread her getting older, especially since she acquired epilepsy under the age of 5, she is 4.

Daisy's Mom
08-01-2001, 12:20 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULA! You are such a beautiful girl! Yes, I hate when Daisy has a birthday. I refused to say that she was a year. I'd say "12 months." Well I had to give that up after a while because I sounded stupid saying, "Daisy is twenty-two months old!" Now I understand why human mommies say that about their human babies... it makes them sound younger :) Daze will be three September 14 and I am dreading it. I just wish she'd be my teeny littke houndy baby girl forever!