View Full Version : Update on the Aby (Mike) at the Shelter

03-24-2003, 02:56 PM
You guys!!!! :(

I feel so bad for this little critter! I talked to the shelter just now and they said that they had to move him out of the cat room and into the hallway again. Turns out, he's terrified of people!!!

I asked why she thought that was and she said that he was in a cage his whole life!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I asked the name of the breeder and she said she couldn't tell me. I forgot to ask if they would report them, but I will.

I asked why she thought the breeder dumped him there, she said his coloring isn't perfect. :( WHAT A TOTAL IDIOT! He is absolutley gorgeous!!!

I can't even tell you how mad I am...this poor little guy.

He's healthy though, they've done every test on him and he's fine. He's just very scared of people...but LOVES cats. I'm totally up for that challenge!

RE: Oliver. I talked to her about him too. She said that him not even remotely tolerating the other cats isn't good news. That he MIGHT be a cat that needs only humans as company, no cats. :( She did say that the director of the Humane Society is married to a cat behavioralist...so he is going to call me! I'm so glad!

I'll keep you all updated on both Mike and Oliver.

03-24-2003, 03:00 PM
I bet you could eventually earn Mike's trust. He might not ever be comfortable around others, but eventually, he would be ok in your home. I would ask Aly on how to take wild kitties - ie. SOCKS!! hehe

As for Oliver, did you try the vet and the sedative? I'm sorry that he's still being cranky. I hope it all works out! :)

03-24-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
As for Oliver, did you try the vet and the sedative? I'm sorry that he's still being cranky. I hope it all works out! :)
Yes...they suggested a behavioral consulation. I'd rather have a free one over the phone. :) So we'll wait and see what he says. :)

If its meant to be for Mike to live with us, it'll work out. I sure hope it does!

03-24-2003, 03:14 PM
Oh Kelly, I think its time to beg David!

Oliver has to get sedated? What's he doing? I hope he's okay.

Maybe we can all put our heads together tonight in the chat about both Mike and Oliver :(

03-24-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by aly
Oh Kelly, I think its time to beg David!

Oliver has to get sedated? What's he doing? I hope he's okay.
Naomi suggested getting him a mild sedative, to calm him down until (if) he gets used to the other cats. He's attacking them. :(

I really want Mike, Aly! I know I could get him to trust me and he would LOVE Basil.

03-24-2003, 03:26 PM
Have you tried Rescue Remedy for him?

03-24-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by aly
Have you tried Rescue Remedy for him?
No, what is that? We bought Feliway...it works when he's in his room. ;)

03-24-2003, 04:54 PM
Rescue Remedy is natural flower essences that comes in a bottle. You drop some in their water and it is supposed to have a calming effect. It has calmed down some of my fosters in the past. I am not too sure it would work for Oliver though.

Here's a little about it from a website:

Rescue Remedy is made from Impatiens, Clematis, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem. It remedies stress, distress, tension, and restores calm, reassurance and relaxation.

03-24-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by aly
Rescue Remedy is natural flower essences that comes in a bottle. You drop some in their water and it is supposed to have a calming effect. It has calmed down some of my fosters in the past. I am not too sure it would work for Oliver though.

Here's a little about it from a website:

Rescue Remedy is made from Impatiens, Clematis, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem. It remedies stress, distress, tension, and restores calm, reassurance and relaxation.
You know what, when I bought the Feliway, the girl aslo recommended that. I'll check that out, thanks Aly!

Aly, if Mike works out, any ideas on how to get him to trust me? When I was sitting outside his cage in the hallway, I was talking to him softly. He started doing that slow winking thing with me! What a cutie, my Noah does that too. :)

Steffi N
03-24-2003, 06:43 PM
I want so much for you to be able to give Mike a home. I am sorry that Oliver isn't fitting in well and I hope eventually things work out.

03-24-2003, 06:51 PM
Good luck with Oliver & Mike, Kelly!!

03-24-2003, 06:56 PM
Thanks Tonya! :)

Steffi, I do too...I'm going to keep calling and checking in on him. I'm so excited to see him again on Saturday!

03-24-2003, 11:41 PM
Rescue Remedy is great. It calms cats down. I tried sedatives with Casey a while back. I brought Tucker home from NYC and all he did was pounce on Casey. The sedatives changed Casey and I didn't like it at all. It made him very sedated to the point where he'd hide in a closet all the time. I finally realized that Tucker had to find a home with no other cats. I placed Tucker with friends of mine in CT. It was then that Casey came out of his shell and didn't need the drugs anymore.

I'd try the Rescue Remedy and Feliway first. Good luck.

Breeders really piss me off when they do stuff like that. My Munchkin, Shorty, spent the first year of her life in a cage with no interaction with other cats or people. The mad scientist breeder was trying to show her in a cat show. She was doing very poorly. I offered to take and socialize her. She is now mine and is a totally different cat. She loves being a lap cat and being around other cats. I hope that breeder rots you-know-where.

03-25-2003, 12:00 AM
Kelly, I sure hope that everything works out with Oliver but if it doesn't then maybe he was meant to be an only cat. I also hope that you're able to adopt the cute aby Mike. I'm sure he'll be able to learn to trust people since he's still young. My Cirrus is very similar to Mike in that he loves other cats but isn't very trusting of people. He likes to be near me and has finally let me pet his head and also brush him. I talk to him in a soothing voice and he seems to really enjoy this. I know that some day he'll become as friendly as Storm and Sunny are to me. Good luck. :)

03-25-2003, 12:21 AM
Good Luck!
I will be thinking of you!!!

03-25-2003, 09:38 AM
when i adopted Rocca , John , and precious , they wer so scared of me , I couldnt get near them . But they got on with the other Cats , so at least that was the hard part. then eventually they came to trust me , and we are all pals now!

03-25-2003, 11:27 AM
Oh my, what an ordeal you are having. :( I guess I would give the rescue remedy a try and see if it works.... if not, you may just have to resort to finding Oliver a one-cat home! It happens sometimes, and at least you'll know you gave it your best effort!

About the Aby .... I sure hope you can give him a chance as well! It sounds like he will warm up in time ... and it is a very good thing that he likes other cats!!!! My 3 semi-ferals that I recently took in ... are doing so much better. They will follow me around, rubbing my legs and meowing and purring now!!! I think the baked chicken breast I gave them last night didn't hurt any!!! ;) :D