View Full Version : It's that time of year!!

06-07-2001, 12:34 AM
We talked about this a while back but this was in my dog tips:
Homemade Skunk Odor Removal Shampoo

Mix the following ingredients together right before
use. Do
NOT save any that is left over.

Combine in a large container or bucket:
--1/4 cup baking soda;
--1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide;
--1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid.

The mixture will be very foamy. Wet the affected
thoroughly and work the mixture into the coat. Use a
on the face if the dog's head has been sprayed. Do
not get
the solution in the dog's eyes, ears, nose, or
mouth. If
you can, leave the shampoo on for a few minutes
rinsing. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Don't expect
anything to
completely work with just one application.

- Paula Dupy

and this too:
Deodorizing the House

If a skunk has sprayed your dog, the odor of skunk
can linger in your home for days. Instead of trying
to mask
it with incense or scented air fresheners, boil some
vinegar instead. You may need to tie a handkerchief
your nose, since the vapors can take your breath
away. If
only one room is affected, leave the steaming
container of
vinegar in that room to cool. If there's a bigger
involved, you should carry the steaming vinegar
around from
room to room. Granted, the vinegar smells almost as
bad as
the skunk odor, but when the vinegar vapor in the
evaporates, it will take the skunk smell with it.

When you're through with the vinegar, sprinkle the
drain with baking soda and pour the vinegar on it.
combination will clean and deodorize the drain, not
any of this solution go to waste.

- Paula Dupy

~~"You do not own a dog, the dog owns you."~~

06-07-2001, 07:29 AM
Just last night I drove through some skunky-smelling neighborhoods! Timely!

06-07-2001, 08:18 AM
When my husky played with a skunk a couple summers ago, that's the recipe my Vet told me (only we were told laundry detergent instead of dishwashing liquid). He also told me to use mayonnaise in between the above applications. It worked. I used the above solution three times and used two jars of mayonnaise.

06-07-2001, 09:22 AM
We were told to use Tomato Juice, luckily I haven't had to try it yet to see if it works.


06-07-2001, 09:30 AM
Jackie, all the tomato juice did was turn the white on our beautiful Dakota into an orange color. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif

06-07-2001, 09:37 AM
Our miniature poodle was sprayed through a picket fence many years ago. The receptionist at the vet told me to bathe her with Summer's Eve http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/redface.gif (baking soda variety?)

06-07-2001, 04:52 PM
bug has been sprayed three times now - she keeps mistaking them for a cat. it doesn't help that we live in the woods and the skunks like the cat food.... (and that they sleep under my house some times)

anyway, i have learned that the skunk has two modes - a warning mode which only shoots about 4 feet and not a lot and then the "I gave you fair warning!" mode which shoots at least 6 feet and has a circumference of at least 12 feet. The spray is an oil base and caustic (like lemon juice in a paper cut). It also clings to any and everything and can be carried be air. it also can seep through floor boards (my dry cleaner made a fortune off of that night!)
The recipe does work. dishwashing soap is gentler on the animal's skin. tomato juice and lemon juice and all the acidic solutions do help dissolve the oil (which contains the stench).
And the final skunk thing, its really awful when your dog gets it full in the face and her eyes swell and turn red and starts foaming at the mouth BUT its not life or death - nothing that permanently scar or hurt (at least thats what the vet and the emergency clinic vet say) BUT if your dog gets it full in the face - a fan that they can sit in front of helps make them a bit more comfortable. And hold your nose and let them snuggle cuz they've just gotten the shock of their little puppy life!

Thanks for listening to my skunk trials....

and now on to fleas..... (just kidding!) http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-08-2001, 08:34 AM
Boy, I wish I knew about that fan thing a few summers ago when Dakota played with the skunk. He never killed it, just kept throwing it up in the air and catching it in his mouth while the skunk was spraying the whole time. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif Needless to say, he had it on his face, down his throat, et cetera. We also have skunks that like to camp out under our porch, so I'll probably need to use this information again. I'm not looking forward to that.

06-08-2001, 10:49 AM
make that four times for bug! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif goofy girl! you'd think she would have learned, but until they spray she can't tell the skunk from the cat - its one of the down sides of having one eye.... but as soon as that skunk sprays, she remembers http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif

so she's sittin' in front of the fan again...her eyes turning red and itchy. sigh!

06-08-2001, 05:23 PM
Look at it this way folks if you got skunks you don't have rats or mice! Me I'll deal with skunks thank you very much. HATE rats and mice!!!!!!!

Daisy's Mom
06-08-2001, 08:03 PM
Luckily Daisy has never been sprayed. But... I know you're all going to think of me as weird now... I like the skunk smell! So does my mom. Maybe it's genetic? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I am sure that if Daisy was covered in it, it would be a bit much, but I do like it! Hehe yeah I know, I'm a freak!