View Full Version : Ti is finally out and about!

03-23-2003, 08:19 AM
This is my fourth try at posting pictures. If this doesn't work, I am going to give up!

Hey Mom, I think the Easter bunny knocked over the scratching post and left eggs too!
I swear I didn't do it, the Easter bunny did it!
Just hanging out in the kitchen, waiting for more food!
More space, more fun, more food!

These were taken last night - he was excited about eating raw beef. He has a huge appetite - just the opposite of Miley. Maybe he will eat what Miley will not! It will be like having a dogie!

Ti was out all last night, as I had tucked Miley into the computer room for the night. He was just everywhere in the place. Lots of crashing and running going on. He was having fun. He is alseep right now..... after all, it's Sunday - a day of rest!


03-23-2003, 08:22 AM
So glad you were finally successful. It looks at least right now like one of your pictures can't be viewed but the others are great. He IS a big guy and so striking!. Of course we will be able to see just how big he is when you have a shot of Miley nearby. :)

03-23-2003, 08:26 AM
I can see all her pictures ... maybe your connection just timed out?

03-23-2003, 08:27 AM
He is gorgeous!! What a beautiful coat!!! I'm glad he is coming around now:)

03-23-2003, 08:28 AM
Hi Ti....nice to really see you!:D Guess Mom is going to have to get you a sturdier post (you are after all a BIG boy);) We are very impreesed by your gorgeous coat coloring. Have fun exploring.

03-23-2003, 08:31 AM
He's a beauty! Glad you got the pictures working, Jen's right, perhaps lead weights on the scratching post base are in order - bricks might not be heavy enough! :)

smokey the elder
03-23-2003, 08:31 AM
What a TOTALLY awesome cat!!

03-23-2003, 08:33 AM
Jen and Karen, how dare you suggest that I am too heavy for the scratching post. I am a big boy, yes, but I am tellin' ya' the darn Easter bunny came right into the kitchen, knocked over the post, left some plastic eggs and split. Honestly.

Thanks for all the compliments on my appearance. I have not yet settled in and of course, I must work out my relationship with the resident cat Miley! She is quite difficult. I may have to let her "have it" one of these days and put her in her place. Oh that's right, it IS her place, that's what all the hissing is about. How silly of me.

Mom is going to stay home ALL day today and try to get us to work out the finer details today. I think I will sleep today and deal with this mess some other time.

Love to all,

P. S. I am not sure the photo of me in the signature is really me. I think my Mom put some other kitty's photo there.... maybe my first Mom sent the wrong photo!

03-23-2003, 08:36 AM
He is gorgeous - such a wonderful coat!! :eek: Go and explore some more Ti, but don't knock to many things over! ;)

I'm looking forward to see pics of him and Miley together! :)

Thanks for posting these.

03-23-2003, 08:48 AM

What a gorgeous boy he is! And very lucky to have you in his life.

03-23-2003, 08:58 AM
It looks that you have a young leopard here! Good that he is a mellow guy. I am very curious to hear more. Nosekissies for tiny Miley:)

Steffi N
03-23-2003, 09:11 AM
Ti, you are just splendid. You look like you just walked out of the jungle. Be nice to Miley, she is a little girl. Sallyanne, I'm not sure how much rest everybody will really get today. :) :) :) to all.

03-23-2003, 10:02 AM
What pretty markings Ti has.
I glad he's out and about.

03-23-2003, 10:33 AM
Wow! what a hunk of a cat. I find it hard to believe that Miley has kept him on the run (or hide). Sounds like a gentle giant though. We saw Bengals at a cat show and they were all so laid back compared to the other cats that we thought they may have been drugged .:eek: My husband wondered what havoc they would wreck, since there were some in the 20 + pound range. Hopefully they don't have the aby high energy level and love of heights (farewell knick-knacks and antique clocks)....less damage that way. Can't wait for more stories and of course pictures. (with Miley???)

03-23-2003, 10:46 AM
Ti is such a handesome cat. I love his stripes too. Glad to hear he is out and having fun! :)

03-23-2003, 10:58 AM
Ti is simply Gorgeous! I love those stripes! Glad to hear he's making himself at home.

03-23-2003, 12:26 PM
:) :D Ti you are one great looking cat! Im glad that your fur mommy could post you! And if that Darn Eater Bunny gives you a hard time , just tell him that your Mommy knows how to make Hossenfeffer!:D :rolleyes: :p

03-23-2003, 01:00 PM
Wow, he is stunning!!:) Great pictures, thanks for sharing, glad he finally got out and about so you could take them!:)
Hoping Miley and he will get friendly today, or soon anyway!


03-23-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
:) :D Ti you are one great looking cat! Im glad that your fur mommy could post you! And if that Darn Eater Bunny gives you a hard time , just tell him that your Mommy knows how to make Hossenfeffer!:D :rolleyes: :p

Hossenfeffer. Amazing what we learn from Bugs Bunny Cartoons, isn't it?:D

03-23-2003, 01:26 PM
What a handsome fellow you are, Ti! Just love those spots! Hey, I believe you 100% about the Easter Bunny ..... ;)

03-23-2003, 02:30 PM
What a beauty Ti is!!!!! At our house (well, not mine, but Lillycat's), we call her cats 'Strips'...not stripes, but Strips. I had a neice that mistakenly called them the stripped cats (as opposed to my dominoes) and it stuck!

So, I say, "CHECK OUT THE BIG STRIP"!! Love to Miley girl, too.

03-23-2003, 03:04 PM

He is gorgeous!

Miley will come around I am sure of it!

How can any female resist Ti!!!!

03-23-2003, 03:07 PM
Hi Ti - Diz iz Ketchum - got on da puta coz Meowmie went in da kichen!
Youz iz one handsome dude - we'z all beleeves it woz da Eester bUnny dat trashed da howsse - dats wot Eester bUnnys do!! Anywayz Ti wez all hopes youz settlez in and geds freendly wif Mz Miley - she'z one gorgush ladycat. Member youz P'z and Q'z and evryfink will be kule.
Gotta scram - kan here Meowmie comin bak!

Welcome Big Boy frum Ketchum, Dan and Ms Bagel xxxx

03-23-2003, 03:26 PM
Oh he's so gorgeous!!! :D

03-23-2003, 04:34 PM
I think Miley would like to have Ti disappear for sure! She is walking around waving her magic wand - and meowing something about "be gone with you"....

They have been confronting each other all afternoon. I have been through this before and know that one day, and hopefully soon, they will settle this border dispute and put down their arms - although they may never be buddies like Gabe and Grammy ... but they should at least be able to be in the same room.

Ti is beginning to get tired of being persued by Miley. As soon as she spies him she runs to confront him. Sometimes I can stop her from jumping him, but most times she tears out of the room as though there is a ax murderer approaching. When I tire of this behavior, I have been closing off the house, leaving 1/2 to each. Right now both cats are sleeping. I must confess to having just awakened from a Sunday nap....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so rested.

Maybe I will have a picture of the two of them together, some day.


03-23-2003, 04:51 PM
How wonderful!!! I'm sure that once Ti is settled into his routine, Miley will be a welcome distraction. :)

He is gorgeous!!! :D

03-23-2003, 05:05 PM
It was so good to see all of you! You must stay out now and not hide any more. You are one handsome fellow for sure.

Tell your mawmee not to worry too much. When I got Chester I thought he and Leonardo would kill each other. Now, even though they are not the best of friends, they can sit beside each other. You and Miley will get things sorted out soon.:D

03-23-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

I must confess to having just awakened from a Sunday nap....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so rested.

I must confess I dozed off a bit on the sofa a little while ago myself. :) At least there is no bloodshed and both cats still have all of their fur. I guess we must be thankful for small things. Tomorrow is another day and I hope there is some improvement. Your post is very funny and, as usual, made me laugh. Your sense of humor will get you through this!

PS I am finally able to view the raw meat picture. I know that would bring Trevor out of hiding in a flash! :)

03-23-2003, 08:42 PM
Oh Ti. your beautiful.

But it can't be true. You don't look like you weigh 17 lbs at all!

That means your bigger than my Mr. Jones.

Maybe your just packed tighter.:p

We love you, Ti.

03-23-2003, 08:46 PM
Sas, it is so nice to see some photos of Ti! He is a very handsome boy with striking markings and his fur is so shiny!
Are you sure that the name Ti isn't short for Tiger?;)
http://wtv-zone.com/onegal/cats/cat25.gif http://wtv-zone.com/onegal/cats/cat09.gif
Here are a couple of pics I found so we can all imagine what Ti and Miley look like together.:D

03-23-2003, 08:47 PM
Congratulations on your new home, Ti. You are looking very good! (Has the naw-tee bunny been back?)

03-23-2003, 09:07 PM
Dearest Ti, so glad you were able to get to the computer without being confronted by that onery sister of yours. Yes, Ti, now that you have a new mom, whom you already love and are calling *Mom*, it also means you have a sister. Tucker said to give you some advice and not to sweat the small stuff. But if Miley pushes you too far, you have to say enough is enough and let her know that your good nature has a breaking point. Soon she will learn to accept and appreciate you. In the meantime, you should know she has been through a rather tough patch in her life. She has known loss beyond belief and maybe that is what is scaring her off of forming any more bonds. Or maybe she is just angry at the world. But it seems to be the concensus here that this too will pass and you all can live together as one happy family. As for your Mom, she is a treasure! Take it from us, we know her well. Be a good boy, now and thanks for letting us see some more pictures of you.

03-23-2003, 09:54 PM
Sallyanne, thanks for the great pics of your new gorgeous boy Ti. :) He's even more beautiful than I imagined. :) He sure doesn't look like he weighs 17lbs. It must be all muscle. :)

03-23-2003, 09:58 PM
Gorgeous BOY!!!
Glad he is doing so well!!!

03-24-2003, 03:17 AM
Ohhh, Ti is gorgeous, he's abolutely beautiful. He looks relaxed in the kitchen with the toys and the food.
I hope Miley girl will not hiss at him for too long.

03-24-2003, 05:46 AM
Well, it looks like the battle has moved outside! I have a 40' x 8' screened in porch on the front of my house. I have always allowed the cats to go outside there, when they wanted. Ti finally found the flap and is spending lots of time and energy out there. Last night, he very nicely took apart a stick wreath I had hanging on the wall on the porch.... but he must have had a good time as the sticks were everywhere!

Miley spent the night in the computer room.... I had a good night's sleep. Today they will continue their efforts to work out their relationship! It is so difficult to hear such unrest in my house, but I know from past cat relationships, that until they are harming each other, you must let them work it out. So far there is no fur in the air and there are no battle scars.

I am looking forward to going to work for some peace and quiet.

Robyn, you lucky duck you, I should have you pick out cats for me - hehehehehehe! You have the perfect match!

SAS, Miley and Ti Ti the shy guy

03-24-2003, 06:45 AM
Well, its good that Ti is expanding his "comfort zone" and exploring the house...at least he isnt sticking to 1 room and hiding, so that really is progress. I think that eventually they will have to learn to co-exist with each other and eventually will like it! Aside from my mom's 2 cats (when i used to live at her house), i never had experience with bringing to cats together...i wasn't brave enough with Gabe, hehehe :) So yeah, i think i just lucked out...don't let that discourage you, my situation was just very unique, i think. I think yours is more typical?

Sure, i'll pick out cats for ya...i love going to the Animal Shleters and looking at all of the cats...we are at our limit, for us, though...the next pet we get will be a dog...so i can live thru you, and pick out some more for you!! heheheheh :) Seriously, you have a way with animals and that was very evident to me when you had the desire to take Gabe and make him "work" in your home. I can look back to his first introductions to Miley and they didn't get along right off of the bat, but looking at their most recent times together...they existed...maybe not as well as Graemer and Gabe, but they were content, right? So i am sure you will soon be able to look back on these times with Ti and Miley, and see the baby steps forming towards a life long friendship, it'll happen...it may just take a lot of baby steps!!

Btw, did you know that a Mi-Ti (actually spelled Mai-Tai) is a drink in hawaii: here's the recipe, just for your curiosity :)

Mai Tai (i prefer the Mi-Ti spelling ;))


1 1/2 oz. Dark Rum
1/2 oz. each: Orange Curacao & creme de noyaux, lime juice
Dash of Grenadine if desired
Shake with ice & serve in a Hurricane or decorative glass
Or add extra juice & blend with crushed ice for a frozen variation,
Garnish with a flag (an orange slice and cherry skewered)

Here is my version of the recipe ;)


1 Miley Girl Cat
1 Tiberius Boy Cat
Mix together slowly at room temperature, if you shake too vigorously, they may tend to explode on one another :) Add some love from mommy SAS and Garnish with some time and patience. End product, one big HAPPY family!

Sorry, its is early in the morning and my creative senses are taking an early start...even though, i am still a little sleepy!!

Enjoy your day at work and i look forward to updates and pics!


03-24-2003, 06:52 AM
I LOVE Ti's special markings so very much!

03-24-2003, 10:02 AM
SallyAnne, Ti is absolutley goregeous!!!! I love his markings. I hope he and Miley become the best of friends. :)

03-24-2003, 10:34 PM
Ti absolutely glistens! How can you keep your hands off of him?

I wouldn't worry too much - he already has the Easter Bunny under control - so it won't be long before Miley understands a few things too.

Thanks for the pictures - he is a very lucky boy!

03-25-2003, 04:29 AM
Well, last night all the doors were open throughout the house. Ti has finally convinced Miley to give up the battle. Now he hisses at her. I think he needed to feel comfortable before he "told her off"... so now Miley just walks by him as HE is hissing. By no means is Ti as bad as Miley was.

Anyway, Ti has now decided that the living room is his...and spent the night in the donut near the window.

Please note that I bought the chest in the condition it is in..... I didn't bang it all up... actually, I think it was a tool chest in it's former life. I use it to store my Christmas decorations.

Enjoy. I took this pic. of Ti about 1/2 an hour ago. Miley was in the pic. but took off - you might notice that Ti has his mouth OPEN! That was because Miley was sniffing him!

He is still there in his donut, relaxing. I think I am falling in love.


03-25-2003, 04:32 AM
Ti it is good if you do not accept anything from a girl:) And Abys anyway think they are the bosses everywhere.
So after some hissing and growling I can give you a good tip: it's fun to lick each others ears! Will you try? Not just today? Ok, Ti, everything is ok as long you're well and relaxed:)

03-25-2003, 04:45 AM
Sas I'm so glad everything is starting to settle down! Way to go Ti and Miley!! And thanks for always updating along with a pic ;) :D

03-25-2003, 05:08 AM
So, finally, Ti has decided to stand for himself. Good for him! In a very short time, Miley will get used to the idea and they'll become the best friends.
I like Barbara's suggestion, I think this is what you will see very soon, Sas :)

03-25-2003, 07:08 AM
When I left for work this morning, Ti was galloping through the house and Miley was in hot pursuit. I think they will be friends eventually. It is such a relief to not have them at each other's throats.

I still plan to bring in a third cat in June and hopefully, because it is a kitten, it will be less threatening.

I will take more pictures tomorrow night and post them. I will not be home tonight.

Sas, Miley and Ti Ti (<----- (pronounced Tie, Tie )that seems to be his name now.;)

03-25-2003, 07:14 AM
Hi Ti Ti and Miley,
isn't it fun to have a friend with whom you can run and create a little chaos?
So wonderful that you begin to discover your new life together.
Nosebumpies and headkissies from the local gang who plays and fights together:)

03-25-2003, 07:20 AM
Well, this is an encouraging word to be heard this morning. Everybody's predictions are going to pan out, although we will still keep paws crossed for the time being. Can't wait for those pictures of them together. I am eager to see the comparison of their sizes.

Robyn that *Mi Ti Recipe* was ever so clever. I think Miley and Ti's Mom should put that in a scrapbook for them, along with some of the well wishes from Pet Talkers. It might be fun to look back on this get acquainted time, even if living through it wasn't all that enjoyable. :p

As far as the chest goes....I LOVE IT!

03-25-2003, 07:29 AM
At least for the time being:D

I'm glad to hear they are finally starting to get along, I'm sure they'll be the bestest of friends in no time:)

And btw...the pictures are just wonderful!!!

03-25-2003, 11:01 AM
I'm so glad to hear that things are finally settling down. I'm sure they'll become friends very soon. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2003, 11:03 AM
He is beautiful! And I'm so glad to hear he and Miley are finally working it out and peace is returning to Camp Vermont. :)

03-25-2003, 08:43 PM
There is room enough for one more!

Such progess is being made. I know to expect a couple of steps backwards from day to day!


Miley and Ti Ti

03-25-2003, 08:47 PM
that's always a good sign. :)

03-25-2003, 08:48 PM
Yahoo ! Success !! Wow is Ti a big guy. Under those beautiful markings it looks like Aby fur !!! I see there is room for a third at your rather elegant feeding trough. ...on the lovely carpet yet. They must be tidy eaters. And steak tartar for Ti. I'm not showing these pics to my guys.

03-25-2003, 09:11 PM
I don't know if this photo will show how much larger Ti Ti is than Miley. She weights 6.5 lbs. and Ti Ti weights 17! He has a very thick neck and is all muscle...Miley is skinny and is thin legged and necked....the opposite of Ti Ti.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid56/pc024ed69bf6418928a289a1afd12b52c/fc720d1a.jpg ;)

03-25-2003, 11:38 PM
I'm so glad to see that Miley and Ti Ti are getting along so well. :) They look great together and the coloring of their fur goes so well together. :) Keep up the good work Sallyanne, Miley, and Ti Ti. :D

03-26-2003, 12:08 AM
how cute! I guess , in this case, the 4th time is a charm!

03-26-2003, 03:03 AM
Yes you absolutely can see how mcuh of an athletic cat Ti Ti is. I also must agree that he may have been worried by eating porcelain and Persian carpets first. But I know it's easier to adjust to luxury than the other way round:D

I also start to relax a little looking at them. In the first week I remembered too well how long it took my two to become friends.

03-26-2003, 03:48 AM
WOW, eating together. I think it's a good sign.
And WOW, Ti IS much bigger than Miley girl! I like his color.

03-26-2003, 04:57 AM
Eating together is such a nice way to start a frienship. I love being here for the "whole getting to know each other" process.

03-26-2003, 05:39 AM
Wow, that is great progress :) and wow, Ti Ti has such broad (sp?) shoulders! You can definitly see that it is muscles. I think it is great that they are eating together so well...it kinda puts them at the same level, so that they understand that they are equals, ya know? Thanks for the pics...i will look forward to more...congrats on the beginning of great friendship.


03-26-2003, 05:43 AM
In defense of my budget, the carpet in the kitchen is an inexpensive Karistan carpet that must be 20 years old and very forgiving color wise. It doesn't show drips, spills, drops, stains etc. etc. since the colors and patterns are so busy. I actually hate the colors and would love for someone to take it from me. The dish, well, it is actually an Easter candy dish, with three wells. I bought it on sale after last Easter, after I got Gabe, so that all three could dine in the same spot, making them stay together and become friends. I usually put a towel under the dish. Ti Ti is such a big eater, that he doesn't leave anything around the dish etc.

Another quiet night of sleep and it was just one week last night, that Ti Ti arrived! Progess, not the Robyn way, but progress!

Ti Ti was on the porch this morning when I awoke. He was checking out the birdies!

Both cats are still a bit on edge with each other, but nothing like they were on day one, two and three!:D

03-26-2003, 06:00 AM
It is so good to see the two of them eating together and to read of the progress they are making. Both Miley and Ti are such beautiful cats, I think the contrast in build make them look so good together, can`t wait for a really close together picture.
Thanks for keeping us updated Sallyanne, it is so good to watch their progress with you, so to speak! :D


03-26-2003, 06:02 AM
But fortunately the bites are being taken from the food bowls! There's nothing like a little luncheon or dinner to bring people/cats together. :) I can see the huge difference between Miley and Ti and his muscular body is very evident! SAS he is a gorgeous kitty and I think things can only get better from here. I'm glad you are starting to be able to get some sleep at night. I imagine that Ti running at night must sound like a horse in the house (at least that's how Trevor sounds when he runs!) Yes, Camp Vermont is a beautiful place. Dining on carpet and the beautiful trunk which you posted earlier (yes, I love it) with the flowers on top. My only question is how are you able to display flowers? My two can't leave them alone and feel they just must chew on them. :rolleyes: Staying tuned for the next phase....

03-26-2003, 05:08 PM
Ti Ti and Miley,
Way to really work together to make your house a cohesive unit! nice to see and hear...

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-26-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I don't know if this photo will show how much larger Ti Ti is than Miley.

Wow, that picture really does show the difference in size. He is so big and muscular compared to petite little Miley. They really look good together and make a good couple. ;) :)

smokey the elder
03-30-2003, 08:24 AM
Well, I'm glad that Miley and Ti Ti are making friends. The food area makes a great "neutral zone!":D Ti Ti is such a big boy!