View Full Version : Cat "nibbles" or treats

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-22-2003, 03:15 AM
What "munchies" does your cat enjoy?

I'd like some suggestions for what I can give Ally for a little treat, when she has been good or exceptionally cute (oops - thats all the time!)

She doesn't really like the "good girl" treats, plus we dont have any really good retailers here for pet products, so the variety of pet stuff on offer is very limited.

Are there any "human" foods which they enjoy, which aren't bad for them. She IS very partial to "Champagne Honey Ham" - having demolished an unguarded sandwich when she was a kitten - but I only give her a TINY piece occasionally, as I worry about the sodium etc!

Any suggestions are appreciated - such cuteness should not go unrewarded!

03-22-2003, 07:29 AM
I give my cats Philly Steak and Cheese cat treats. My cats LOVE them. I also given them cooked chick (when I make it). They aren't people food eaters per se'. Moo on the otherhand is a realy porker and will eat almost anything.

Maya Linn LOVES hotdogs! :rolleyes: Only bad part is they contain onion powder, which is bad for cats.

As far as kitty treats are concerned, I have a can of Whiskas crunchy cat treats on hand. Pounce is a no-no, according to my vet.

03-22-2003, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

As far as kitty treats are concerned, I have a can of Whiskas crunchy cat treats on hand. Pounce is a no-no, according to my vet.

Donna, do tell??? I usually give my kitties pounce, as it seems to be the only thing they LOVE.....but, I will reconsider...so, let me hear about it, please.

As to other treats...we have a chef here that does a radio show, as well as write...and she says, and I agree, "everything in moderation, including moderation". So, with that in mind, I give some of my cats hard cheeses, tuna, cooked chicken, and cantaloupe. Tex is a sersious meat eater, and loves fish, too. The others don't dig it. So, maybe you could cook up and freeze some beef/fish combos? I also use a tasty wet food as 'treat'...giving them normally only dry kibble. Let us know what works!

03-22-2003, 09:26 AM
I bought my fur friends a double bag of Royal Canin , a premium Cat Food , and give them that as a treat! It is much less than the regular treats , $2.60 a pound as opposed to $7 for whiskas Temptations , but nutritionally much better as well!