View Full Version : New picture (my best yet )

12-10-2001, 12:37 PM
Well I think they are pretty close to being my best yet.

These were taken in our side field just last week, you'd think there would be snow on the ground :D

This has to be my fave picture (this ones for Daisy and her mom)

The beautiful couple

and Hannah Banana (the sun was in her eyes)
This is another one I really like

Just thought I would share :D

12-10-2001, 12:43 PM
I'm glad you shared!!! What perfect pictures they all are!! Of course, your subjects are beautiful.....so the pictures are wonderful!! :D

12-10-2001, 02:00 PM
Aww! your dogs are soo cute!!

12-10-2001, 05:56 PM
Your photos are fantastic and your subjects are beautiful. Wonderful, Wonderful photos.
Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

12-10-2001, 07:11 PM
Wowwwwww.... I am completely wow-ed by your pictures. You should def send some of them in for amateur photography..ooops unless you are a professional at this. Didn't mean to offend. I love them and they are great.

Thought I would throw this pic in there too but minus the "MUTTS" . I thought that this dog looks alot like yours. Too cute huh?

[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: purrfectpaws ]

12-10-2001, 07:38 PM
Thanks guys :D
I was surprised at how well they turned out and pretty happy with them. Im glade you like them to.

Nope Im no professional but Im flattered that you think I could be ...lol.. I have had a professional look at my pictures and he was very impressed but thats as far as I have taken them. Someday I'll get up enough nerve to do something with them.
For now its a hobby and something I do for fun. I will take pics of pets for friends but I don't charge money or anything.
Someday when I have enough doggie models I would like to put a calender together and sell them and give the proceeds to the local animal shelter ????

I really like the clip art pic, the dog is so cute :D

12-10-2001, 09:10 PM
Great pictures! How did you get them to look different ways? :)

Daisy's Mom
12-10-2001, 09:11 PM
What gorgeous pictures! Thank you so much for the one of Copper. I absolutely adore him!

12-10-2001, 10:29 PM
Wonderful pictures, Angie!!! ;) Hannah, and Copper, are absoluteley georgous! They are soo cute!

Sarah & Sadie*

12-11-2001, 05:24 AM
oh how i love your houndies!!!!! what great photos!!!!! delilah is in awe!!! she would love to see a big field like that!!!! your dogs are truly wonderful!!! give them a big hug and a cookie for deli and me!!!!nicole ;) :D :) ;) :D :)

12-11-2001, 04:52 PM
Angie, your photos look so professional! I have some commerative plates depicting labs in beautiful, outdoor settings. And your photos remind me so much of them! You are truly talented. And the houndies are precious! :) I always love seeing your photos!