View Full Version : how do you give them pills??

03-21-2003, 09:23 AM
I was just wondering this, because Kito is taking an anti-inflammatory for his leg he injured last week, and I just have to put a little cream cheese on it, and he gobbles it down. Abbey on the other hand, will take a pill right from my hand as if it is a treat.
My mother in law has to go to great lengths to get Cody to take anything--he gets wise to the cheese, and then she has to switch to something else, almost every week or so (he takes pills for his hair).
Anyone have any unique ways to slip pills to your dog??

03-21-2003, 09:27 AM
I use food too...I've used bread..cheese...meat. What I usually do (well I did this at first, but Nebo's not picky so he takes it no matter what now) is form 2 balls of the same stuff ahead of time. Like 2 little balls of bread, then one ball the same size with the pill in it. Give them the two "fakes" first then they don't notice with the third.

They make "playdough" for dogs thats edible....works great to hide pills in. I'm not sure if picky dogs would like it though. Neither Reggie or Smokey would eat the stuff. :rolleyes:

03-21-2003, 09:43 AM
I buy the bag of frozen Bil-Jac food and use it to make a "meatball". Murphy jumps up every time I open the refrigerator, hoping that it is medicine time again!!! :)

03-21-2003, 10:17 AM
Peanut butter!!

03-21-2003, 10:25 AM
Max takes 3-4 pills everyday for his skin allergies. His biggie is cheese. I do what Wolf_Q does - give him a fake, then real quick give him the pill. He gobbles it down. Of course having the others there really makes him grab quick because he thinks they are going to get his treat.

When we gave pills to Peach - the vet gave us the liver flavored chewables. She'd just munch them up with no problem.

03-21-2003, 10:44 AM
Maddie is like Abbey. She'll eat a pill right from your hand. I discovered this when the vet didn't want her eating anything but her prescribed dog food, due to her allergies. I normally would have put the pill in Cream Cheese, but couldn't during this time. I'd make a big show of giving her a treat. So much so that Murph was upset he wasn't getting one and would have to give him an actual treat. The vet seemed amazed by this, when she was on anti-botics, because those are suppose to be nasty tasting.

I think Oz would eat them from my hand too, although I haven't tried it on him. When he was neutered, he was on anti-botics in capsule form. I ran out of my trusty Cream Cheese, so I wrapped the pill in Swiss Cheese. Wrapped probably isn't the right word, since Swiss Cheese isn't exactly sticky, so it was more like a pill shoved between 2 pieces of cheese. He was as easily fooled as Maddie though. I made a big production of giving it to him and he didn't make any attempt to separate the pill from the cheese. He chomped on it without thought and a spray of white powder exploded out of his mouth, but he kept on happily chewing.


03-21-2003, 11:18 AM
Muskwa has to take a zinc supplement every day for the rest of his life. We've been pilling him every morning for five years already. I just put my hand over the top of his muzzle and pop his mouth open. Then put the pill in and close his mouth, rub his throat until he swallows. Followed by a biscuit. Food doesn't work at all with Muskwa--he can eat around anything and spit the pill out. Even this way, I have to make sure I get the pill in the centre of the back of his mouth or it's coming out!

03-21-2003, 11:44 AM
bread with some peanut butter :)

03-21-2003, 11:54 AM
We use a "pill popper".

03-21-2003, 03:21 PM
Sim is pretty good if he has to take pics, but if i have to i put it far enough down his throat to where he has to swallow it.

03-21-2003, 03:24 PM
I try food, but Josie has a way of eatting the food and spitting out the pill..So sometime sI just open her mouth and put it in the back of her mouth, close her mouth and tap her nose so she'll swallow..

03-21-2003, 04:11 PM
we would wet the pill then put it in the back of their mouth, then you hold it shut on the muzzle and rub with a downward motion on their throat:p

03-23-2003, 07:52 AM
That is by far the best thing I've found so far! It sticks to the roof of their mouth & they never seem to even notice the pill:p

Byakko's Mom
03-23-2003, 08:50 AM
I think I have used all the methods with my dogs.Our akita before she passed learned every trick.I was making her sandwiches to hide them.I have rubbed their throats and hidden them in cheese or peanut butter.This am with our Leonberger I hid them in sweet potatoes mashhed.I also have pill pushers for dogs but to be honest I seldom use the one and never opened the other but they are on the market.They may work well but I find my own methods work fine.The hardest is my shiba Byakko if she finds it.If I have to put it down her throat that is a challenge but if I can hide it no problem.Of course Shiba's in themselves are a chalenge :D as you know.You gotta love em.

03-23-2003, 10:47 AM
Depending on which dog:
Putting a bit of butter on the pill makes it slide
down easy if your putting it down their throat.
Putting a pill inside a little piece of hot-dog works good
if your dog likes food. :)

03-23-2003, 05:09 PM
Velveeta cheese

03-23-2003, 05:38 PM
I put the pill in Timber's food and she doesn't even realize it's there.
With Leather, all you have to do is throw it up in the air and she will catch it ;)

03-24-2003, 08:15 PM
I've heard you can stick the pill on the back of their tongue- then blow through their nose w/ the mouth shut or you could just hold the snout shut and stroke it's throat. Have you tried peanut butter yet? I have a Lab mix who's just crazy about peanut butter.

Hope this helps-

03-24-2003, 10:36 PM
When Max had to go on pills, cause he was deadly ill, I was putting them right down his throat until he started to turn agressive during pill time... I think being ill & then forcing something down their throats doesn't make them too happy... & when ur dog can lock his jaws on ur fingers (but not bite hard) its a major pain in the bitt setting ur fingers free... So I wanted to see if those dog roll things tould work (it kinda looks like a fat hotdog weiner & smells horribly gross, its made from cow heart & other organs) ... what I did was cut it into think peperoni slices & then cut a hole in the middle for the pill... I don't think Max ever got to taste them, he swallowed tham all whole...