View Full Version : Do your cats hate the vet?

03-21-2003, 08:22 AM
Rocky my older cat absolutely hates going in...I changed them to a different vet who only sees cats and only cats....they even said they would give him a relaxer before his appointment getting his nails trimmed tomorrow....as you all know, I am not brave enough to trim their nails...they do get trimmed often though, but last week, when I took both of the kitties in, she got some shots, and he just was getting weighed, and boy oh boy, he growled and hissed the entire time....I felt so bad after that...why does he hate it so much I am wondering....he will hide in his carrier and will not come out,,the vet has to reach in a get him very carefully because he always tries to bite.....he is normally a gentle affectionate cat...I just don't understand what it is about the vet...

03-21-2003, 08:58 AM
Actually, my cats hate the car ride, but they turn into jello cats when they see the vet!!! They are NEVER like that with me!! LOL!!! :)

03-21-2003, 11:33 AM
Oh boy.. Well all of my hate the car ride.. I mean, you'd think it was horrible being in a carrier with soft blankies...sheesh..

Once they get to the vet, not much changes. lol

Mozart didn't mind at first, but then something happened :eek:
When he was , I think 4 months old, getting his kitten shots, he was falling asleep, and he had to get a physical to check weight, and they decided to get a stool sample since he was so calm..
so the vet leaves, and Mozart gets back into his carrier, and falls asleep. The vet comes back to get him for the stool sample.. and Mozart is still asleep in his arms...well the next thing we see is the door open and this WIDE EYED Mozart, looking JUST like this:

comes back with the vet. The vet sets him down , and he RUNS into the carrier..never again to be calm at the vets office. :D

I felt sooo bad for him, but at the same time it was funny, because this little cat comes back through that door looking like

I think he told Bach about the procedure, because Bach didn't like the vet from day One...
None of them bite them or anything, they just are as uncooperative as possible about getting check ups completed.

03-21-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Actually, my cats hate the car ride

Same problem here!! Inka cries all the way to the vets!!
maya doesn't like to go either; it is always difficult to get her out of that carrier:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

03-21-2003, 12:28 PM
Hayley really hates the car so I'm not really sure if you could say she hates the vet. The car ride is so bad for her she don't feel safe until she is back home. Mandy however shivered really bad when I had her at the vet's office. Not sure if she was uncomfortable with the vet or the dog barking in the waiting area.

03-21-2003, 12:45 PM
Max will cry a bit in the car then settle down. Speckles will cry all the way there.

At the vets they are both very calm I think because they are scared to death. They always try to bury their heads in my arm pit......peeeeewwwww:eek:

They are very cooperative with the vet but can't wait to get back into the carrier and get home again. As soon as they come out of the carrier at home they both start grooming themselves as if to say......eeewwww I stink!:eek:

Anakins mom
03-21-2003, 01:16 PM
My old Naomi doesn't like the crate or the ride to the vet...but she is ok for the vet.
Ember gets insulted about the ride...but is good for the vet.
Mystery, Indy and Asia are all pretty good about the whole process.

03-21-2003, 01:59 PM
My cats don't prefer the ride, but it is not the carrier they hate (they LOVE their carries) it is the motion they dislike. But out of the last 18 cats, I've only had 1 who was bad at the vet's office.

03-26-2003, 09:07 AM
My cat doesn't mind the car ride to the vets. And the vets. He's pretty good about it. At the vets he doesn't do anything, vut only once in the car did my cat pee on my mom. She took him out cuzhe was crying and he was better when she held him but that time he peed on her. lol.

03-28-2003, 12:09 AM

Noah bites and Oliver growls...

03-28-2003, 09:51 AM
Yes, Yes...snarls, growls, snorts, grunts.....a regular "catzilla" at the vets....I always have major mommy-cat guilt when I have to take her.....in fact, I'm going to pick her up now, she's been at the vets this morning for urine test

03-29-2003, 12:08 AM
Yes, they hate the vet and the car ride too. Storm and Sunny become angels at the vet because they are so scared. Although the last time when Storm was there he seemed much more relaxed and curious about what the doctor was doing. I'm not sure how Cirrus will react because he's not due for a vet visit until sometime later this year. I think it's November.