View Full Version : NetPets Foster Program for Military Pets

Anakins mom
03-20-2003, 06:11 PM
Found this today:

NetPets Foster Program for Military Pets (http://www.netpets.org/netp/foster.php#fosthome)

There is an online application for those in need of foster care for their pets and a link for those interested in fostering a pet for someone in the military.

Anakins mom
03-21-2003, 01:09 PM
Just keeping this 'up' in case it is needed at this time. :)

03-21-2003, 02:26 PM
I am not sure if you know anything about that site, but I have a question. I also found the site a couple of days ago and put an email in to foster a cat. But I have not received an acknowledgement that the email was received or more information about the application process. I was just wondering what the actual process was to become a foster home.


Anakins mom
03-22-2003, 11:08 PM
Hi Cheryl,
I haven't heard back from them either. If the people who have set this program up are connected with rescue then I am assuming they will be doing some kind of interview. I am wondering if they put prospective fosters in touch with local rescues.

They really don't give enough information about the program on the website or say if it is still in operation. It is basically a 'shot in the dark' ...but I would rather reach out and let someone know I can help out than sit by and do nothing.

When I e-mailed them I told them that I could give them references upon hearing back from them. I also told them what base I am near, approximately how far from the base I am time wise and I was also specific with what type of animals I am experienced with. How many and what kind I have now and I was specific on what kind of animal and the size I would be willing to foster.

From what I understand from a rescue poster on another BB the program has been around at least a year. Not sure how well it has gotten off the ground as most programs like this are all staffed by volunteers.

Looks like those of us who have offered help are all waiting to see what will happen next as to when and if we will be contacted.
I do know that this link has generated quite a bit of interest on other BB's and there are others who were planning on applying to become foster homes for pets in need.

03-23-2003, 02:13 PM
I also e-mailed netpets, but have yet to receive an answer I also submitted an application that was found at operation foster kitty (see the thread in general that has the same name as this thread)

Anakins mom
03-24-2003, 02:38 PM
Hi all,

I had a very nice 45+ minute conversation with Steve the founder & owner of NetPets.

Here is the short scoop.
The military foster program that he started on September 19, 2001 is the only program approved by all the branches of the military.

As a direct result of the program pets that were once considered 'property' by the military (Hence 'disposable'.) have now be reclassified as 'family members'.

The whole program is run by Steve. He is getting at the least 20 e-mail requests per minute and at the most 60 e-mail requests per minute! The average is 45 e-mail requests per minute...and that is just for dogs! (These are just the requests for foster homes!)

Steve had one volunteer and she had an illness in the family and has not returned. Because of militray security Steve has to handle all requests 'by hand'.

Steve's program handles dogs. I forgot to ask about the program for birds. The link on his site to the Feline Rescue is not run by him...when you sign up with The Feline Rescue you are working with them.

Here is what you need to put in an e-mail when you volunteer to foster: In the subject line you need to put your states initials, then: Foster Home Application. Each potential foster home must provide two personal references and their veterinarian's name and phone number.

(Home visits are arranged, whenever possible.

Steve just did an interview with Animal Planet Radio this past weekend. He will be on quite a few shows in the near future. Due to the high volume of home placements needed Steve has not been able to update the news articles on his website and many other areas of his NetPets. His main focus right now is getting as many military owned pets into foster homes as possible.

He welcomes help and contact with rescues.

If you have contacted NetPets to volunteer as a foster home, please be patient. Steve will get to you as soon as he can.

The most important piece of information I can pass on at this time is this: If you live in the North Myrtle Beach area please consider volunteering your time and help. Steve's contact information is at this page on the NetPets site:
NetPets Contact Information (http://www.netpets.org/contact.html)

03-24-2003, 02:45 PM
Thank you very much for the update on how the process works.
