View Full Version : NetPets Military pet foster program

Anakins mom
03-20-2003, 06:07 PM
Found this link today:

NetPets Foster Program for Military Pets (http://www.netpets.org/netp/foster.php#fosthome)

There is a link for those in need of foster care for their pet and a link to apply to foster a military pet.

03-20-2003, 06:27 PM
What a great idea!! I hope it works out.:)

Anakins mom
03-20-2003, 06:39 PM
Me too...the problem with military men and women with pets being called up and needing a place for their pets has been coming up on BB's all over the place.

I found this on one of the GSD BB's I frequent and thought it should be passed on for those in need and for those who can help.

03-20-2003, 07:08 PM
I read it and I sent an e-mail volunteering as a cat fosterer. We will see what happens.

03-20-2003, 07:10 PM
That's so good of you, Jen! I wish I was able to, but I won't be until I actually get to America.

Anakins mom
03-21-2003, 01:22 PM
I was just getting ready to submit my application to foster and had a call waiting on my machine when I got home from work about a Yellow Lab that needs to be re-homed. Refered the lady to a rescue, but if things fall through I am taking the Lab. Now I have to wait. But I should know within a day or two if the YLab is going to need a foster home.

*Bumping* this back up for those in need and for those that can help!

03-22-2003, 06:28 AM
I have not been contacted concerning my e-mail offering a foster home.:( I am dissapointed that they did not even respond. There may be no need in my area at this time, but they could have at least gotten back to me. Maybe I am too impatient.

Anakins mom
03-22-2003, 06:32 AM
I would wait a bit longer for a reply. If they are staffed by volunteers it could take a little bit to hear back from them.

I decided to fill out an application to see if I get a response. I have access to another crate if need be as I can take in a medium to large breed dog.

I live about 30 minutes from an active Air Force reserve base and I let them know that in my e-mail to them.

Will post if/when I get a response.

03-23-2003, 05:46 AM
I just sent an e-mail. is there an application on line that I might have missed, for being the foster home? And I did not know it was volunteers, I will be patient.

Anakins mom
03-23-2003, 06:27 AM
The application that is online is for those in the military who need their pet fostered. Those who want to volunteer to foster have a link to send an e-mail to the program.

I went searching around the pages that have to do with the military foster program and found a link specific for those who need a cat fostered:

The Feline Rescue Network (http://www.felinerescue.net/noblefoster/military.htm)

I also found contact information, that included a phone number for NetPets here:
NetPets Contact Information (http://www.netpets.org/contact.html)

And this message on that page:

Please pardon any delays in our responding. Right now all of our time is being devoted to the NetPets.Org's MilitaryPetsFOSTER Project. At this time we are responding to all emails on a priority basis only.

It was dated last March. I am planning on calling the phone number in the above link Monday after I get home from my morning van run so that I can ask them if the program is still active. I have a son and a cousin who are both active duty and people in the military have been very busy since 9-11...so I am still suspecting that NetPets may possibly be getting overwhelmed with requests for help.

I'll let you know if I make contact via phone tomorrow.

Anakins mom
03-23-2003, 06:40 AM
Also wanted to let you know that the information at the Feline Rescue Network looks to be a separte organization that has combined with the NetPets Military Foster Program. (As in for information purposes...to get the word out that fosters are needed and available.)

They also offer an excellent contract that can be amended for those that are fostering animals other than cats.
Foster Contract (http://www.felinerescue.net/noblefoster/contract.htm)

Just found a foster sign-up area for Operation Noble Foster (http://www.cupojoe.net/foster_search.html) This may be much more helpful to those who would like to foster cats.

Anakins mom
03-23-2003, 06:51 AM
Some news articles about the program:
NetPets in the Press (http://www.netpets.org/mpfosterpress.html)

The articles do give some information about the programs founder and how it is is operated.

03-23-2003, 07:19 AM
yes, let me know about the phone call. I went to Operation Nobel Foster and submitted an application. I must admit I am a little worried about giving all that information over the internet, but I think this particular reason is worth it. After all, those people are going to put their lives on the line....what did I do.? I just put some information on line. I hope to hear something.

Anakins mom
03-23-2003, 07:47 AM
I was feeling the same way...it is all the same kind of information that a rescue would ask for. Like you said...they are putting their lives on the line.

My cousin has been able to make arrangement for her Lab. But I know that not everyone has family or friends close enough to help them out.

I hope you hear something soon to. I live very near an active reserve Air Force Base and when I e-mailed NetPets I let them know that. Alot of men and women in my area have already left for overseas and there are many more getting ready to head out. So I am also hoping I hear back soon to.

I was also thinking last night that I when I take Indy in to have her stitches removed later this week that I should let my vet know that I can take in a pet for someone if need be.

It actually never occured to me to do so until I found the link to the NetPets program. But I do feel that it is better 'late than never'.

Anakins mom
03-24-2003, 02:25 PM
Hi all,

I had a very nice 45+ minute conversation with Steve the founder & owner of NetPets.

Here is the short scoop.
The military foster program that he started on September 19, 2001 is the only program approved by all the branches of the military.

As a direct result of the program pets that were once considered 'property' by the military (Hence 'disposable'.) have now be reclassified as 'family members'.

The whole program is run by Steve. He is getting at the least 20 e-mail requests per minute and at the most 60 e-mail requests per minute! The average is 45 e-mail requests per minute...and that is just for dogs! (These are just the requests for foster homes!)

Steve had one volunteer and she had an illness in the family and has not returned. Because of militray security Steve has to handle all requests 'by hand'.

Steve's program handles dogs. I forgot to ask about the program for birds. The link on his site to the Feline Rescue is not run by him...when you sign up with The Feline Rescue you are working with them.

Here is what you need to put in an e-mail when you volunteer to foster: In the subject line you need to put your states initials, then: Foster Home Application. Each potential foster home must provide two personal references and their veterinarian's name and phone number.

(Home visits are arranged, whenever possible.

Steve just did an interview with Animal Planet Radio this past weekend. He will be on quite a few shows in the near future. Due to the high volume of home placements needed Steve has not been able to update the news articles on his website and many other areas of his NetPets. His main focus right now is getting as many military owned pets into foster homes as possible.

He welcomes help and contact with rescues.

If you have contacted NetPets to volunteer as a foster home, please be patient. Steve will get to you as soon as he can.

The most important piece of information I can pass on at this time is this: If you live in the North Myrtle Beach area please consider volunteering your time and help. Steve's contact information is at this page on the NetPets site:
NetPets Contact Information (http://www.netpets.org/contact.html)

03-24-2003, 04:39 PM
anakin's mom, can you tell me if the operation nobel foster (the link above) is the same as netpets? [remember, I filled out the application there, too]

Anakins mom
03-24-2003, 05:02 PM
Linda Mercer
Founder & Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network (http://www.felinerescue.net/)
Trustee, NetPets.org (http://netpets.org/)
* NetPets.org is a 501(C)3 animal welfare charity
* The Feline Rescue Network is an all volunteer effort.

From what I can tell Operation Noble Foster is operated by The Feline Rescue Network.

Linda Mercer above is the founder of The Feline Rescue Network...she is also a trustee with NetPets.

Steve has not been able to get through all the foster applications. He may not answer back those the are applications for cats as The Feline Rescue Network/Operation Noble Foster are taking care of the cat applications.

No senstive information will be released...even from accidental applications. Not sure how to explain this other than to explain that the military has gone over his program with a 'fine-toothed comb' so as to protect all involved with the foster program.

Jen...did you click on the link that says "*Click here for Cat fostering"? If so then you clicked on the correct link and you would have filled out an application with The Feline Rescue Network/Operation Noble Foster.

Hope this helps!

03-24-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Anakins mom
Just found a foster sign-up area for Operation Noble Foster (http://www.cupojoe.net/foster_search.html) This may be much more helpful to those who would like to foster cats.
I clicked on this link in this tread and went to the bottom of the page and filled out the application there and entered it.
(today when I went there to remind myself what I did there was a floating box, it was not there before that I recall)

Anakins mom
03-24-2003, 07:27 PM
Come to think of it...I also had a floating box the second time I went there??? I was thinking that I had just gotten a different page at the same site. As I had gone to the site through more than one link when I was tracking down information. The box drove me kind of nuts...I can't stand having things follow me down a page! ;)

03-25-2003, 05:47 AM
I've never seen a floating box like that. Do you know anything about why it is there or how it works?

03-25-2003, 06:19 AM
I also went back to the Operation Nobel Foster, located my application and copied and e-mailed the whole thing to netpets. I added my references right in that letter. (I told them it was my 2nd mailing so they'd know) Now they will have more info to go on (my first letter just said where I was located and that I was interested)

Anakins mom
03-25-2003, 07:56 AM
Hi Jen,
I believe it is written into the html program. I am not quite sure how it is done. My techy daughter might know as I think she may have written a program with a floating box before.

It is just a way of keeping links of interest right where they can be seen. Sorta like a prompt to keep people coming to the website from 'forgetting' that there are more links.