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View Full Version : California PT Meeting - July 20th

03-20-2003, 03:44 PM
This is so great! Lut will be in California and wants to meet up on July 20th. She'll be in the L.A. area, so if you would be able to attend some sort of lunch thing, please post here.

Thanks! :)

03-20-2003, 04:35 PM

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-20-2003, 04:39 PM
Waaahhh...I wanna go! I've got a free ticket for Southwest Airlines, but it needs to be used before May 15th or something like that. Drat!

03-20-2003, 05:07 PM
Darn!!! Maybe they would extend it for you...I bet they are hurting right now.

03-20-2003, 06:56 PM
How exciting!!! I should be able to come down that weekend! :D

03-20-2003, 08:33 PM
Great Karen!! You can stay with us if you want!!! :)

03-20-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Great Karen!! You can stay with us if you want!!! :)

Cool! :D I can't wait! I'm so excited about meeting your kitties! :D :D

03-21-2003, 10:50 AM
Lut, we have a very important guest coming to California on July 20th. She is from Belgium and she is bringing her family too!

Would you care to join us? You are more than welcome. I think you will like her a lot!:) :)

03-21-2003, 11:31 AM
Include me in - I can't wait to be part of a PetTalk meeting! I can help with planning or info on the area if we are meeting in/near Los Angeles.

Hurray for PT meetings!

P.S. I have a red car, a red cell phone - and hopefully now a red PT cap!

03-21-2003, 11:38 AM
LOL LOL I think this is going to be a blast! All of us pet talkers with cute red caps! How cute can we get??!! :eek: LOL LOL :D ;) I'll be sure to get with KAK and Amberlee to see if they want to come south as well! :D

03-21-2003, 11:44 AM
Lut! I want a Pet Talk cap too! I can send $$$ to you.

Everyone, my home is wide open for all of you! What fun!

Sure makes a blue day much brighter thinking about our getting together!

03-21-2003, 03:10 PM
Lut, you are such a sweetie!!! :)

Here's a count so far:

Yay!! I can't wait! Our apartment is open as well. It's kind of small, but we have a queen sized couch bed!! ;)

03-22-2003, 09:55 PM
Yea!! Looks like our CA meeting is going to be a barbecue!! :)

Let me know who all is interested in attending. :)

03-23-2003, 01:17 AM
I would love to come - San Diego is just down the freeway! Someone fill me in on the details! Please?

03-23-2003, 01:59 AM
A California Barbecue it is!!! complete with messy food and lots of napkins! Anyone from Pet Talk that can make it is so very welcome.

As we get this a little better organized I can give you all more information on where and when.

Kelly, let me get back to you later.......it is late and I am very sleepy tonight.

Hugs to all from Gini and Rascal (who just loves company)!

03-23-2003, 06:05 AM
my brother lives in SanDiego & I'm way overdue for a visit. the train from SD to LA is one of the most beautiful rides there is....right along the beautiful coast. I'll try! Jackie lives in San Diego too. Maybe she and hubbie Don can ride up with me! Where in LA? For those that have never been there it's soooooo spread out. I mean HUGE

03-23-2003, 09:58 AM
Lut - you have just mentioned one of my all time favorites - corn on the cob - lots of butter, salt and pepper. Mmmmm good!

Laurie, I am just a hop - skip and a jump from the train station in downtown Los Angeles. It would be so easy to drive down and pick you up.

Ooooh, if we could get you, Jackie and Don, Kohala to travel up together I would be so happy! My car seats five and has a cargo area too!

With each post I am getting more excited!

Lut, now why did you have to go and mention diet????

03-23-2003, 11:09 AM
Can I come??? I have family in Whittier, why don't you all come to my house so you can see my kitties, and birdies and froggy etc. :p Our house is big and we have the perfect barbecue area, as well as a big dining table that would fit all of us. :D

Where will this barbecue be? May I suggest someones house so that it is safer? LA can be a little weird especially for people not from the USA or around the LA area....just a thought. Let me know if I could come, as I will be there that week. :)

Hey you all can meet my son Dylan too!

03-23-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Can I come??? Of course!

Where will this barbecue be? May I suggest someones house so that it is safer? LA can be a little weird.....Just a little wierd???....not a lot?

Hey you all can meet my son Dylan too! Now that will be fun![/b]

You are more than welcome to join all of us.......and I will look forward to it. When the plans firm up - but July 20th seems to be the correct date.....I can email you with directions etc. It is going to be sooo much fun!

03-23-2003, 11:28 AM
yay! Will I be able to meet any pets? Whose house is it at? Your Gini? Wow this is going to be so cool, I get to meet LUT and all of you others!!!! yippeee......sure you don't wanna have a pot luck? hehe Can I bring somthing anyway, like brownies or what not? What are we going to barbecue? Carne Asada and chicken...oh I make the best ranch chicken over the grill, so tasty! hehe Can you tell I'm excited? LOL :p

03-23-2003, 11:43 AM
Well Rascal (big orange tabby) is preening himself already......gotta look good for our guests.......and maybe a diet? before everyone gets here........Oh MOM!!

Brownies........did you mention BROWNIES??

03-23-2003, 01:41 PM
Oh! No diets on July 20th!! :)

Lut...do you like tri-tip? My hubby has a WONDERFUL recipe for bbq tri-tip! :)

Have you all ever had bbq corn on the cob?? Oooh! And we have to have watermelon!!! :)

I'm still waiting to hear from some more of our Californians...I'm gonna go send some pm's. ;)

03-23-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by gini
Well Rascal (big orange tabby) is preening himself already......gotta look good for our guests.......and maybe a diet? before everyone gets here........Oh MOM!!

Brownies........did you mention BROWNIES??

Um, why yes I did. hehe

03-23-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Oh! No diets on July 20th!! :)

Lut...do you like tri-tip? My hubby has a WONDERFUL recipe for bbq tri-tip! :)

Have you all ever had bbq corn on the cob?? Oooh! And we have to have watermelon!!! :)

I'm still waiting to hear from some more of our Californians...I'm gonna go send some pm's. ;)

barbecue corn on the cob? Hrrm...how exactly does that work. Well it's settled. I am bringing the brownies. I hope it isn't so hot that day though. Do you have a swimming pool? hehe

Also is it ok if my friend comes? As I don't drive, I would need a way there. You all will love him, he is such a great guy. :)

03-23-2003, 01:48 PM
What a great idea! Sandy Frost might like to come, too. She and I email a lot of jokey things - haven't met yet! LOL! But I did get a B'day card from Baxter, Yuri, and Tigger - each one has their own email address!! Grasshopper won't be able to come, she's afraid of everything, and being almost 17, I wouldn't want to stress her by travelling, and then having to stay all couped up. Plus, I'm afraid, I've spoiled her rotten and she's not very nice where other critters are concerned :( . She loves people, though!
To be continued. . .

03-23-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by lut
A POOL ???

wow !!!!!!!!!!

Oops..... Now I defenitely HAVE to go on a diet ...:eek: :eek:

LOL Lut! Don't worry about that - I decided that at my age, I could afford to have a little weight on me :D . Actually, I've lost 25 lbs so far this year, but believe me, I have a looooooooooong way to go to wear a swimsuit!!!

03-23-2003, 02:09 PM
LOL you guys are so funny.

Here's an idea though! How about we film a short film about out pets and we can watch everyones video at the meeting? That would be neat!

Also Gini I will be in Cali in the next couple of weeks for myfathers surgery so if you want to meet up then let me know. We could have lunch or something. :)

03-23-2003, 02:22 PM
You guys are funny! It wont be that hot... :)

BBQ corn: you soak the corn in their husks in water then throw them on the grill. Its YUMMY!!

Re: the short films, I'll have to bring their photo albums instead...we don't have a video camera.

03-23-2003, 02:24 PM
hahah I was actually thinking like barbecure sauced corn on the cob lol...that's why I asked. I am such a dork. :p

03-23-2003, 02:42 PM
I want to see lots of pictures of this meeting!!! :)

03-23-2003, 03:41 PM
Yaaaaay! I'm so excited about this - my non-PT friends (yes, hard to believe I know!) think I'm nutso - but I don't care!! I'm just doing the happy dance in anticipation!:D :D :D

Rides, food, a spare room - I can help!

03-23-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by TheAntiPam
Yaaaaay! I'm so excited about this - my non-PT friends (yes, hard to believe I know!) think I'm nutso - but I don't care!!
hee hee :) My hubby rolled his eyes when I told him. ;)

03-23-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
hee hee :) My hubby rolled his eyes when I told him. ;)

LOL! Dadcat just grinned and shook his head. Hey, he has his cars and I have my cats - fair enough!

03-23-2003, 05:42 PM
This is going to be so much fun!! :) Here's a list of those that are coming ( and/or want to come):

Lut and family (4)
Gini (?)
NoahsMommy (2)
Wolflady (2)
TheAntiPam (1)
Luckies (?)
Kohala (1)
Lbaker (?)

List of those in the area:
Sandy Frost

I PM'd some of the Northern Cal people to see if they wanted to come too. Yay!!!

03-23-2003, 05:57 PM
Just 1 for me - but I'm excited enough for 3!

03-23-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by TheAntiPam
Just 1 for me - but I'm excited enough for 3!
:) Me too!! :)

Russian Blue
03-23-2003, 07:33 PM
I just wanted to drop in here and say that Nakita and I are very jealous!! Would love to come, but....umm.....I'm a little too far away!!

Have a wonderful time Lut! And I expect pictures and for you to give NoahsMommy's Basil scritches for me!!


03-23-2003, 10:20 PM
I don't know if I'll be able to make it down to the L.A. area or not. Is Lut going to be any where in the northern Californian area? I heard that she's also going to visit the San Franciso area. Is this true? If so when?

03-24-2003, 02:30 AM
Just 1 for me - and Jackie emailed me and said she can't come - I'll email Sandy soon!

03-24-2003, 01:42 PM
OMG! How exciting to see how this is coming together! I'll be bringing my hubby down, so it will be the 2 of us! :D

I think this whole Pet Talk meeting thing is starting to sink in for him. He met 3 pet talkers this weekend! LOL LOL What a good sport! :o And everyone is so nice, that he had nothing to worry about! :D LOL LOL I told him that it's just like his car clubs...but it's a pet club! LOL He still laughs at me about it though...:o

I had made some shirt designs for this weekend's visit with Amberlee, KAK and Edwina's Secretary, but just didn't have enough time to get them made. Is everyone interested in having me come up with some PT West Coast meeting t-shirt designs??

I'm so excited!!

03-24-2003, 02:42 PM
Hey, Wolflady, what kind of cars? Imagine getting Dadcat the 'vette restorer to come?! The T-Shirts would be sooo cool! Sandy Forst just emailed me that she doesn't know what her schedule will be like, but who knows by July? I am so looking forward to this.
Like everyone, I have many barbeque favorites that I make very well, but transporting premade food may not be such a good idea. Time will tell. :D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:

03-24-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by kohala
Hey, Wolflady, what kind of cars? Imagine getting Dadcat the 'vette restorer to come?! The T-Shirts would be sooo cool! Sandy Forst just emailed me that she doesn't know what her schedule will be like, but who knows by July? I am so looking forward to this.
Like everyone, I have many barbeque favorites that I make very well, but transporting premade food may not be such a good idea. Time will tell. :D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:

OMG! My husband would very much love to meet up with Dadcat and talk about vettes! He loves those. In fact, he is saving up to get an old vette (like a 1967),....hmmmm....that's going to take several years! LOL :eek:
Actually, right now we're members of the Model 'A' club, and my parents are in the mopar club (my dad has a 1930 Model A Ford tudor sedan, and a 1969 Roadrunner convertible).

I'll see if I can come up with some fun t-shirt designs, and I'll post them here for opinions!! :D

I'm getting excited about this! :D

03-24-2003, 04:56 PM
T-shirts sound really fun, Karen!

Thanks Kohala for checking for us. We'll keep our fingers cross that hubby will want to come too. I'll even bring my hubby/make him come, he LOVES cars....

03-24-2003, 05:13 PM
I am going to jump in here quick........(I am supposed to be working - aarrrgghhh).

First of all.........very sorry - but no pool. My back yard has a huge old oak tree right smack in the middle of the yard. I don't have to heat it - or clean it (well maybe clean up after it) - and I have a love affair with this tree.

Karen - the T shirts sound perfect.

Now you guys just gotta bring your husbands. Otherwise what is Lut's husband going to do with all of us gals yacking away?

Besides, did I read correctly that Kelly's husband David is great with the barbecue???

O.k. - back to work with me........more later.

03-24-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by gini
Besides, did I read correctly that Kelly's husband David is great with the barbecue???
I told David he could cook and he was all excited!!! He's coming! :)

03-24-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I told David he could cook and he was all excited!!! He's coming! :)

Cool! :D

All the guys can hang out together while all of us ladies gab! lol lol ;)

03-25-2003, 06:22 PM
OK, here's the newest list of those attending:

Lut and family (4)
Gini & Rascal (2)
NoahsMommy (2)
Wolflady (2)
TheAntiPam (1)
Luckies (?)
Kohala (1)
Lbaker (1)

03-25-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
OK, here's the newest list of those attending:

Lut and family (4)
Gini (?) and Rascal
NoahsMommy (2)
Wolflady (2)
TheAntiPam (1)
Luckies (?)
Kohala (1)
Lbaker (?)

03-26-2003, 06:37 AM
I think you can put me down as a "1" instead of a "?". Realizing it's a bit away I really need some WestCoast time. It will have been over a year come July. I'll be there (Dog willin' and the crick don't rise):o

03-26-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
I think you can put me down as a "1" instead of a "?". Realizing it's a bit away I really need some WestCoast time. It will have been over a year come July. I'll be there (Dog willin' and the crick don't rise):o


03-27-2003, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
OK, here's the newest list of those attending:

Lut and family (4)
Gini & Rascal (2)
NoahsMommy (2)
Wolflady (2)
TheAntiPam (1)
Luckies (?)
Kohala (1)
Lbaker (1)

04-06-2003, 06:39 AM
I'm counting the days - after seeing the fun at the Findley Dog Park meet, I can't wait - even if we don't have all those pooches to help us have fun! :D

04-06-2003, 09:00 AM
Rascal here......DOGS?? they are bringing DOGS?

04-06-2003, 09:02 AM
Rascal, we have a big fenced in yard - the dogs can stay outside and you can stay in the house!

Lut, I am glad that you bumped this up......because I was thinking that we don't want the enthusiasm to go away! You have ten hats! Wow!

04-07-2003, 02:15 AM
Still planning on coming! Sorry, Grasshopper isn't a very good traveller - =:( = But I'll bring pictures and take a bunch too!

04-07-2003, 12:35 PM
OK...here's a current list:

Lut and family (4)
Gini & Rascal (2)
NoahsMommy (2)
Wolflady (2)
TheAntiPam (1)
Luckies (3-4)
Kohala (1)
Lbaker (1)

I can't bring the furkids, they would be really scared. They are somewhat sheltered. ;) But!!! I'll bring lots and lots of pictures!! :D

I'm really looking forward to this! There are two other members that are considering flying out, but I don't want to say who, just in case it doesn't work out. I'll be crossing my fingers though. :)

A reminder for anyone else considering attending...we can pick you up from the airport and/or train station. :D

04-07-2003, 03:23 PM
Our family business is a screenprinting/embroidery shop so if you want good shirts let me know. :D

I'll be bringing Dylan and myself of course, and possibly Dan...my friend will have to be there because he is my ride. He's my best friend so part of the family. ;)

04-07-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Our family business is a screenprinting/embroidery shop so if you want good shirts let me know. :D
I think Wolflady was planning on doing that...I can ask her for you though. :)

OK....do we want to plan on a time yet? Lut was thinking a lunch thing, which I think would be really great. Its a Sunday, so people could get home for work the next day as well.

And...what should we eat??? We know BBQ, so please write a few items that "your" BBQ wouldn't be without.

Lut wants chicken and corn on the cob. And I vote for tri-tip and watermelon....those are my "must have" BBQ items. :)

04-07-2003, 06:05 PM
I love teriyaki chicken - we usually marinate boneless chicken thighs in teriyaki sauce over night, them skewer 'em and toss them on the barbie! I could bring a batch up, packed in ice, of course!! Let me know - hey, who's our coordinator? :D

04-07-2003, 06:21 PM
Hi everyone, the flu got me so I haven't been up to speed here.

Don't you think Kelly has been doing a great job? She has been coordinating who is coming and ideas on what we should eat.

Now I know that we will all get along because so far all we have talked about is FOOD! Sounds good to me.

I feel that if you are coming from a distance (San Diego on the train for example) you shouldn't have to worry about bringing food.

It will be easy for me to do many things in preparation in the couple of days beforehand and I am happy to provide it.

Do you all like potato salad (or is that potato "e")? I am told mine is pretty good and I can make that in advance. Fruits - no problem - I have good sources close by - Whole Foods - Farmer's Market etc.

Barbecue chicken - tri tip - teriyaki chicken - yum is all I have to say - and I can put all of that together......DAVID HELP!!!!

What do you all like to drink? Don't be shy - wine, beer, soft drinks (what kind)........just tell me.

Kohala I will email you later.......I just haven't been totally with it here - and spent a lot of time sleeping last week.

When we get closer to the date I will give specific directions, address and phone numbers by p/m to each of you.

Mystery guests?? Tonya maybe??? Oh Boy!!

Time - anytime - if you are coming from a distance for heaven's sake I am not going to hold everyone to Noon for instance - come on over!! Besides we will need to allow for "Pick up" time from the train station or wherever.

I think it will all fall together nicely and we are going to have such a great time.

I have a few ideas up my own sleeve you know - and I haven't told anyone about them.

My neighbor said to me - now, let me get this straight - you are having a large barbecue in July - and you have NEVER MET any of these people. YUP! She got it right.:) :)

04-07-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by gini
My neighbor said to me - now, let me get this straight - you are having a large barbecue in July - and you have NEVER MET any of these people. YUP! She got it right.:) :)

Tell her you're a member of a little known society of Planetary Animal Lovers and this is a "Gathering" - :D
BTW - HI, Rascal!

PS - Didn't a lot of us exchange pics of ourselves at Christmas?

04-07-2003, 07:05 PM
This is going to be so much fun!!!!! :D

As far as coordinating, I guess that would be me. :) Its been fun so far! ;)

Thanks again so much for offering up your home! I don't want you to have to provide all the food. David and I are going to help too, OK? He'll most definitely help with the food prep too. We really should get together prior, don't you think?

Ideas? I want to hear them!!! :)

I agree, if you are traveling, please don't worry about bringing food.

04-07-2003, 07:12 PM
Kelly, Gini - when you get a chance could you send me your email addresses? I may have them in my address book from Christmas, but I don't know for sure. BTW, Gini, sorry to hear the flu got you down. I had recurring bouts from Dec thru Mar - it sucks (sorry, no better way to express it :rolleyes: )

05-25-2003, 09:58 PM
Speaking of all the meetings..

is this still going to happen? Nothing has been said in a long time :)

05-26-2003, 08:15 AM
I'm sure you guys will have as much fun as we have in Findlay! We will have our 3rd meeting the week before yours will happen. I love the T-shirt idea.....hmmmmm......

05-26-2003, 01:09 PM
I'm still anxiously awaiting this day - I wrote this in INK in my calendar, so I will be there!

05-26-2003, 04:59 PM
Yay!!! Can't wait!!! :)

05-26-2003, 07:20 PM
Well.. here's the thing..

I've been waiting on whether or not to say anything about this, because I still don't have an answer. The only one who has any clue is Kelly, because she offered to pick me up from the airport :)

I'm TRYING to convince my parents to let me come to this meeting. I've talked to my dad extensively about it, and he's even emailed back and forth with Kelly a couple times. He seems comfortable with the idea, but when I asked him last night he mentioned that he would feel better if my mom came with me. Which would be fine.. my mom is cool :) I may be 22, but I'm his only child/daughter and he worries. Plus, he would be buying my plane ticket, so I kind of have to have his permission! :D

Anyway, I really would like to come to this. I've asked that a ticket down there be my university graduation gift. Hopefully it will all work out! :D

05-27-2003, 02:35 PM
I just double checked and realized (I probably didn't think much about it before all hell broke out at work) that July 2 is a Wednesday! OMIGOD! I may not be able to get away :( :( :(
Am I reading the date wrong - I kind of doubt it.:(
To be continued, and maybe something good will happen and I can get the time off. With the upcoming move and all, it doesn't look very promising :(

05-27-2003, 02:38 PM
July 20th, a Sunday. Not July 2. I'll probably take the train up from San Diego or maybe fly into LA then take the train down to visit my brother in Mission Beach. I'll figure it out as we get closer.


05-27-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
July 20th, a Sunday. Not July 2. I'll probably take the train up from San Diego or maybe fly into LA then take the train down to visit my brother in Mission Beach. I'll figure it out as we get closer.

See what job stress does - totally missed the "0". Well allrighty then - I plan to be there!!!

Had to come back and add:
GOOD GREIF! How long has this thread read July "20"? Tell me it was just changed:o !

Yep, definitely too much stress - I think I need this BBQ!!!!

05-27-2003, 09:41 PM
Yay! I'm really looking forward to this and am still planning on coming down and staying with you, Kelly, if that's alright. If you all need anything, do not hesitate to let me know! I'm more than happy to help in the preparations and all! I haven't been on PT in a long time, so someone will have to keep me updated on what's going on here. Hopefully I will find a job soon and will be in better spirits. In any case, this BBQ will be great! Gini, potato salad sounds fabulous! Does anyone like crab salad? I make a pretty good one! :D

05-27-2003, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Yay! I'm really looking forward to this and am still planning on coming down and staying with you, Kelly, if that's alright.

Of course it is! I can't wait!! I'm sure you and Aaron wont have time to miss Marius, Scooter or Noah's twin ( :) ) with all five of our fuzzballs staring at you!!! :)

06-01-2003, 10:44 AM
After the wonderful experience of meeting Nicole and Shane, I am getting excited about the July 20th barbecue.

I know that all of us are sorry that Lut and her family will not be able to visit this year. I hope that after her surgery she will be pain free and we can look forward to a visit next year.

But I wanted everyone to know that I am still planning on having the barbecue on July 20th!

Richard, I will p/m you back - thanks for your generous offer!

Kelly and David, I will be in touch with you too.

Laurie, I can pick you up from the airport, train station, however you would like to plan your trip.

I have a guest room with a queen hide-a-bed (a comfortable one)
and the first person who speaks up - gets it!

I hope as many people as possible are able to come......just look how much fun everyone had in Ohio!

Karen and Paul, aren't you guys just the best for giving us all so many new friends?

06-01-2003, 11:25 AM
I'm available too for transport or car pool or whatever - I'm not too far from Gini so count me in to help!

I'm looking forward to this very much! We'll sure miss Lut and family, but this is going to be FUN!!! :cool: :D :cool:

06-01-2003, 01:31 PM
Because of Bassett's potential surgery, I don't know that I will be able to come :( I just won't be able to afford it. But I will let you know.

06-01-2003, 02:16 PM
I too am sad Lut wont be able to attend. But, like gini said, maybe next year?

I'll be praying for a quick and painless recovery.

Gini, I'll PM you today and we can get planning! I can't wait!! :D