View Full Version : I thought our mouse problem was gone

03-20-2003, 01:59 PM
but I was wrong...I was holding Fluffy just a couple minutes ago, and I saw one run behind our microwave oven:eek: ok..I don't believe in killing them in traps but they give me the creeps yall....

03-20-2003, 02:29 PM
I feel ya' on the mouse thing.

I'm okay with pet mice and rats, but, I live in a converted wharehouse and our mice and rats are HUGE!!! Some of the biggest rats I've seen were 12 inches nose to tail.

I used humane traps for a while, but, I was only catching like one a month. My breaking point was when they ate a pizza I had left on the counter to cool.

I did it. I feel bad. I got glue traps. I catch at ***least*** 5 a night. It's really bad.
And if your going to attack me for not using humane traps, please know, that mice and rats living in your walls (1) stinks to high hell and (2) is SOOOOO unsanitary and unhealthy. And with a problem this bad, humane traps are really no longer an option... I've talked with several pest removal services, They agreed if it was just one or two mice, not a big deal, humane traps are the way to go, but, I have a HUGE population of them, and they're not going to leave with out a fight.
I've waged war in my own home. Just one day, I want to come home without finding a trail of mice and rat shit on my kitchen counter!!! AAHHHAHHHHHH, they're driving me crazy!!!

So ya' I totally feel ya only whole mice behind your microwave is creepy, but, seriously, take care of the problem before it gets as bad as mine. Call around, there's a ton of places that sell humane traps. Which means, when they get caught, they don't die in them, they just can't get out.