View Full Version : Antigone etc continued

03-20-2003, 11:47 AM
Since my original thread was closed for some reason, I figured I'd start a new one to let you know how the play and the demonstration went. Thanks to Zippy-Kat for asking :) Oh, and I obviously won't be responding to the comments made in the closed thread. I don't want this thread to suffer the same fate.

The play was really, really great. I loved it! It wasn't a "professional" play, it was performed by kids my age. It was quite modernized as well, for example when Creon regrets all that he has done and goes to release Antigone they sang Cher's song If I Could Turn Back Time. It was quite refreshing from the classic performance. It's funny, but I always end up symphatizing the most with Creon, the "bad" guy. Anyone feel the same way?

The demonstration was clean and peaceful. My camera ran out of batteries so I couldn't take many pics >_< But other than that it was a fun experience. I had a really interesting discussion with an Iraqi teen, who couldn't make up his mind if he was against or for the war. He wanted Saddam away from power but at the same time he didn't want so many innocents to die. He has family in Baghdad that he was really worried about, poor thing.

Oh and Gini, were you serious? I'm talking about your post in lbaker's thread (that dissapeared).

03-20-2003, 11:52 AM
The play sounds great! There was a modernized Hamlet that appeared on the campus of my old college. I'm not a fan of Hamlet so I didn't watch it but it sounded neat!

The last play I saw wasn't very good at all, and for the life of me I can't remember the name. Something with "Pigs" in the title. Awful, awful, awful script!!

Glad you had a good time!

03-20-2003, 11:56 AM
*nods* There's nothing worse than a bad script. A bad actor you can stomache and even an unsymphatetic character, but bad (or unrealistic) scripting just plain out ruins it!

03-20-2003, 01:49 PM
I'm not sure if you said anything to me in the thread, but it was probably removed ofr a reason. Thank you for changing the sig.

03-21-2003, 04:06 AM
None of my posts have been removed Kfamr, so I haven't said anything to you that you haven't read. I think the only thing that was removed was lbaker's thread, but I think that was the original posted who did that anyways.

EDIT: Never mind, the whole thing has been removed, along with a lot of other threads. Nice.

03-21-2003, 08:14 AM
I tend to sympathize with Creon too.

Were any scenes cut or modernized so much that you found yourself wondering, "Was this *really* in the original?"

03-21-2003, 09:13 AM
Hmmm... None that come to my mind right now. I'll give it some thought though, I have a blaring headache right now so I might be overseeing something.