View Full Version : I choose to be happy! What about you?

Dixieland Dancer
03-20-2003, 09:43 AM
Just a little note to encourage all of you! Each morning we wake up we have a choice. To make the most of it by being happy and lifting other people up or to make the worst of it by being grumpy and bringing other people down. There are always reasons to frown but more importantly there can always be a reason to smile found too! I choose to be HAPPY!!! And if I need a reminder, all I have to do is look in the eyes of my pets and the love they have for me...unconditionally!!! :D

I find that focusing on others is helping me to not worry so much about my son (a marine) who we have no idea where he is at this time. But I am trusting and choosing to be HAPPY! Will you join me?

03-20-2003, 09:48 AM
I'm with you, Candy!!!! I choose to be happy too!!! Now, I will go start working on my ark....I'm going to need one if the rain keeps up!!

03-20-2003, 09:49 AM
I sure will do my best, Dixie! ;) :)

03-20-2003, 09:50 AM
Dixieland Dancer,

Great outlook! I'm right behind you. Your son and all the men and women in the armed forces will be in my thoughts and prayers. I only hope that this is a short stint with no casualties.

Instead of being depressed over not having a job, I am just happy that my Higher Power is looking out for me. As my nanny (grandmother) always told me, God takes care of babies and idiots :D So far, he's been taking care of me.

03-20-2003, 10:02 AM
I am happy, and try really hard to stay in that mode. I am grateful for so many things in my life. I do have to be taken to other places (unhappiness) from time to time, but pop right back up into happiness as soon as possible.

I love happiness.


03-20-2003, 10:14 AM
It's been an awful last few months, but with your personal help Candy, as well as my dear other PT friends, I'm trying my darnest to be happy and focused cause I know things happen for a reason. Life could be so much worse, so I am grateful for all the love I have and give to others. Having Cody is the best therapy.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-20-2003, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
But I am trusting and choosing to be HAPPY! Will you join me?

You got it! :D

I don't know how, but somehow I learned this too, and I always try to live by it by trying to find the positive in any situation. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes I just need to indulge my depression by feeding it ice cream or taking a nice long bath, but for the most part I try and see the world from a positive point of view. :)

All Creatures Great And Small
03-20-2003, 10:55 AM
Yes, I'll take happiness please, though not the "ignorance is bliss" type. ;) Even though I am quite aware of all the unpleasantries in the world, I make the choice each day to try to stay positive. I grew up in a family where my mom and sisters were all diagnosed with depressive disorders, my mom's being the worst of all (bipolar). There was not a lot of happiness in our house, and everyone was focused on their own misery and communicating it to everyone else. I made the conscious decision somewhere along the line that I was going to MAKE myself be in a good mood whenever possible. Of course, I still have days when I just want to crawl in a hole and be a grump, but that's what I tend to do - stay away from people so I don't rain on their parade. At work I have cultivated the fine art of appearing happy when I really just want to scream :D . And I am on the anti-depressant Zoloft (Prozac's cousin) for migraines, which has the beneficial side effect of balancing my mood swings, so I find I am much easier to get along with now. Things that used to really set me off can now be dealt with more calmly.

I really am fortunate that I haven't had any major catastrophes in my life so far - it's easy to be positive when you haven't been tested, I guess. Hopefully I will have the strength to deal with whatever may come my way.

03-21-2003, 08:19 AM
I choose to be happy! What about you?

You got it Candy, I'm right there with you! It does no good to sit and worry yourself silly. So I will try to be as happy as I can :D

03-21-2003, 08:25 AM
Count me in Candy! Sometimes it's quite difficult to be happy - what with everything - but lets go for it - Be Happy (wanders off whistling her usual tuneless whistle - but happy........!)


03-21-2003, 08:29 AM
I will join you...I chose to be happy!!!

03-21-2003, 08:47 AM
I choose to be happy! What about you?

I'm with you Dixie, life is too short not to be happy and the alternative is not appealing. lol I say keep busy and stay happy.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

I hope you son is doing well, our son-in-law has been called but he is in the Military police and right now is stationed at the Miramar Marine base for the time being.

03-21-2003, 09:00 AM
I am with all of you too!!! Why not?:)
I also wake up each morning, and choose to be happy--life is too short not to be, and I have plenty of things to be happy about.
If it gets tough, I think about my family, dogs, or husband, and I cheer up.

A while back I was depressed, and one of the ways I helped myself to cheer up was to write a journal every day of what I was thankful for--some days it was just as simple as hearing the birds chirp, but it worked for me!!

03-21-2003, 10:38 AM
What a lovely thought, Candy! I will do my very best too! Of course, it is NOT easy to feel happy when all you feel is an acking back...:( ; but the iedea is super!! Positive thinking is already have a cure!:) :)

03-21-2003, 12:43 PM
I'm trying...but my hapiness, also a Marine, is across the country right now about to be sent overseas. I know there are those that say you shouldn't let your happiness be wrapped up in a man, but he completes me. I won't be truly happy until he's back home safely. For now, I'm just happy that I've stopped the constant water works. I swear...I've been so emotional that if I didn't know better I would have thought I was pregnant!

edited to add: I'll be thinking and praying for your son as well as all of our troops.

03-21-2003, 01:06 PM
I'm happy too! We can't allow things to bring us down...easier said then done. But....I'll be happy too!

Life really is too short.

03-21-2003, 01:08 PM
I wish I could be happy, but that's truely hard when people around the world are dying. If I'm happy, it makes me feel like I don't care about them. :(