View Full Version : Behaviorists

03-19-2003, 01:15 PM
I took Josie to the vets today. She of course, got really freaked out. I can understand that though, she had a bad experience once when she got her anal glands expressed :[ Then this guy came in and she really freaked out, howling and backed right into the corner..I said he probably should be in cause shes going to freak out more. Shes was good overall though, I mean shes really scared, and at the end the vet gave her some treats and she seemed to like her then :rolleyes: Anyway, she recommended the same behaviorist as the HS did, but it costs 100 bucks and hr..I'd like to try it out though, but its my dads money so whatever he says..I think he'd go for it though. They said shes really good. And on the bright side, thse men came over to move a new stove in, and she didn't bark once :o Good girlie :]

03-19-2003, 01:17 PM
Good on you, Josie!! You are one brave doggie!:) :)

Dixieland Dancer
03-19-2003, 01:39 PM
Do you want a behaviorist because she growls at other dogs at the dog park or barks at people when they come over to your house? What specifically do you want to accomplish with the behaviorist?

Have you been working on any of the things I suggested in the PM I sent you a few weeks ago?

03-19-2003, 01:54 PM
Do you want a behaviorist because she growls at other dogs at the dog park or barks at people when they come over to your house? What specifically do you want to accomplish with the behaviorist?

I want one to fix it so she doesn't bite ppl and have to be PTS..my dad says its to much money though and won't pay it, atleast not jump into it. Both, but more so when shes outside to both ppl and dogs..

And I have been trying to work with what you said. She doesn't seem to know I even exist when shes flipping out, for a treat or anything, I'm not giving up, but the last few times we've been out we haven't seen any dogs at all..

Like at the Vets, I tried the positive thing like you said, and tried to get her focused on me, it was calming her down a little when I was talking to her, I really think shes afraid..atleast of the vet..

03-19-2003, 02:04 PM
Could you earn some money by doing chores for your parents? Or work out a deal with your dad?

Even just one visit may help. I'm unclear on her exact problems but I think its well worth the money if you think Josie may have to be PTS because of it.

I am sure Candy gave you great advice and I'd keep trying what she told you to do!

03-19-2003, 02:38 PM
I agree Aly, I do stuff around the house already and don't get paid lol. I need a job but can't find one as of now. If I feel the only way to protect Jo is to only take her out on a leash and keep her away from other dogs, I'll do it, but I'd rather her be happy and play with other dogs. I'm hoping he'll change his mind and atleast let her go for one time anyway. He keeps going on that its a lot of money for a 'dog psychologist' when it really isnt :o He has a think against psychlogists I guess, even though this is totally diff..Can anyone whos been to one tell me if they actually do help?

03-19-2003, 03:01 PM
I've never been to one with my own dogs, but I have had internships with applied behaviorsits and worked with them closely for years. If you see a good one, they REALLY do help!

03-19-2003, 07:54 PM
We used one when we first got Millie 3 & 1/2 months ago. What a difference it made in Chester. We really learned so much. We now have a happy dog family where they get along great. Wasn't always the case, though. Chester was very agressive towards ALL dogs, especially males. We also had a few issues with Millie and worked on those, too, but the biggest help was with Chester's aggression. I know it's not always this easy, but he's even so-so with some male dogs now. :) If you see the right person, and are comfortable with what they're telling you to do, then it's so worth the $. Ours was so helpful, and we still call him with questions every once in a while.

03-20-2003, 12:39 PM
I took Cody to a Behaviorist when he was about 6 months and totally out of control. She was one of the Univ of Penna Vet Hospital best known and regaled doctors. Cody hated her, loved the assistant. She said Cody was dangerous, vicious, and that we would never be able to step over him if he's laying down, put our hand in his food, stare him in the eye...I paid over $200 for 2 hours and was so devastaed that I collapsed on the floor in tears. I loved that dog so much and the thought of not having him because of the nasty stuff was unbearable. Turned out, I found a great trainer who besides holding classes, came to the house..$35 and hour and the best money and time spent. Not only did Cody love her but she trained ME. Of course, he's not perfect but I can do everything and anything to him. He's a wiseguy sometimes but of course we all think it's hilarious. I was so disappointed in the psycologist, waste of money and everytime I see her on TV I razz her. She was more interested in eating her yogurt and staring at him then advising me. Don't waste your money. I'm not saying there aren't fabulous behavorists around, I just never reconsidered and looked for another. My attitude was more like "Oh Yeah? I show you!"