View Full Version : about my old cat

03-18-2003, 08:37 PM
I have before taken my cat to the vet. So you have no right saying I don't cuz I have. We are switching him to senior food for his teeth. He doesn't have any gum desiese or hasn't lost any weight. He is a fat cat. We just have takin my cat to the vet only a couple of months ago. He had an opperation on his ear but it is still getting dirty. We took him to the vet and asked him about it and he just said to keep on cleaning it. Now I was just asking if there was anything else I could do. I LOVE MY CAT TO DEATH. I don't care what you say. I am trying everything I can do for him. It's cats like him and my love for animals that I am becoming a vet. So all you peoples shut your mouth!!!!

03-18-2003, 09:17 PM
So all you peoples shut your mouth!!!! [/B][/QUOTE]

You just alienated yourself hard.


You came here for help, we gave our opinions, you don't have to take them. People here have a lot of experience with animals. You lash out because all the responses are similar, and you don't want to face that it may be the right thing to do.
We don't want your pet to have any pain, it just may be more than you (or I) could handle.

Don't tell us to shut up, just stay away if you don't like it here.

Your poor old cat. Can feel pain.

Wish he could tell you that.

If you love him like you say, he'll be well taken care of.

03-18-2003, 09:53 PM
Oh my - such an attitude!

I have spent coutless amounts of money on my pets, and if anything happens to them I will spend more money - that's the way a pet owner / pet relationship should work.

Your cat *depends* on you for care, and it sounds like he really should see a real, live vet in person.

The people in this forum can only do so much to help (and when you tell people to "shut your mouth" it really makes you looks silly and hostile). We cannot do vet work over the Internet.

Please think of your cat, and take him in for care.

03-19-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by boscibo
Oh my - such an attitude!

I have spent coutless amounts of money on my pets, and if anything happens to them I will spend more money - that's the way a pet owner / pet relationship should work.

Your cat *depends* on you for care, and it sounds like he really should see a real, live vet in person.

The people in this forum can only do so much to help (and when you tell people to "shut your mouth" it really makes you looks silly and hostile). We cannot do vet work over the Internet.

Please think of your cat, and take him in for care. I totally agree with the above statement.

03-19-2003, 09:47 AM

You asked for advice and we gave it to you. Excellent advice I might add. So lose the attitude or go somewhere else. Geez :rolleyes:

03-19-2003, 09:53 AM
My cat is getting old and he has lost teeth and his one ear is getting dirty all the time. I'm not gonna take him to the vet since we put in alot of money in him. So what can i do myself to make his teeth better and should I just keep on cleaning his ear like I have been???

Maybe before you get upset, you should re-read your original post and UNDERSTAND why people gave the advice that they did. If you don't want opinions, don't ask for them.

03-19-2003, 10:53 AM

All members here care about each other pets, including yours. Your original post did not give that much information. All you said was that the ears needed cleaning and the teeth were bad and that you were not going to take him to the vet. So we assumed the worst.

Might I suggest that on your next post asking for help that you go into more detail, for example, when was the last vet visit, what did the vet say, what medications were prescribed. That way we will have a better understanding of your situation. Believe me, we did not mean to hurt or insult you in any way. We were just going by the information provided.

I do believe you are a good Mom and love your kitty and I wish you nothing but the best of health for both of you.

03-19-2003, 08:12 PM
OK thank-you slick. You seem more understanding and I could have given you all of the information first. So that was my bad. I am sorry. But I still think you guys have no right saying that I dont love my cat. All I asked was what can I do myself here at my home. And all you guys said was to take him to the vet. But thats not what I asked. So may you please give me options I can do myself???

03-19-2003, 08:26 PM
I don't have any answers for the teeth. Brushing is good for prevention but not for curing a problem. So let's move on to the ears. You can clean them with alcohol or a pet ear cleaner, but this will not cure what is wrong with them. And since it could be any one of several causes, we cannot really say how to treat (that is where the vet comes in) If it is mites, you can get medicine over the counter but if it is fungal or bacterial there is nothing to do without prescription medication. You can keep them clean but the longer it goes without proper medication the further into the ear canal it will move. Sorry, but even with all my practical experience and schooling in the field of animals, this is the best I can do.