View Full Version : For those of us who don't have digital cameras

07-03-2001, 11:23 PM
I found today at Walmart a disposable camera, indoor-outdoor with flash. When you get the pics developed they post them on Walmart.com and with a id # you can go in and access them. They are posted for 30 days. I checked the prices and it was only about a $1.50 more than a regular camera. Which equals about the price of a camera battery, since I go thru them like water. :eek: :eek: :( :(
I can't wait to take the roll and see how they look. I took in a roll of Advantax that had Kylie's pics on it and the roll didn't load correctly and it was all unexposed!! :mad: :mad:

07-03-2001, 11:25 PM
Sounds like the CVS offer that I use quite often! We expect many more pictures of Shai and her new kitty friend now!

07-04-2001, 12:57 PM
That is such a great idea. I hope the walmart here in Canada has them. My zoom Camera that I paid to much for :rolleyes: is acting up, its either broke or the fim isn't loaded correctly so I think I will go check Walmart out and see if we have them here.

Thanks, for the tip. My scanner only works when it feels like it so this will save me time and frustration :mad:

07-05-2001, 07:27 AM
Actually it doesn't even have to be a disposable camera. If you are developing any roll of film, check with the place that is developing it... for an extra fee, they will put the pictures on a cd or a diskette for you in addition to giving you the prints. I would recommend a cd if you have a cd drive for your computer. I know around here you can get this done at Walgreens but I would imagine many places do it.