View Full Version : *sigh* What do I do?

03-17-2003, 08:03 PM
I'm so lost. I asked Dixieland Dancer about this a while ago, and got some great advice, which I'm working on, but nothing seems to be helping right now. A while back, I took the dogs to the dog park, and Josie was fine the whole time till this one dog came running in. I held their collars till the dog was in, then let them go. They ran up the dog, and Josie started growling and snapping :( She's never done this before, and the dog wasn't aggressive to her at all I don't think..Anyway, I thought it was 'just one of those days' but I took them for a walk the next day, and she met up with this other dog and started after him after they'd pulled me up to it..She hasn't met up with any dogs till tonight since then. My dad had them out, and this little dog was barking in the yard, she wasn't even that close to him and she started barking and growling at it, then Zeke was kinda like whats going on? And she snapped at him. My dad was just coming into the driveway, this girl that had been walking behind them for a while was passing and my dad turned to say 'hi' or w/e so she wouldn't be afraid or something of the dogs who kept looking back at her, when she started off at her! She seems to be getting worse, not better..I contacted my HS to see if they can tell me about any trainers/behaviorists in the area, but I don't know if we do :( I'm so lost, she just started up, and now its like every dog is freaking her out or something.

Dixie was saying that shes alpha over Zeke and she feels she has to protect him or something, and I should positivly try to fix this with trying to take her mind off it by asking her to do commands..which she TOTALLY doesn't listen to me when this is happening, for food or anything..It makes a lot of sense though..(what she said)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I feel like I'm a failure at bringing her up or w/e..Why can't I get her to listen to me, I've done all her training myself, I feed her, walk her..I always get her to do something before feeding, I'll get her to do tricks sometimes with reward and sometimes not.

My dad said he won't walk her until she stops doing this..And I can't take both Jo and Zeke while she's doing this so I guess dad will just have to take Zeke..and me Jo. I'm just terrified she's going to bite someone and they tell us we have to put her down, thats my worst fear, I'll never be able to live with myself, I'll die..I NEED her..I know that sounds stupid and selfish..

Sorry..needed to vent..

03-17-2003, 08:08 PM
My dads friend was walking his dog at the park, and this girl and 2 labs came by him and started to attack his dog (both labs) and he went to try to separate them when one of them attack my dads friend and ripped his pants and even drew blood! Thats what I'm affraid of and I know a lot of ppl aren't as understanding to dogs and other ppl..I'm sure if it had been one of those ppl who don't like dogs, the dog would have had the dog PTS or something..:(

03-17-2003, 08:20 PM
I would definitely look into a trainer or behaviorist for her--it may be costly, but it will help. Plus you will have fun and will bond even more with her during training sessions.
Good luck with her, and let us know how it's going!!

Aspen and Misty
03-17-2003, 09:00 PM
Hey. I just wanted to say good luck. I know how frustrating this can be. It will take alot of work, but I know you can do it. If you need to talk feel free to pm me any time, and I'm not just saying that, you really can.


03-18-2003, 09:43 AM
Thanks..It doesn't really matter to me if she doesn't get better though, well it does, but I'll just keep her away from ppl on walks if need be, if thats the only thing I can do. She's fine when ppl come over to our house, shes an angel then..I don't really get it