View Full Version : omg i might get a dog!

03-17-2003, 07:48 PM
yep! I have never had a dog in my life! just lovebirds! lol well what do u think? should I get one? Do you suggest a breed? Thanks! Im so excited!:D

03-17-2003, 07:56 PM
by the way... I was thinking about a toy dog, like a pomeranian, papillion, ect. :D

03-17-2003, 08:00 PM
I'll suggest what I suggest to everyone who plans on getting a dog. Go to your local SPCA or Humane Society. Go atleast twice a week, 3 times, or maybe even one. Visit the dogs, see what one *you* think would fit you. Ask to take the dogs out, play with them, talk to them, hug them. Not only does it give them companionship [I'm good friends with alot of the pups at ours!] but it helps you find the PERFECT one. You can go to PetFinder (www.petfinder.com) and type in your ZIP code, breed and everything and you may find some you are interested in. Whatever you do, please don;t go to a breeder.:)

03-17-2003, 08:01 PM
ooo! this would be great! and I would definately recomend some kind of toy dog, Im hooked on them! lol! poms are wonderful... and so are paps! so many tough choices. you also would want to check out your local shelter and find a dog that needs you! they may not be in the best health, but you could be saving a life! I wish you much luck in finding a perfect pup just for you.:) And if the dog idea doesnt work, you could always get another bird! maybe even a cauique! hehe good luck:p

03-17-2003, 08:18 PM
I agree--check out your local shelter, and petfinder--it is a great resource. Also, do a lot of research on whatever breed you intend to get, so there are no surprises!! We researched Shibas for almost a year before we got Kito, and I'm so glad that we did!! He's not a cuddler, he's more "independent", and we knew that ahead of time, and couldn't resist his gorgeous face!!!!
And, most importantly, if and when you do get a doggie, we want pictures!!!!!!!

PS--My mother in law has 2 poms--the pup is, well, he's a pup, and Cody is 6 and he is wonderful!!

03-17-2003, 08:31 PM
Go here: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/ There's a lot of good info here on choosing the right dog. There's even a quiz to help you select the right breed. I'd stay away from most terriers, though. They may like your birds too much.:( Mine both have very HIGH prey drives.

03-17-2003, 09:20 PM
I have no specific breed to suggest all I have to say is goto the spca or local shelter and look around and adopt whatever one you like :) good luck with your new puppie or dog :)

03-17-2003, 09:31 PM
mutt mutt mutt mutt

heeheh mutts are the best :D

03-17-2003, 10:46 PM
Although I don't have a pup, I would advise getting one with a low prey drive, because you have your sweetie Crackers birdie and don't want to bring a pup that will go after her! :eek: Make sure you have a seperate area, away from the bird to house your dog because birds and dogs should never be left together in one room unattended. Personally, my favorite pups are Jessica's Jewels and Jordan. I can't get over with how cute they are! Good luck! :D

03-17-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
mutt mutt mutt mutt

heeheh mutts are the best :D
Indeed they are. :)

03-17-2003, 11:59 PM
I would suggest catahoula leopard dog!!! lol...but they arent exactly toy dogs haha...but now that I'm thinking about it, I have to post pics *sighs*






03-18-2003, 12:00 AM
And one big catahoula lol


03-18-2003, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Although I don't have a pup, I would advise getting one with a low prey drive, because you have your sweetie Crackers birdie and don't want to bring a pup that will go after her! :eek: Make sure you have a seperate area, away from the bird to house your dog because birds and dogs should never be left together in one room unattended. Personally, my favorite pups are Jessica's Jewels and Jordan. I can't get over with how cute they are! Good luck! :D

Crackers is in my bird room.:) Its a large room just for crackers! She has her cage in their and a few playstands. of course I take her out sometimes, but she would be safe from the dog.

thanks for your help you guys! Im going to the aspca hopfully this afternoon, otherwise tomorrow.:D

03-18-2003, 08:32 AM
Here's another link to use that might help in selecting a dog:


03-18-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Lalania
mutt mutt mutt mutt

heeheh mutts are the best :D

Oh I totally agree, but I think it's best to make sure the mutt you choose isn't a bad mix for YOUR lifestyle.
I mean, if you're a couch potato, you don't want a Jack Russell/Border Collie mix. :eek:
And Great Danes can be bigtime couch potatoes and great apartment dogs, a fact that surprises most people.
There are also many purebreds in shelters in need of homes. Either way I suggest matching the dog to your personality.

03-18-2003, 08:58 PM
Greyhounds are big couch potatoes too, which surprises alot of people ;)

03-19-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by lovebird567

Crackers is in my bird room.:) Its a large room just for crackers! She has her cage in their and a few playstands. of course I take her out sometimes, but she would be safe from the dog.

thanks for your help you guys! Im going to the aspca hopfully this afternoon, otherwise tomorrow.:D

Oh that's great! :D My birds HAVE to go in every room in the house, EVERYDAY, and there's nothing stopping them LOL, so there's no way I could get a kitty or other pets with birds in the house. :)