View Full Version : I'm turning into a lurker.

12-08-2001, 07:27 PM
I wanted to apologize to everyone on this board. They have started monitoring internet use at my work so I've had to cut down my time on DOTD and when I'm at home my girl takes up most of my time so I haven't been able to respond like I have wanted to. I only have an hour during the day to do everything I need to do on the internet. There are many times when I read a post and I think about that post all day but I don't respond. I just wanted to let everyone know that the reason I don't post is not because I don't care. I care about everyone on here. I just have to prioritize. I guess I'm going to have to turn into a lurker. Even if I do not respond, I still care and will think about you and send my prayers when they're needed.

12-08-2001, 07:58 PM
Awwww, we know you care and you would be on here in a heartbeat if you could, you just keep lurking and come in whenever you can, it's nice to know you are thinking about us and we will know you're here even if only lurking.LOL

12-08-2001, 10:08 PM
Don't worry! We know that our Lurkasaurus is sending prayers and good wishes when needed! I hope your job changes are turning out ok, and give your special sweetie pets our hugs!

12-09-2001, 01:05 AM
Don't worry about it. Just know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers too. Just keep dropping in with an occasional post so we can keep updated on how you're doing :)

12-09-2001, 06:52 AM
Thanks for the heads up! Sometimes we do worry when we don't hear from one of our folks for a while but now at least we know that you are a lurker and we'll occasionally be treated to a post or two when you get the time!

12-09-2001, 10:46 AM
I know exactly what you mean. There are so many posts I want to reply to and fur kids pictures that I want to tell how cute I think they are. With a 56K modem, I just can't post all that I want to in the time I have to spend doing this. Maybe someday I will be on DSL or Cable modem and can get a few more posts in during the time I have. I want to thank each and every poster who shares the stories of their doggies because I enjoy them all and appreciate the time it takes to share. And of course the picture are my favorite things in the world. So even though I do post some but I don't respond to what a dear story you related or what a cute picture you posted, it isn't because I don't think so or don't care enough to tell you. Actually I feel terribly guilty about this because I love it when someone responds to something I've posted! It makes my day! Like finding a little present here on the boards just for me.

12-09-2001, 01:52 PM

(In-case you do not come
out of lurk mode before the Holiday's.
Have a great Holiday and a Happy and safe New Year. :D