View Full Version : My dog hurts her leg all the time. why??

07-03-2001, 09:20 AM
My dog hhurts the same leg all the time. But she doesn't even hurt it.It just hurts every once in a while. But the pain goes away in a few seconds. i'm thinking she pulled a muscle along time ago but i don't know. Do you know what it could be?? :confused:
Thanks :cool: :eek:

07-03-2001, 09:36 AM
I think this is one question that needs to be asked of your veterinarian. As far as I know, none of us have those qualifications.
I hope you will talk with your vet and have your dog examined thoroughly to find out what the problem is. There are supplements that can help joint and muscular problems. I'm sure your vet will advise you accordingly. And in the meantime, I would limit activity until you can get to the source of the problem. Avoid jumping, running, etc.
Good luck, and take care of that puppy.

[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

07-03-2001, 09:50 AM
My Merlin does this all the time, But in his case he did it as a mommy love me trick as a pup. So now when I have worked too long and not paid enough attention(his theroy) to him . He pulls up a front paw and yips. But I would really get to a vet to be sure in your case, many things start as small injuries.

07-03-2001, 09:52 AM
Is he an older dog? Because if he is then it could be authritis. Do go to a vet and check it out.

07-03-2001, 11:58 AM
Or it could be Lyme diease. thaT causes joint pain

07-04-2001, 09:15 AM
thanks for your help. Shes not an old dog. We are gonna take her to a vet ofor a check up and we'll ask about her leg too. But she did it even b4 we got her so i don't know how it happend.

07-04-2001, 12:18 PM
It reminds me of my parents dog, a Saint Bernard. Dad one ended up cutting into the quick when Bruni was started and move her paw just as he was clipping the nail. It hurt, naturally, and they felt bad, so she limped and got sympathy.

Now, evey once in while when I am visiting, she will start to limp, but if you watch carefully, you'll notice that the "hurt" paw is inconsistent - it switches sides, and sometimes is a front paw, too. We tell her she's being silly, pet her a little, and the limp goes away!