View Full Version : Piper's Career Change

03-16-2003, 10:09 PM
Upon hearing several other recommendations for a career, Piper decided to try his paw in a different occupation. Today he searched the backyard for various employment options...

He dressed in his best black and whites,
and set off about his business.

Hmm... what about farming?
"Looks awful dirty to me -- I don't like dirt!"

Yardwork maybe?
"No, that tastes awful!"

Pool attendant?
"Too tall and too wet!"


03-16-2003, 10:10 PM
YES! Be a florist! You look like a Pansy with Long Ears!
"Who are you callin' a pansy?"

Piper, you're runnin' out of options. Shoe-salesman?
"Feet kinda stink and this shoe has dog slobber all over it -ew!"

Well, how about a lawn ornament?
"Kiss my bunns!"

"I think I'll just stick to being pampered!"
"My parsley please. *ThUmP*

03-16-2003, 10:46 PM
LOL Tonya what GREAT pics!! Too funny! :D

I *love* this one!!


03-16-2003, 11:55 PM
Ok thats the cutest little Bunbutt!!! :)

I think you chose the right thing to do there Mr. Piper :D I'm sure you've got mom waiting on you hand and foot.

GREAT pics!!!

03-17-2003, 02:28 AM

03-17-2003, 10:54 AM
That's such a cute story, and what great pics it's accompanied with! Thanks so much for posting this, it put a huge smile on my face :)

03-17-2003, 11:27 AM
Ohh, isn't Piper just cuuute!! :p Piper, I think you should stick with the florist job, that's the one you really seem to enjoy - and I bet you can persuade your mum to plant lots of parsley!! ;) You can always do the lawn ornament occasionally - and get pampered for the rest! :D

Kisses to you, sweetie! :)

Edwina's Secretary
03-17-2003, 11:28 AM
Piper...with your looks and sense of style....I recommend being a Bun of Leisure! Like Gatsby maybe? Remember....W O R K is a four letter word!

03-17-2003, 11:52 AM
Have you considered ballet? I bet you'd look adorable in a tutu! The pic of you half standing while you consider pool attendant makes me think you would be good at dancing. You could be pampered then dance for joy! Whatever you decide I bet you'll be the cutest ever to do it.:D

03-17-2003, 01:24 PM
Too darn funny! He IS a big boy isn't he? He COULD join WWF OR, better yet, with THOSE ears, he could direct traffic!!!!!!

Great picutres, storyline. Thanks for posting! I thoroughly enjoyed it! :D

03-17-2003, 04:00 PM
Piper, I think that is the PERFECT occupation for you. Keep your mom occupied making sure that you are as comfortable and spoiled as can be! ^_^ You sure look like you have a natural talent for it!

03-17-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
YES! Be a florist! You look like a Pansy with Long Ears!
"Who are you callin' a pansy?"

I like Piper as a florist the best. But I need to know does he eat the Pansies?
I love to grow them and we had a wild bunny family move into our yard this winter and I am hoping they don't eat all of my flowers!

03-17-2003, 09:09 PM
Aww Piper-bun, you are the sweetest!!! I think you should make a career of being the snuggliest bunny ever...you sure would succeed!! I love your pictures!! All of them!!!! ;) :D

03-17-2003, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat

I like Piper as a florist the best. But I need to know does he eat the Pansies?
I love to grow them and we had a wild bunny family move into our yard this winter and I am hoping they don't eat all of my flowers!

Piper didn't eat the Pansies. He did taste the leaf but promptly spit it out! lol

The wild bunnies will probably eat your dandylions and keep your grass trimmed. :) How neat! I'll expect pictures now that I know ya have 'em! ;)

03-17-2003, 11:02 PM
But......isn't this our ~ Prince Piper ~..........?

If that is the case then he doesn't have to do nuffin!!

Career, schlameer, he can just lie around and give orders.

03-17-2003, 11:38 PM
Cute pictures, Tonya! What a cute little bunny you have there! Great pictures! I love the one of her in the flowers!:) ;)