View Full Version : Nakita's First Walk Outdoors!

Russian Blue
03-16-2003, 08:40 PM
The weather was so nice this weekend that I decided to try taking Nakita out on the leash. Up till now, we have only had the harness and leash on for small amounts of time indoors because the weather was too cold.

We ventured out this morning and I didn't know what to expect from Nakita. We opened the front door and she took one sniff and ventured out on her own with me in tow!

I thought all the new smells and noise would deter her, but she stayed out. She went down the front steps smelling everything and having her first experience with the melting snow! It was funny watching people walk by and looking twice at the cat on the end of a leash!

I wish I had a camera, but I didnt. Sorry! :( She looked adorable with the black harness against her silver fur in the sunlight. I'm glad she wasn't scared and she will find this a great experience. When summer arrives I know she's going to love going to the cottage!

Just thought I'd share that my little girl is growing up and loving to explore the new outdoor world!


A Proud Mom

03-16-2003, 08:57 PM
How fun! I'm glad she liked it outside, now it can be a regular thing.

Soon, she'll be walking on that leash! :) Can't wait to hear about her adventures.

03-17-2003, 12:33 AM
It sure sounds like she had a lot of fun. :) I'm so glad that she likes her leash too. Next time can you please take some pictures. :)

03-17-2003, 07:19 AM
Now why doesn't it surprise me that Nakita was brave and adventurous?

03-17-2003, 08:08 AM
Please try to get some pictures next time. I love seeing pictures of Nakita.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-17-2003, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Russian Blue
I wish I had a camera, but I didnt. Sorry! :(

How could you not have the camera with you?!?!??! ;) :D

I'm so glad she liked it, and I guess I'm not surprised that she wasn't frightened either. :)

The only problem I ever had with taking Tubby outside on a leash was that once he got a taste of being outside, he wanted to be out there all the time. He took to trying to dash out the door everytime it was opened, so you might want to watch Nakita for that.

I'm sure she was absolutely adorable, and can't wait for the pictures you will taking next time. ;) :D