View Full Version : my furangel

03-16-2003, 07:16 PM
oh yes lexie loves to give headbumpies i think u called it, she is so darn sweet, i am overwhelmed by the love she gives, me, its like she is so grateful that she finally has someone to love and adore her,i should say someones, my husband, daughter and grown up son give her heaps of attention, i was told that she loved lots of attention and she sure does, she likes her quite times as well , but hey who doesnt.
she has brought tears to my eyes, already, i cant believe my luck, she loves me already so much, and of course the feeling is so mutual.
it really helps to know there are such caring warm people out there who are thinking of me a complete stranger and wishing us well here in little new zealand, but yes we all have had bad things touch our lives havent we?
It means alot to me and i appreciate all the kind words from you all, oh yes i am trying so hard to be brave, because i know mum needs me 100 per cent and i will be there for her in every way i can.on the more positive side its been caught early and her chances are hopefully good, of course until the surgeon does his bit we wont know for sure,
fingers crossed eh.
i will try my hardest to get pics of my lexie, i did send ash in for cat of the day, but got reply back saying pic was all blurry, funny thing its real good on my computer, dont have access to another camera yet but will work on it,want to share my baby with u all, i am so very proud of her. cheers everyone.:) :) :) :) :)

03-16-2003, 07:32 PM
Isn't being a kitty mom the greatest? They give so much love. :)

My fist kitty, Noah, who I love to pieces, isn't a lap cat. But he's sitting on the chair with me right now. :D Its so sweet when they are all lovey dovey.

I'll be praying for your mom, that they fix her all up and she's on the road to a quick remission.

03-16-2003, 07:57 PM
i really appreciate your kind words and thoughts, i hope your prayers on my behalf are answered, yes being a kitty mom is very rewarding, lexie is having time out to herself right now, but she is close by on the stairs landing and i am upstairs in computer room, must go and give her a cuddle soon. cheers carole