View Full Version : April Fools!

03-16-2003, 03:18 AM
Ok, I'm a dork, I know.......but I always love April Fools day. It's so much fun to play pranks/gags on people! I never do anything *mean* just funny.

I'm pretty much out of ideas for this year! I need your help for some ideas! My friend ordered a Bog Monster (http://www.funforalltoys.com/products/pranks_and_gags_10/bog_monster/bog_monster.html) which hopefully will be funny, but I need more then that.

So what pranks/gags have you played on friends in the past? :p

03-16-2003, 04:44 AM
he he , that must be telepathy!! Last night, before falling asleep, I planned to post a thread on this too!! I'm not really looking for gadges, rather for practical jokes! My favorite up to now was :"hey dad, phone for you!!!":rolleyes: . But after almost 24 years of marriage, he doesn't believe me anymore :rolleyes: :( :rolleyes: ! So, high time for new ideas!! Come on eveybody, post!!!!

03-16-2003, 06:20 AM
At work, we are extremely short staffed (only 2 fulltimers when normally we have 5) and the other two girls that work there are pregnant and can't do anything. Then he hired another girl and in one week of working she found out she was pregnant too! So I'm planning on telling Dr. R that I'm pregnant!! HaHa!

03-16-2003, 06:48 AM
This is an oldie but a goody...Back when I still lived at home, we had a kitchen sink that had a separate sprayer. I tied a rubberband around the handle, so the next morning, my Mom stumbled into the kitchen barely awake, turned on the faucet full blast, and had a cold shower!!!!! Oh to hear her eek and scream, meanwhile dancing around in circles. Oh it was a riot. Oh she was :mad:!!!

03-16-2003, 06:54 AM
A couple years ago,I decided to stick little pieces of tinfoil on a rubber band,put it around my teeth,and open my mouth just enough to show the metal.I told everyone I had braces.:p It was sorta hard to keep that up for awhile.Some other things are wrapping ace bandages around your arm and stuff like that.

03-16-2003, 08:02 AM
I desperately need some good ideas! I never manage to fool anyone :(

03-16-2003, 08:33 AM
lol :D my jokes are always lame. i don't go all out for any of them but once i did stick a "kick me" sign on this guy's back at school and he walked around with it for who knows how long. :p

here's an idea i read in a book. if you have an aswering machine, change your message to you saying this "hello.....hello...how are you?...really, that's great...no, i'm not interested..." and all kinds of crap like that then at the end you say "just kidding, april fools! leave a message at the beep" or something liek that. that would be funny to hear :D

03-18-2003, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
This is an oldie but a goody...Back when I still lived at home, we had a kitchen sink that had a separate sprayer. I tied a rubberband around the handle, so the next morning, my Mom stumbled into the kitchen barely awake, turned on the faucet full blast, and had a cold shower!!!!! Oh to hear her eek and scream, meanwhile dancing around in circles. Oh it was a riot. Oh she was :mad:!!!

LOL I did that too! Managed to get both my mom and dad! A very good one, I'll probably do it again this year! :D

Any other ideas??

03-18-2003, 06:59 AM
Hehehe... Do you know the little spray thing on the faucet? The ones that are seperate from the faucet... Well.. I tie a rubber band around it and point it to were i think someone would be...
Then when they go to turn on the water to wash their hands, they get soaked! EEEEp... Last year i did it for my om befor she got home...... but my brother was still home and getting read for work..... HE TURNED IT ON! Luckily, he's a "joker" like me and he got a kick out of it! lol

03-18-2003, 09:46 AM
I put Saran Wrap on the toilet bowl in the boys room once :D Of course I've also had my share of toilet papering trees, foaming car windows, cow tipping. But that was years ago when I had a wild side. The wildest I get now is taking Moo for a ride in my car. :eek: I need a life!!!! :rolleyes:

03-18-2003, 01:27 PM
I don't have one for u, but I'll tell u what my dad did to my sister several years back (we still talk about it today).

My dad knew it wouldn't work on me, so he woke my sister up on april 1st & told her that Max had puppies last night & their with him in his kennel & told her she can see them right now... She ran downstairs & into the kitchen where Max's kennel was kept & she was shocked to find no puppies & that it was an april fools joke... heheh... She was only 8 yrs old & Max was 1yr & 3 months & he was fixed & Max is a MALE dog.

It was the best... HAHAHAHA!!!

03-18-2003, 03:45 PM
Lmao.... Does your sister have blonde hair? :o :p

03-18-2003, 04:14 PM
OK...first, if you have a water cooler at work, and it still uses the free paper cups....cut very tiny tiny slit in the bottom of the cup..so that it slowly leaks out on the unsuspecting victim.

This is one I do about once a month. If you work in an office where someone answers the phone...tape down the little button thing that pops up when you pick up the handset. So, while the person has picked up the phone, it will still continue to ring, and they get panicked. Quite funny.

For those of us that are more computer literate, change someone's screen saver to say something cheesy....or 'fresh' or something, then password protect it so the user can't change it back.

For people that pack their lunch...bring something strange from home, and put it in their bag...don't ruin their food, but, put another container in there filled with something else.

OK, you could always forward someone's house calls to the office, but that means you have to know their voice mail password. I changed my friend Tina's voice message on her cellular phone to a specially created outgoing message- one I designed for her! I about crashed the car doing it, I was laughing so hard (but I didn't crash, and am now very careful).

03-18-2003, 04:18 PM
Im drawing a blank.....I can only think of one time when the lunch lady tapped a fart machine to the bottom of the 8th grade table. The room got quite, well pretty much, and one of the more popular guys sat down and when she pushed that little red button, the whole middleschool laughed SO HARD!!

The Cat Factory
03-18-2003, 04:49 PM
I have no Idea what to do on April Fool's Day!

03-18-2003, 04:51 PM
I always do the rubber poop in the closet. Hubby falls for it every year. One time he is yelling at me to pick it up cause its all runny. I laugh so hard I cry. I can't believe he still falls for it:D :D

03-18-2003, 11:21 PM
I don't know what colour my sisters hair is, its different every time I see her, blue, black, green, red, purple, some odd looking colours if u can call them colours at all.. hehe

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-19-2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
I put Saran Wrap on the toilet bowl in the boys room once :D Of course I've also had my share of toilet papering trees, foaming car windows, cow tipping. But that was years ago when I had a wild side. The wildest I get now is taking Moo for a ride in my car. :eek: I need a life!!!! :rolleyes:

I am from South Africa - I REALLY need someone to tell me what COW TIPPING is?????:eek:

03-20-2003, 12:04 AM
From what I've been told is that its when a cow is laying down/sleeping u push it over onto its side

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-20-2003, 05:03 PM
You guys are cracking me up!!!

When i was in middle school we would always skip lunch and roll one of our teacher's rooms.. and in 8th grade we had this really snotty teacher named Mr. Fulton and we put toilet paper and hung it all over the ceiling by stuffing one end in the ceiling tiles..... and we stacked all the chairs up on the tables.... and me and my friends would have each other's locker combinations so we took his stuff off the shelves and put it in their lockers... IT WAS SO MUCH FUN..... our friends would open their lockers and didn't know what all that stuff was doing in their lockers!! HA!! HA!! HA!!:D

I need to think of A REALLY GOOD joke to play on Eric this year!!!:confused:

03-20-2003, 07:04 PM
The ones that spring to mind for the office (or perhaps at home too).

- we stuck sellotape under a lasermouse, over the red laser beam. The mouse doesn't work then

- we removed the mouse ball, and stuck paper inside the mouse, replaced the mouse ball, but when you try to use it - the ball doesn't move, but the mouse looks OK

- we disconnected one part of the telephone handset on the phone, so the cable LOOKS like it is connected. When the phone rings, you pick it up and the person on the other side can hear you, but you cannot hear anything

- we swopped the "a" and "s" keys, or the "H' and "J" keys on a keyboard. So when you type "handset" you get "jsndaet". Too funny that one!!! People have no idea.

- we used clear masking tape to stick a coffee cup down onto the desk. Surrounded the cup with paperwork, and when the person went to pick up their cup, nothing happened.

- change the phone ring on a cell phone. So when it rings, the person has no idea it is their phone ringing ......

- also, changed cell phone to "silent". (that is for those annoying people who always leave their phone on the desk to ring, and ring, and ring)