View Full Version : Still no Miss Kitty...

03-15-2003, 04:35 PM
Well, I think I am about ready to give up...how long has it been? It seems like forever :(
I put up posters and an ad in the paper...I went to the SPCA and have called them...
No one has seen her...I am about at my wits end :( I've gotten calls, but peolpe obviously can't read what I wrote...no, she is not orange, no she is not black, ahk! I'll go insane if they keep calling me with cats that are clearly not mine!!! grrr atleast they are nice people who have the decency to try and find the owner :)
but still ....:(
I think that's about all I can do for her now...what else is there? does anyone know? :confused: anything I can do?!

03-16-2003, 12:56 AM
My Milo went missing for over two weeks once. I suspect he got locked in someone's garage.

How long has it been for Miss Kitty?

Don't give up till you know for sure.

03-16-2003, 01:06 AM
I haven't really kept track, as I never see her very often in the first place, but I think the last time I saw her was when I went to take the dog across the street home...it was snowy that day, and besides last week, it hasn't snowed since January...so it's been that long..:(...After a while, I posted about her...I dunno what might have happened

03-16-2003, 06:08 AM
My childhood cat Missy ran away for over a month. It was also cold and snowy. I went all around the condo complex looking for her. And then one day I was playing in the house with a friend and decided to look out the window next to the door, and there she was!

03-16-2003, 07:22 AM
Don't give up yet (if you can...) . Our friends' cat Speedy disappeared for 2 months ; it was a tom-cat, and he choose to search for "willing" girls a bit farther away from home ..!
I home your Miss Kitty will be found soon!!